Agenda item


Highways officers will be present at the meeting to discuss highways issues in the Thurncourt Ward, with particular reference to issues in the Colchester Road area.


The Ward Members advised the meeting that they had received a number of concerns and complaints about a range of highways issues in and around Colchester Road, including speeding traffic, parking on grass verges, the use of certain roads as “rat runs” and the maintenance of shrubs in the centre of the road.  It also was noted that a request had been made for speed warning signs, to supplement the speed cameras, as these cameras did not operate all of the time.


The Chair reminded the meeting that a petition had been submitted by residents asking that action be taken about certain trees, as when they were in leaf they reduced visibility on the road.  One solution could be to remove these trees.  They had been planted to reduce noise experienced by residents, but many properties were now double-glazed and so did not need this noise reduction as much as they originally had done. 


Mike Pears, (Team Leader – Highway Asset Management with Leicester City Council), advised that the shrubs at the junction of Colchester Road and Elmcroft Avenue had been inspected today and there had only been a small amount of growth so far this year.  The Police had not identified these shrubs as a problem, but they should be maintained at a level that provided maximum visibility.


In reply to questions, it was noted that:-


·            The City Council had been asked not to substantially alter the shrubs at the junction of Colchester Road and Elmcroft Avenue until the inquest in to the fatal accident there had been held.  In the meantime, they were being maintained;


·            Having a physical obstacle such as trees could, to some degree, slow down traffic turning at the junction, as it needed to reduce its speed to see if anything else was coming; and


·            Investigations would be done to see what courses of action could be taken to improve the junction, (for example, if it would be feasible to put in road markings).


Steve Warrington, (Transport Development Officer with Leicester City Council), advised the meeting that approval to install vehicle activated speed reminder signs depended on the number of accidents there had been at a given location, as these signs were a remedial measure.  However, the suggested site in Colchester Road could be added to the list, to see how it compared to others. 


Members of the public reported that the access road to Croyland Green was being damaged by refuse collection vehicles.  The lorry often had to drive on the grass verge to avoid parked cars, which had damaged both the verge and the pavement.  Mike Pears undertook to look in to this to see what, if any, action could be taken to rectify the situation.


Some concern was expressed that current budget restraints could lead to a reduction in staffing levels amongst highways officers and a consequent reduction in service.  Mike Pears emphasised that the Council’s focus would remain on retaining front line services, such as winter gritting or repairing potholes.  Safety would not be affected by the cuts.  However secondary services, such as roadside seats and street signs, could be affected and maintenance levels could reduce, (for example, with roads being patched rather than completely resurfaced).  Agency staff would no longer be used.


Steve Warrington reminded the meeting that a bid for funding for the installation of a give-way sign at the junction of Havencrest Drive and The Parkway had been endorsed by the Thurncourt Community Meeting.  White lines would be painted there the next time the crews were in that area.  The consultation period for the installation of yellow lines to restrict parking ended today and no objections had been received so far.  When the Director’s authority to proceed with these had been obtained, they would be advertised on site.  It was hoped they could be painted in July.


It was asked what progress had been made by the owner of the flats in Havencrest Drive in installing a dropped kerb, as this had been required as part of the planning consent for the development.  Mike Pears undertook to investigate this.


Severn Trent Water had been doing work on pipes in the area.  It was asked if the reinstatement of pavements was checked after they had finished their work, as Severn Trent appeared to be leaving some pavements in a bad state of repair.  Mike Pears asked that details of the locations affected be passed to him, so that the Traffic Operations team could look in to each case and report back to Ward Members.



Officer Identified


If applicable, a report to be made to the next meeting on what, if any, action could be taken to manage the foliage at the junction of Colchester Road and Elmcroft Avenue

Steve Warrington / Mike Pears

Next meeting if applicable, otherwise as soon as possible

The possibility of including Colchester Road in the list of sites for the installation of traffic activated speed warning signs be investigated

Steve Warrington / Mike Pears

Next meeting if applicable, otherwise as soon as possible

Consideration to be given to what, if any, action could be taken to rectify the damage being caused to the road and verge in Croyland Green

Mike Pears

As soon as possible

Progress made by the owner of the flats in Havencrest Drive in installing a dropped kerb to be investigated

Mike Pears

As soon as possible

Details of pavements not reinstated properly after works by Severn Trent to be passed to Mike Pears, Team Leader – Highway Asset Management


As soon as possible