Agenda item


There will be an update by the Police on crime issues in the area.


Sergeant Rob Snart and PC Andy Goadby provided a policing update for the area.


Sergeant Snart reported that overall crime levels were down in Fosse along with anti social behaviour however this was common during the winter months. Residents were informed that there had been a problem with car crime and burglary in the area however there had been an operation to combat this and in the last few weeks this had reduced. Sergeant Snart also reported that there had been robberies on Rally Park however the Police were working closely with the Council’s Planning section and the local Tenants and Residents Association to tackle this. Residents were informed that the Police had opened an office in the Fosse Neighbourhood Centre. It was further stated that there were crime issues on Central Road and parking issues at Inglehurst School.


PC Goadby reported that there had been consultation carried out for Central Road which had resulted in some action points. These included:


  • Work had been done with a local landlord regarding a problem tenant however this tenant had now left.
  • A number of addresses were monitored by Police and the Council’s anti social behaviour team. It was noted that a number of individuals had received warnings from the Police.
  • The Police were looking to install a mosquito alarm outside a shop in the area as large groups of youths were congregating in the area. PC Goadby stated that the alarm would be closely monitored. He explained that the alarm worked by emitting a high frequency sound which would make people move on. Residents were informed that an extensive consultation had been carried out which had including leafleting houses in the area and consulting with residents. Following this, evidence had been submitted to the City Council who had decided to allow the alarm for a trial period. PC Goadby added that the alarm would be monitored when switched on and off and it would also be monitored as to how many young people were there when it was on and how many were there when it wasn’t.


Residents were informed that there had been an operation conducted with the City Warden looking at parking outside Inglehurst Primary School and Fosse Primary School. PC Goadby stated that both schools had since seen a decrease in parking since the operation. PC Goadby stated that there had been another vehicle operation conducted in the area where there had been a sweep of vehicles which had not been taxed.


PC Goadby informed residents that the Police were aiming to set up a Neighbourhood Watch group on Mantle Road and Empire Road. Residents in the area had been leafleted however the response had been poor. PC Goadby stated that the Police would be conducting a door knocking exercise to ask residents to sign up.


Residents were informed of a website where people were encouraged to register their high value products so that they could be traced if stolen. The website was


Concern was raised about the mosquito alarm being installed particularly regarding the legality of the device and stated that this would infringe the human rights of the young people therefore the device should be checked legally first. PC Goadby stated that the device was legal to use and had been supported by the previous Home Secretary and the current Policing Minister had stated that the decision to use the device was up to the individual Police force. He stated that the decision to use the device had not been taken lightly and questions had been asked by the Council when approval to use the device had been provided. Residents were informed that the device when installed would be closely managed and that the problem of youths congregating had been continuing for a considerable time. Concern was raised that the device when used in the Eyres Monsell ward had not been successful and young people had continued to congregate in the area where the device had been installed. Further concern was raised that young people not causing anti social behaviour would be affected. A local resident stated that the local residents association had supported the installation and that residents in the area should be considered first and foremost.


Further concern was raised regarding shoes hanging on telephone wires on the corner of Marshall Street and Central Road and that this indicated drugs were being used in the nearby property. It was also stated this occurred on the corner of Tudor Road.