Following the recent consultation exercise, the Interim Director of Cultural Services will provide a presentation on the ‘Development of a New Cultural Strategy’.
The Interim Director of Cultural Services was present to provide a presentation on the ‘Development of a New Cultural Strategy’.
Members were informed that the overall purpose of the project was to develop a new Cultural Strategy aligned to ‘One Leicester’, maximising the contribution Culture made to strategic priorities. It was explained that the key priorities for the Cultural Partnership Board included arts, creative industries, museums, galleries and archives, libraries, tourism, play, festivals and events, identity and sense of place and digital and new technology.
The Interim Director of Cultural Services explained to Members that the new Cultural Strategy aimed to set the direction of travel for the city council and partners for the next 6 years. It was expected that the strategy would be implemented by December 2011. Intended outcomes included the development of a shared vision and approach to culture and a more efficient use of resources for both the Council and its partners. A further outcome was to ensure that the cultural offer met local needs, was high quality and inclusive.
To date, progress with the strategy had included a review of the impact of the existing Cultural Strategy and action plan, the production and circulation of a final report, a review of the partnership arrangements for Culture and the establishment of a new Cultural Partnership Board and Culture Partnership Delivery Group.
In respect of consultation, it was explained that consultation on the development of the strategy would be undertaken at key stages in its development, and that one such key stage would be consulting with the new Elected Mayor. Members were informed that the consultation was scheduled to be undertaken throughout the Spring and Summer months, and it was possible that Ward Communities Meetings could be used as one particular outlet for conducting the process.
Members generally welcomed the establishment of a new Cultural Strategy for Leicester especially in light of the scale of the changes that had taken place since the last strategy was formed.
It was questioned how the strategy would relate to and how consultation would take place with those who lived on the outer estates of the city. In response, the Interim Director of Cultural Services explained that engagement from different communities was crucial, and that a balance of views was required in order to ensure that the consultation process was effective. It was also acknowledged that although it was advantageous for Leicester to have recently gained a number of iconic cultural facilities, the majority of culture took place at a ‘grass-roots’ level within communities.
Members heard that diversity issues featured prominently when compiling the previous strategy and that as a City, efforts had been made to ensure that Leicester’s cultural provision met the needs of the diverse population. Officers also stated that it was essential to work vigorously to remove any barriers in existence which prevented people participating in cultural activity. The consultation process was welcomed by members, and it was stated to officers that consultation should be extended to as many partners as possible, including those which do not necessary usually participate in such exercises. The Interim Director of Cultural Services stated that officers were open to suggestions around particular organisations to consult with directly. She also confirmed that the Council had developed the use of different methods of consultation over recent years, including social media.
(1) That the presentation on the ‘Development of a New Cultural Strategy’ be noted; and
(2) That a further briefing be provided to the Board upon the completion of each milestone within the Cultural Strategy.