Agenda item


Councillors are reminded that they will need to declare any interest they may have in budget applications, and/or indicate that Section 106 of the Local Government Finance Act 1992 applies to them.


a)      The Members Support Officer will give an update on the latest position with the Community Meeting budget.  A copy of the Spinney Hills Ward Meeting Budget is attached for information.


b)      The following applications for grants are submitted for consideration:-


Application 1          


Applicant:       Taylor Road Basketball Development CIC


Amount:          £1,200


Proposal:       Taylor Road Year 6 Development Day


Summary:       The application is to provide an outing to a professional basketball game, with an opportunity to interact with professional sports people.


                        We identify a need for this sort of programme due to the fact that a development day for year 6 children and their families is an opportunity that they could not otherwise afford.  We want the programme to give a lift to people in the most deprived areas of the city.


                        A Leicester Tigers Development Day begins with the children and their family members being collected and transported to the home of the Leicester Riders.  When they arrive they will be introduced to the game through a 90 minute fun basketball camp in which they will have an opportunity to learn the fundamentals of the game.


                        After the camp they will be given a healthy meal and settle down to watch a Leicester Riders game and see role models in action.  Once the game is over there will an opportunity for the children to speak to the players and get autographs.  Everyone will then be transported home. 


Application 2          


Applicant:       Leicester United Sports and Culture


Amount:          £500


Proposal:       Super Cup Tournament


Summary:       This year we are staging an event in Leicester which will cater for ten teams across the City and the outer estates. 


                        It is anticipated that 160 young people will participate in the tournament, which will be held between 26-28 April 2011.  It aims to bring young people from across Leicester together.  The event is expected to attract no less than 2500 Leicester residents including family and friends of participants. 


                        We expect that new friendships among the young people will ensue, leading to less gang related crime of post code wars.  We hope to bring peace to the streets and a healthy growing up environment for all young people in Leicester. 


Application 3          


Applicant:       Community Football Association


Amount:          £945


Proposal:       Community Football


Summary:       We are proposing to have an Open Evening/Awards Ceremony on Saturday 14th May at Judgemeadow Community College.  Our audience will be made up of children between the ages of 5-18 years of age, parents, adults and various organisations within the diverse local communities of Leicester within the inner city areas.  The aim of the event is promotion and awareness of our organisation and its activities which engages community cohesion through sport which is enjoyed by all.  It will give us an opportunity to reflect on the past year and hopefully attract newcomers and volunteers as well as giving us a chance to thank existing members, volunteers and partnership activities whom we have worked in partnership with and built fantastic relationships over the years. 


Application 4          


Applicant:       Love Hoops Foundation


Amount:          £600


Proposal:       Active Women Basketball


Summary:       We are part of the StreetGames consortium that successfully bid to Spotr England for funding from their Active Women programme that targets disadvantaged young women.


The project offers free coaching and playing opportunities to over 360 young women in Leicester and gives the opportunity to take coaching and refereeing qualifications aiming to establish six new basketball clubs in Leicester.


We project hopes to overcome a number of barriers including access to sports facilities for young women and will hope to address young women’s perceptions for Sport. 


The project targets to put 12 level 1 coaches and 6 level 3 coaches through the programme.


Application 5          


Applicant:       Kidmah Organisation


Amount:          £4950


Proposal:       One Community – One Leicester


Summary:       This application is for community based arts, leisure , sports and social activity days.


We will hold two events in June 2011 at Crown Hills College and one specifically targeting women and children and the other targeting men and children .  Volunteers on the day will number over 350 and will represent the diverse communities of Leicester.


The events will consist of four zones (Culture, Sports, information and Family).


The organisation feels that the events will bring different communities together, and will help to build bridges and promote a better understanding and respect for each other at the same time allowing the community to have an enjoyable day. 


The success of the events will be determined by attendance and by carrying out face-to-face evaluations with members of the public as well as a post event evaluation through our website and partnership organisations. 


Application 6          


Applicant:       St Matthews Community Solutions Centre


Amount:          £1000


Proposal:       Volunteering Project


Summary:       We are establishing a new volunteering project for residents of the area and homeless people across the City. We have managed to find enough money to employ a coordinator part time to develop and organise the project .What we are short of is tools, equipment and plants.


The idea of the scheme is to renovate the courtyards and public areas in St Matthews and Highfields.This will be done by recruiting volunteers, offering them a wide variety of training and life based skills (paid by the MAC who along with housing and the Dawn centre are one of our key partners).


People who will benefit will be almost exclusively unemployed and very often homeless. We know they will benefit by the number of qualifications volunteers gain, the improved appearance of the courtyards and public areas as well improved community cohesion(gained as many people from different backgrounds will work collaboratively together)


The project plans to become a social enterprise, trading so that the project is sustainable.


Application 7          


Applicant:       Leicestershire Netball


Amount:          £745


Proposal:       Back to Netball


Summary:       Working in partnership with various organisations, we want to pilot a ten week course for women to get back into Netball at a local venue near them.  We want to target mums at the SureStart group and also open these sessions up to the local community to attend.  The sessions link in with the council’s 3x30 pledge campaign.


The money will go towards a venue and a Netball Coach to deliver the sessions.  Free child-care will also be offered for parents with young children.


An introductory offer for the first 10 weeks will be £1 per person.  The charge will then increase to £2 if the sessions have been successful.


Application 8          


Applicant:       Grove Road Residents (Safer Leicester Partnership)


Amount:          £2575


Proposal:       Grove Road Alleygates and Fencing proposals


Summary:       This application is for wrought iron gates and fencing to curb problems of anti-social behaviour at the alleyway on Grove Road.


Application 9          


Applicant:       Mr Andrew Roberts – Sequence Carnival Troop


Amount:          £2,000


Proposal:       Caribbean Carnival 2011


Summary:       The carnival is celebrated annually to coincide with the Emancipation of Slavery, and is a celebration of freedom for all ages, gender, religions and race groups.  The Troop bring different communities together to build positive relationships.  The Carnival usually attracts 60,000 spectators and businesses.


                        This year we are looking to raise the performance, costumes and participation.


                        Sequence Carnival Troop has been running for five years now and in that time we have attended 35 carnivals across the country. 


                        The application is for materials for making costumes.


Application 10        


Applicant:       Highfields Community Association


Amount:          £6,000


Proposal:       Caribbean Carnival 2011



Summary:  please see overleaf.



The Chair explained that 12 funding applications were to be considered. There was a total of £15,000 in the budget for the current year and therefore the Councillors had discussed how best they could support each funding application prior to the meeting.  The following funding applications were presented:


Taylor Road Year 6 Development Day


Submitted by:  Taylor Road Basketball Development CIC


Amount Requested: £1,200


This application was for Year 6 pupils at Taylor Road School to attend a development day at Leicester Riders Basketball Club.  Recipients would be provided with an outing to a professional basketball game, with an opportunity to interact with professional sports people. 



                        that the funding application be rejected.



Super Cup Tournament


Submitted by: Leicester United Sports and Culture


Amount Requested: £500


This application was for an event in Leicester which catered for ten teams across the City and the outer estates. 


It was noted that this event had a city-wide impact and took place in April 2011. 



                        That the funding application be rejected.



Community Football


Submitted by: Community Football Academy


Amount Requested: £945


It was noted that this application was for an open evening/awards ceremony on Saturday 14th May at Judgemeadow Community College.



                        that the application be rejected.   


Active Women Basketball


Submitted by: Love Hoops Foundation


Amount Requested: £600


It was noted that the applicant had sought funding from a number of other wards.  The application was to offer free coaching and basketball playing opportunities to young women in Leicester.



                        That the application be rejected.  



One Community – One Leicester


Submitted by: Kidmah Organisation


Amount Requested: £4,950


This application was for community based arts, leisure, sports and social activity days, similar to events that have taken past previously at Crown Hills College.



                        That a sum of £1,000 be supported towards this application, on                    the condition that further background information relating to the                   project be provided.



Volunteering Project


Submitted by: St Matthews Community Solution Centre


Amount Requested: £1,000


It was noted that the organisation was establishing a new volunteering project for residents of the area and for homeless people across the City.  A coordinator for the project had already been employed by the organisation.  The money sought would help to provide tools, equipment and plants.



                        that a sum of £750 be supported towards this application, on the                 condition that further background information relating to the                          project be provided.



Back to Netball


Submitted by: Leicestershire Netball


Amount Requested: £745


This application was to pilot a ten-week course for women to get back into Netball at a local venue near them.  The money sought would help to pay for venue costs and the provision of a netball coach. 


It was noted that this event had a city-wide impact.



                        That the application be rejected. 



Grove Road Alleygates and Fencing Proposals


Submitted by: Grove Road Residents (Leicester Safer Partnership)


Amount Requested: £2,575


This application was for wrought iron gates and fencing to curb problems of anti-social behaviour at the Alleyway on Grove Road.


Members explained that they were willing to pledge £1,000 towards the application on the condition that funding is forthcoming from other sources including the Police, Community Safety and Foundation Housing Association. 



                        That a sum of £1,000 be supported on the condition that the                                     remaining funding is supplied from other key stakeholders.


The following applications were received late and the Members therefore agreed to defer consideration of these:


Caribbean Carnival Event


Submitted by: Sequence Carnival Group


Amount Requested: £6,000



                        That the application be deferred.



Highfields Festival Event


Submitted by: Highfields Community Association


Amount Requested: £2,000




                        That the application be deferred.



Life Skills Training


Submitted by: The Stoneham Project


Amount Requested: £539



                        That the application be deferred.



Play-scheme in the Park


Submitted by: Build Community Development


Amount Requested: £500



                        That the application be deferred.


Supporting documents: