Agenda item


To discuss issues of anti-social behaviour in Hamilton Street and of actions that can be taken to eliminate this problem.


(15 minutes)


A resident of Hamilton Street spoke on this item and stated that she had lived in the area for a number of years and welcomed the diversity of the area. However, Anti-Social Behaviour (ASB) was now becoming more prevalent in the area, particularly in Upper Tichborne, Skipworth and Hamilton Streets and generally in several other streets in the area. The ASB comprised vandalism generally, premises being broken into and business premises being damaged.


Discussion took place around which was the most appropriate agency to tackle the issues highlighted. It was stated that the police would be the most appropriate in the first instance although it was stated that a lot of residents were frightened to report the perpetrators although it was stated that this could be done in confidence.


A member of the public stated that as well as ASB issues litter was an area of concern across the whole area. The City Warden present stated that efforts were being made to clear litter regularly and the Wardens were liaising with residents to address the issues.


A member of the public stated that she had recently had to have a CCTV system installed outside her business premises in an effort to identify the people responsible for depositing much of the litter, only 3 people had been prosecuted in a 11 month period for litter offences.


A member of the public stated that in his opinion litter was a relatively minor issue compared to violence and intimidation by youths that some residents were experiencing. Another resident stated that it was clear from regular meetings of the Evington Road Residents association that youths lacked access to facilities in the area to keep them off the streets.


A member of the public stated that drugs were readily available locally and it was not a case of youths not having anything to do but rather it was about the organised drugs trade in the City. The big dealers did not live locally but came to the area and paid local youths to undertake the distribution. It was stated that this was unfortunate but for those youths from disaffected households it was easier to become involved in such activities rather than find something else.


A member of the public stated that a number of people had attended this meeting to find out what the newly elected Councillors for Stoneygate Ward were going to do about the problems identified here at the meeting and during the Election campaign period.


Members stated that the police would be contacted to respond to the many concerns raised around ASB and youths, as it was clearly within their remit. The City Wardens were aware of the litter problems and were in the process of addressing these problems. The aim was to alleviate resident’s fears and try and tackle the problems raised.


In concluding the Chair stated that should local residents have any concerns then the local Ward Councillors should be contacted. There was a lot of work to be done but, by working together along with partner agencies, it was anticipated that the issues identified could be addressed.



                        that the various concerns be actioned as indicated.