Agenda item


Councillors are reminded that they will need to declare any interest they may have in budget applications, and/or indicate that Section 106 of the Local Government Finance Act 1992 applies to them.


Officers will report at the meeting on the Budget Applications received since the last meeting, summarised as follows: -


1)         Provision of disabled toilet facilities                             £1200

            And refurbishment of male toilets

An application from Laburnam Community Church to part fund the provision of disabled toilet facilities at this venue, and the refurbishment of the male toilets to enable the Community Café to function properly.


2)         Back to Netball                                                                   £745

An application from Leicester–shire County Netball to part fund a weekly Back to Back Netball session for women (16+) to get back into Netball in Humberstone and Hamilton. The pilot will be run in partnership with the NGB Officer for Netball, Physical Activity Officer for Leicester City Council and the Community development Worker at Surestart.


3)         Line Marking for New Sports Hall                                  £2500

An application from Humberstone Junior School to mark the newly provided sports hall with line markings for basketball/5 a – side football/badminton for use by pupils and enable the hall to be opened up for wider community use after school.




Peter Cozens presented the community meeting budget. Peter stated that there was currently £15,000 in the budget, although it was possible that a sum of Community Cohesion Fund funding could be added later in the year.


Peter then introduced the following applications: -


1)         Laburnum Road Community Church                                       £1,200           

An application to part fund the refurbishment of the disabled and the gents toilets at this venue, the cost of refurbishing the ladies toiletswere to be met by the Church.


The Church holds a Community Café on Saturday mornings open to all local residents and is due to be publicised more widely. The refurbished toilets are required to enable the Community Café to function properly.



                        that the application be supported in full (£1,200).


2)         Leicester- shire County Netball                                                  £745

An application from Leicester-shire County Netball to part fund a weekly back to back Netball session for women (16+) to get back into Netball in Humberstone and Hamilton. The pilot will be run at a local venue in partnership with the NGB Officer for Netball, Physical Activity Officer for Leicester City Council and the Community Development Worker at Surestart.



                        that the application be supported in full (£745).


3)         Humberstone Junior School                                                      £2,500

An application from Humberstone Junior School to enable the newly completed Sports Hall to be provided with line-markings for Basketball/5-a-side Football/Badminton. The Hall would then be used by pupils at the school but also allow it to be opened up for wider community use after school.



                        that the application be supported in full (£2,500).


4)         The Emerald Centre                                                                      £500

An application from The Emerald Centre to part fund a Young Parents Fun Day at the Centre on 26th July 2011, targeted at young parents (15 -25yrs) in Northfields, Netherhall, Humberstone and Hamilton.



                        that the application be supported in full (£500).



5)         Hamilton Residents Association

Peter reported that, at the last meeting held on 19th January 2011, an application for £3771.09 had been received from Hamilton Residents Association for set up costs and to hold a Family Fun Day. The Community Meeting gave approval to grant £2,274.16 towards the cost of the Family Fun Day but did not support the set up costs.


Peter stated that he had offered to speak further with the applicant after the meeting and had also suggested that the funding bid might be re-submitted, or a new funding application be submitted to the Joint Action Group.


Peter stated that following the previous meeting he had ascertained that 2 other Community Meetings had funded Tenants and Residents Associations, but not just Residents Associations. It had therefore been agreed that this part of the previously submitted application would be brought back to consider whether the remaining £1,496.93 should be granted.


Members were of the view that Hamilton Residents Association gave the impression that it was open only to residents, not tenants of housing associations, and on this basis appeared to exclude part of the Hamilton community and therefore funding could not be given. A member of the public, who was a member of the Hamilton Residents Association stated that tenants who were living in housing association properties, or those owned by private landlords, on Hamilton estate were welcome at the Residents Association meetings.


In concluding, the Chair stated that the matter would be put on hold pending the setting up of a private meeting at the Town Hall between the 3 Ward Councillors and representatives of the Hamilton Residents Association to allow Councillors to gain assurances that the Residents Association was in fact open to all residents and tenants on Hamilton estate.



                        that the action outlined above be agreed.