Agenda item


Councillors are reminded that they will need to declare any interest they may have in budget applications, and/or indicate that Section 106 of the Local Government Finance Act 1992 applies to them.



The following budget applications will be considered:-


Application 1


Applicant:       Leicester City Ladies / Leicester City Colts Football Club


Amount:          £1,250 (joint bid, also going to Abbey Ward)


Proposal:       To provide more coaches and training equipment to extend the club objective to more young people.


Summary:       The funding would be used towards the hire of playing fields at Beaumont Leys, the purchasing of football equipment, kits, hire of coaches / referees, club administration and end of year awards.


Application 2


Applicant:       Cornerstone PCC (Church of England) with Churches together in North West Leicester.


Amount:          £500


Proposal:       To hold a community picnic in the grounds of Alderman Richard Hallam School, Avebury Avenue.


Summary:       Funding has been obtained from the Diocese of Leicester. Fosse Ward is being asked for £1,000 as the event is held in that ward and is within 1 mile of most of the ward population.


Abbey Ward is being asked for £500 as about half its population is within one mile of the event and St Patrick’s and St Luke’s churches are involved.


Beaumont Leys Ward is being asked for £500 as its population inside the ring road is within 1 mile of the event and Christ the King church is involved.


The event aims to build on the events held over the previous four years, and to reintroduce major attractions to encourage the 11 to 15 years old to return. The event is free. No charge will be made for those who attend except for refreshments. Funding will be put towards the hire of a marquee, additional publicity, archery attraction, remote control cars, inflatable slide, inflatable gladiator and laser clay pigeon shooting.


Application 3


Applicant:       Soft Touch Arts


Amount:          £830


Proposal:       To design and paint a mural in the Home Farm / Strasbourg Drive underpass.


Summary:       The project will take place for one week during July of August 2011, and will involve 60 young people aged 13-19 in the designing and painting of a mural. Experienced arts workers will support the young people to create the design and to execute it using a variety of painting techniques. Young people will be recruited via publicity and outreach, Facebook and referrals by organisations working with young people in Beaumont Leys. The project will target young people who are difficult to engage in more traditional out of school activities and who may be engaging in anti-social behaviour.


Funding would go towards staffing and overhead costs, transport, materials and certificates.


Application 4


Applicant:       Val Kindred (Leicestershire County Netball)


Amount:          £745


Proposal:       To pilot a 10 week course for women (16+) to get back into Netball at a local venue near to them.


Summary:       In partnership with NGB Officer for Netball, Physical Activity Officer for Leicester City Council, and the Community Development Worker at Surestart, the project will target mums at the Surestart group and also open those sessions up to the local community to attend. The project would also link with the City Council’s 3x30 Pledge Campaign – a commitment to do three 30 minutes workouts per week for rewards. The Back to Netball session can be counted as one of the three 30 minute sessions. There would be an introductory offer for the first lesson of £1 per person, but it would cost £2 per person thereafter.


The funding would be put towards venue hire, netball coaches, the design and printing of promotional material, free child care for attendees during sessions, and equipment for pilot lessons.


Application 5


Applicant:       UR Choice Young Peoples Project


Amount:          Equipment including storage cabinet, coffee making machine, toaster, toasted sandwich maker and table clothes. £400


Sign and banner £200


Cutlery crockery glasses mugs pots and pans £300


Training crbs volunteer expenses £600


Sessional support worker £2400


Food and cleaning products (condiments etc to get started) £300


Contribution to net, phone, copier, insurance £450


Rent 6 months £840


Total= £5490


Proposal:       Youth and Community Café at Home Farm


Summary:       The Youth Group would like to open a community café which will be open to the general public. This will be run with support from youth workers and will be open in the evenings and at weekends for young people to drop in. There will be opportunities for young people to obtain food hygiene certificates and other work experience and personal development.


This will also provide local young people with somewhere to go, to receive support and advice along with opportunities for getting involved in developing their own ideas for projects within the area and some real experience of the world of work.


It will be open initially for two sessions a week, one for community and one for young people. Once it is up and running and young people have gained their food hygiene certificates, it is intended to open the café more days in the week. The café will be advertised throughout the community with flyers, local partners and local media.


The funding will be used to cover kitchen improvements and equipment, training, advertising and provisions.


Application 6


Applicant:       Food Parcel Scheme Partnership / Carlym Sandringham


Amount:          £250


Proposal:       Food Parcel Scheme


Summary:       This is a partnership project to help people in emergency situations by supplying them & any children with food and basic personal hygiene items. This scheme will run in parallel with the Local Domestic Violence Committee.


Application 7


Applicant:       Ms. Haj Kaur


Amount:          £500


Proposal:       Fireworks event


Summary:       A contribution is sought towards the Mowmacre Bonfire and Fireworks Event. This is an opportunity for young people from across the area to become actively engaged in a local community event – to break down territorial / neighbourhood boundaries and barriers which deny young people the opportunity to actively engaged in the development of Communities in which they live.


This is part of a range of initiatives to raise young people’s awareness of the dangers associated with bonfires and fireworks.


Young people will be involved in the organisation of the event from the very beginning, as part of a structured education programme. They will undertake the planning, organising, publicising, and delivery of the event. This would include baking cakes for sale, making jewellery / crafts for sale, designing graphics for the publicity and liaison with the professionals who would deliver the fireworks display.


Approved under fast-track process:


1.      Heathley Park Residents Association


Amount:                £380


Proposal:             Funding towards Heathley Park 7th Annual Gathering


Funding was used for entertainment, food, soft drinks and disposables, publicity for 300 A4 posters and funding towards tombola prizes.


2.      Beaumont Ward Vehicle Crime Prevention Initiative


Amount:                £490


Proposal:             Funding towards a crime prevention initiative to raise awareness of thefts from / of motor vehicles.


Crime prevention packs were distributed in order to educate residents regarding this type of theft. The packs will include vehicle crime prevention leaflets, ultra violet pens to mark equipment such as Sat Nav’s and CD players, ‘No Valuables’ vehicle window sticker and air freshener to remind vehicle owners to remove items from show and to alert criminals that no valuables have been left in the vehicle, and a Sat Nav cleaning tag to remove the sucker mark that Sat Nav’s can leave behind on vehicle windows.


Any remaining packs would be issued out to other parts of the Beaumont Ward. A full report detailing the initiative success will be completed after the event and relayed to the Councillors.


Jerry Connolly, (Members Support Officer), advised that £15,000 was available in the Ward Community Fund for 2011/12.  He explained that, when applications were received at Community Meetings, the views of those present were taken in to account by the Ward members, who then made a recommendation on whether the application should be approved, (either as submitted or in part).  After the meeting, all recommendations were passed to the relevant Assistant City Mayor for formal approval.


The Ward Members reminded the meeting that, when considering applications for funding, they considered whether the priorities identified in the Beaumont Leys Ward Action Plan were addressed.  The main priority in the current Plan was to engage young people, but others included improving health outcomes for people in the City and helping those living in poverty.  In addition, all applications were looked at in terms of how they related to the Ward’s boundaries.


In response to questions, it was suggested that a profile of the Ward could be made available.


The following applications for grants were then considered.


Application 1 –   Leicester City Ladies / Leicester City Colts Football Club


An application had been received for £1,250 to provide more coaches and training equipment, through which to extend ladies’ football to more young people.  An application for this amount also had been made to Abbey Community Meeting, which had been supported in full.


Representatives from the Club were present at the meeting and explained that it also was hoped to improve standards of coaching for women going in to refereeing.  These were the only programmes of this nature in the City.



that a grant of £1,250 be approved to Leicester City Ladies / Leicester City Colts Football Club for the provision of ladies football coaching and training equipment.


Application 2 –   Cornerstone PCC (Church of England) with Churches Together in North West Leicester


An application had been received for £500 to hold a community picnic in the grounds of Alderman Richard Hallam School.  The meeting noted that Fosse Community Meeting had approved a grant of £500 towards this picnic and Abbey Community Meeting had approved a grant of £250.


A representative of the applicants was present at the meeting and explained that the last few picnics had failed to attract young people.  It therefore was hoped that this could be reversed by having suitable attractions.  A giant Wii had been booked and it was hoped that funding could be approved by this meeting that would enable laser clay shooting to be booked.  Other groups and agencies also would be approached for support for this event.



that a grant of £250 be approved to Cornerstone PCC (Church of England) with Churches Together in North West Leicester towards the cost of holding a community picnic in the grounds of Alderman Richard Hallam School, Avebury Avenue.


Application 3 – Soft Touch Arts


An application had been received for £830 for the design and painting of a mural in the Home Farm / Strasbourg Drive underpass by local young people.  The full cost of the project was £2,080.


A representative from Soft Touch Arts explained that this had been suggested by the young people themselves.  There was some concern amongst those present that this would not be the best location at which to show the young people’s work and suggested that painting a mural on empty shop units would give their work a wider audience.  However, it was recognised that to relocate this project would take ownership of it away from the young people. 



that a grant of £830 be approved to Soft Touch Arts towards the cost of designing and painting a mural in the Home Farm / Strasbourg Drive underpass.



                   that, if similar applications are received in the future, consideration be given to the best location before it is formally submitted to the Community Meeting.


Application 4 – Val Kindred (Leicestershire County Netball)


An application had been received for £745 to support a 10 week course to encourage women aged 16+ back in to netball.



that a grant of £745 be approved to Val Kindred (Leicestershire County Netball) to support a 10 week course to encourage women aged 16+ back in to netball.


Application 5 – UR Choice Young Peoples Project


An application had been received for £5,490 for the purchase of various items to help establish a Youth and Community Café at Home Farm.


A representative of UR Choice explained that this had been proposed as a way in which people could interact and be signposted to services available in the area.  It also was hoped that workshops could be provided on issues of concern.


Young people with additional support needs would be trained to work in the café, which would improve their access to the workplace, as well as being able to participate in community activity or social engagement.


Ward Members expressed support for the principle of the project, but questioned whether some of the items for which grant assistance had been requested should be provided by the City Council through the provision of the Home Farm building.  Local businesses also could be asked to support this project.



1)    that a grant of up to £5,490 to UR Choice Young People’s Project towards the purchase of various items to help establish a Youth and Community Café at Home Farm be supported in principle, the final amount awarded to be recommended by the Beaumont Leys Ward Councillors following consultation with the Head of Community Services on how each element of the project can be funded;


2)    that the Members Services Officer and Head of Community Services be asked to liaise with the Beaumont Leys Tesco store, to see if it can provide any assistance with this project; and


3)    that a report on the final amount awarded to this project be made to the next meeting.


Application 6 – Food Parcel Scheme Partnership / Carlym Sandringham


An application had been received for £250 towards a food parcel scheme to help people in emergency situations, by supplying them and any children with food and basic personal hygiene items.


Carlym Sandringham advised the meeting that, as the effects of the national economic crisis became more obvious, more people needed help from the food parcel scheme.  Several agencies were involved in the scheme, which had relied on donations to operate, but people were less able to make donations.



                                    that a grant of £300 be approved to the Food Parcel Scheme Partnership towards a food parcel scheme to help people in emergency situations.


Application 7 –   Ms Haj Kaur


The meeting noted that some of the details included in the agenda about this application were incorrect.  The application was for a grant of £250 towards the Mowmacre Bonfire and Fireworks event, (not £500 as reported in the agenda).


In support of the application, Carlym Sandringham advised that, although the event was based in the Mowmacre area, a lot of people from Beaumont Leys Ward attended. 


Work was being undertaken in conjunction with various agencies to address on-going problems with anti-social behaviour and “postcode wars” between young people in the Beaumont Leys and Mowmacre areas.  This included the dangers of fireworks and fire setting.  However, although the Ward Members recognised the importance of breaking down territorial barriers, they felt that working with young people on issues such as the misuse of fireworks was part of the core business of the agencies concerned.



                                    that a grant of £100 be approved to Ms Haj Kaur towards the Mowmacre Bonfire and Firework Event.


Application 8 –   Beaumont Lodge Neighbourhood Association and Local Residents, assisted by Leicester City Council’s Parks Service


Since the agenda had been circulated, an application had been received for £250 from Beaumont Lodge Neighbourhood Association and local residents, (assisted by Leicester City Council’s Parks Service), towards environmental improvements to Beaumont / Astill Lodge grounds.


Ward Members expressed concern that the proposed replacement plants also could perish in bad weather and suggested that local businesses could be asked to contribute to the improvement works, as they would benefit from improvements to the area.



                                    that a grant of £250 be approved to the Beaumont Lodge Neighbourhood Association and local residents towards environmental improvements to the grounds of Beaumont / Astill Lodge.



Officer Identified


A profile of the Ward to be made available for the next Beaumont Leys Community Meeting and on the Council’s website

Jerry Connolly

Next meeting

If applications similar to that submitted to this meeting by Soft Touch Arts are received in the future, work to be undertaken before its formal submission to the Community Meeting to ensure that the best location is being used to showcase the work proposed

Jerry Connolly

As needed

Further consideration to be given to the application from UR Choice Young People’s Project towards establishing a Youth and Community Café at Home Farm and am amount allocated, up to a maximum of £5,490

Ward Councillors / Jerry Connolly / Steve Goddard

Next meeting

Council officers to liaise with the Beaumont Leys Tesco store, to see if it can provide any assistance with establishing a Youth and Community Café at Home Farm

Jerry Connolly / Steve Goddard

Next meeting

The amount of grant awarded to the UR Choice Young People’s Project towards establishing a Youth and Community Café at Home Farm be reported to the next Beaumont Leys Community Meeting.

Jerry Connolly / Matthew Reeves

Next meeting