Agenda item


There will be an opportunity to participate in the Drug and Alcohol Action Team Consultation.


Sue Holden, Alcohol Strategy Manager provided a presentation on the Alcohol Harm Reduction Consultation for Leicester City.


Sue explained that the strategy had been running for three years and had been introduced when the Government had recognised the effects of alcohol harm and introduced a policy on this. Residents were informed that the policy was to reduce the harm with alcohol and understand what harms were associated with it.


Sue explained the picture for Leicester with regards to alcohol. It was noted that 75-80% of the Leicester population were classed as low risk or non drinkers and there was a higher rate of non drinkers than compared with the national average. It was noted however that there proportionately higher levels of binge drinking. With regards to the health impact, Leicester had significantly worse rates than the national average for alcohol specific mortality and chronic liver disease in men. It was estimated that the health costs in Leicestershire on this subject was £16million.


The Community Meeting was informed of the results of the Leicester lifestyle survey 2010 for adults aged 16 or over. It was noted that 27% drank above the daily recommended maximum units on a typical day when they were drinking alcohol and 25% drank within the recommended guidelines. Other results of the survey included that 53% of adults in Leicester drank alcohol.


Information was also provided on a ward by ward basis. It was noted that Fosse ranked quite low with regards to alcohol prevalence above the recommended maximum unit on a weekly and daily basis. Discussion also took place on community impact of alcohol for Leicester. It was stated that some people had a view that some aspects of Leicester had problems with rowdy behaviour associated with alcohol.


Sue explained some of the targets for the city. These included reducing hospital admission rates and reducing alcohol related violence. The Community Meeting was informed of the strategic objectives which were focused on.  These included:


  • Prevention
  • Community Safety
  • Treatment
  • Children and Young People


Progress on the strategic objectives was provided. This included:




·        A normative campaign had been piloted where it had been stated that it was normal not to drink.

·        There had been a targeted social marketing campaign and work had been done with people who drank too much.

·        There was also a rolling programme with regard to units of alcohol as the Government were concentrating on promoting alcohol intake by units.

·        There had been test purchase operations carried out in the city.

·        There had been funding provided for support to parents at risk.


Community Safety


·        It was noted that there was an issue with street drinking in the area on Conduit Street and the Train Station.

·        All agencies were working together for improved co-ordination of the night time economy.

·        There had been the introduction of the Alcohol Arrest Referral Scheme and the Fixed Penalty Diversion Scheme where people causing drink related problems were given a fixed penalty and were required to attend an information session on alcohol crime.




Action taken between 2008 and 2011 included:


·        Increased funding for treatment in Leicester and increased capacity for treatment in greater proportion to need in the city.

·        Training on screening and brief intervention for hazardous and harmful drinkers.


The Community Meeting was informed that there was currently an ongoing consultation on the strategy and there had been a stakeholder event held with a refresh of the strategy taking place in April.


Concern was raised with regard to the location of bars next to colleges and supermarkets selling alcohol. Sue stated that there were Street Pastors now working in the city centre who tended to look at issues such as from where alcohol drank originated from if there were problems.


In response to a query regarding treatment, Sue explained that the first point of call for someone seeking treatment was the advice centre located on New Walk. The Community Meeting was informed that people were often referred for treatment through their GP. Following this relevant help depending on levels of need for the person as given. In response to a further query regarding waiting times, Sue stated there was an issue around waiting times however there were other services offered by GPs such as counselling.