Agenda item


To discuss the ongoing issues around the 58/58A Bus Service serving Columbine Road, and of the outcome of recent discussions held between Arriva (Midlands), the City Council and Ward Councillors on a possible way forward.


Councillor Patel informed the meeting that an informal meeting had been held at the Town Hall on Wednesday, between the Ward Councillors, the two lead petitioners, officers and a representative of Arriva (Midlands). The purpose of the meeting had been to try and reach a meeting of minds.


As a result of the petition and the exhaustive campaign opposing the routing of the 58/58A Bus Service along Columbine Road Arriva had chosen to lodge notice with the Traffic Commissioners to remove the 58/58A Service from Columbine Road with effect from 18th July and move the timing point for the service to Sandhills Avenue. A petition calling for the retention of the 58/58A Bus Service along Columbine Road had also been received.


Arriva however had stated that, should public opinion prove otherwise, be prepared to re-instate the service along Columbine Road, with the timing point remaining on Sandhills Avenue.


It was stated that the City Council had no powers to decide whether the route was retained as at present, or withdrawn, as it was a commercial service not subsidised by the City Council. The Council wanted to make sure that residents got what they wanted and feedback from this meeting would be provided to Arriva. If the service was to be re-instated then this might not be seamless.


The two lead petitioners were invited to speak.


Mr Jakhura, opposing the retention of the bus service, referred to the petition he had collected with 96 signatures and this had been presented to Council in January 2011. The petitioners had opposed the bus service on the grounds of noise, vibration, health issues and damage to residents cars. The nearest bus stop in Sandhills Avenue was close by.


Mr Vyaz, in favour of retaining the bus service, referred to his petition of 180 signatures that had been presented to the City Council.


At this point three members of the public in favour of keeping the service and three members of the public opposing the retention of the service were allowed to speak: -


            For the Service to be retained: -

·         Lived in area for number of years and, with friends, used the service regularly

·         Changed mind since signing original petition to remove the service as have since retired and used the bus frequently

·         People with disabilities would take up to 20 minutes to reach Sandhills Avenue.


Opposing the retention of the Service

·         Live near the existing bus stop but have no difficulties in walking to Sandhills Avenue

·         Recently one bus for 40 minutes at stop with engine running. 17 buses counted recently with no passengers on.

·         Before Arriva consider re-instating bus service they should speak to people who signed  the original petition to assess their views. The distance to/from Sandhills Avenue was not too far away from Columbine Road.


Officers stated that Arriva had no strong view either way. As things stood the service would cease to use Columbine Road w/e from 18th July. Should the community decide to keep the service the Arriva would apply to the Traffic Commissioners to re-instate it, with the timing point located on Sandhills Avenue.


The Chair stated that Ward Councillors would take the views expressed at this meeting and of as many tenants and residents as possible. The officers would then be informed of the outcome and Arriva informed. Feedback would be provided at the next Community Meeting.


A member of the public questioned whether Columbine Road could be re-opened again. The Chair responded by stating that should sufficient responses be received then a review could be undertaken to ascertain whether a re-opening of Columbine Road was feasible..


It was agreed that this issue would be put on the Agenda for the next meeting.