Agenda item


Officers will be at the meeting to discuss:-


a)      the programme of works proposed under the Capital Receipts Initiative;


b)      the methods of payment available following the closure of local rent offices; and


c)      disorder experienced in the vicinity of older persons’ bungalows on Thurnby Lodge estate; and


d)      any other housing issues of concern to residents.


a)    Programme of Works Proposed under the Capital Receipts Initiative


Andy East, (Team Leader – District Management), introduced himself to the meeting, explaining that he was representing Chrissie Field (Area Manager for Humberstone and Rowlatts Hill) and Marlene Blake (Housing Management Team Leader for Thurncourt), were both unable to attend the meeting. 


Andy East explained that capital receipts, received from sources such as sales of Council housing, were being made available for investment in environmental improvements on Council housing estates.  Various proposals for improvements in the Thurncourt Ward had been drawn up and these were tabled at the meeting for information.  A copy of these proposals is attached at the end of these minutes for information.  Comments on the proposals would be referred back to the Area Manager for Humberstone and Rowlatts Hill. 


Andy East also explained that usual procedure was to consult residents on proposals under this initiative.  If any were not supported by residents, they would not proceed.  Some concern was expressed that Ward Councillors and other agencies, such as the Police, had not been consulted on these proposals.  It therefore was agreed that these consultations would be carried out and the schemes progressed if agreed.


Comments were made on these suggestions, as follows:-


·           Bench to be placed near Willowbrook View especially for elderly to rest when coming to Thurncourt Road shops


This would be welcomed, as there was a steep slope that some people needed to come up to reach the shops.  It would be useful if two benches could be installed, one at the top of the slope and one half way down.


It was suggested that it could be more useful to place the bench near The Co-Operative shop.  However, problems with anti-social behaviour by young people gathering near the warm air fans at that shop already had been experienced and placing a bench there could encourage this.  An alternative could be to place the bench further down.  This would place it nearer the front of the shop, which was overlooked by CCTV cameras.


·           Approx. 47m knee rail fencing – Roborough Green


It could be better to create a hard standing area on the green, which people could use to park on, as there could be objections to fencing off the area suggested.


It was suggested that, as a lot of owner-occupiers lived in properties in Roborough Green, they should be asked to contribute to the cost of the work.



Officer Identified


Consultation to be carried out on the programme of works proposed under the Capital Receipts Initiative

Chrissie Field

As soon as possible

Following consultation, schemes to be progressed as proposed if no objections are received

Chrissie Field

As soon as possible


b)    Methods of Payment Available


It was noted that, since 3 June 2011, all cash offices in the City Council’s housing offices had been closed.  The cash office at New Walk Centre also had been closed since then.  Publicity about this, including alternative ways to pay, had been circulated widely.  


c)    Disorder in the Vicinity of Older Persons’ Bungalows, Thurnby Lodge Estate


Concern had been raised by the Ward Members that disorder was being experienced in the vicinity of these bungalows.  The Police advised that this did not match their perceptions, so it was agreed that feedback on the experiences would be sought and a report made to the next meeting if needed.



Officer Identified


Feedback on experiences of disorder  in the vicinity of older persons’ bungalows on Thurnby Lodge estate to be sought

Chrissie Field

As soon as possible

If evidence of disorder in the vicinity of older persons’ bungalows on Thurnby Lodge estate is found, a report on this to be made to the next meeting

Sergeant Danny Graham

Next meeting


Supporting documents: