Agenda item


An update will be given on recent Police developments and successes.


Sergeant Rich Jackson gave an update on policing issues, highlighting the following points:-


·           The Police used Problem Solving Profiles to address issues in neighbourhoods.  One of those being used in Beaumont Leys was to address anti-social behaviour.  Since the last Community Meeting a lot of work had been done on this, in conjunction with other agencies, which had led to a reduction in the number of reports of anti-social behaviour being made over the last few months;


·           Resources had been diverted to address criminal damage being done at English Martyrs Catholic School and Gorse Hill City Farm;


·           On 1 June 2011 a Police satellite office had opened at Glenfield Hospital.  Work done there included searching for patients that went missing, vehicle crime, or dealing with reports of stolen bicycles.  The office had been very successful to date.  PC Martin Birch was based there, with two Police Community Support Officers; and


·           A recurring problem at this time of year was the misuse of minimoto motorcycles.  These could be difficult to pursue, so police on bikes used a head video camera to record evidence.  This could then be replayed in slow time to help identify offenders.


PC Martin Birch advised the meeting that a “core” crime was defined as one that had a high level of impact on, and importance for, the victim.  In the last 90 days, the number of these had reduced quite significantly.  This was part of a reduction of approximately 12% in these crimes across the county.


He then advised that:-


·           Crimes committed in Beaumont Leys in the Ward during the last three months included 15 burglaries, 4 robberies and 25 thefts from motor vehicles;


·           Burglaries were a particular problem at this time of year, as people left windows open.  Night patrols often left cards at properties doing this, reminding people how easy it was to get in through a window;


·           The number of crimes specific to the Beaumont Leys Shopping Centre during the last three months included 74 cases of shoplifting, the theft of 20 pedal cycles and 52 assaults.  Many of these were “non-core” crimes;


·           The Beaumont Leys area had high levels of domestic violence, with 120 incidents being reported in the previous 90 days.  It was not known if this was due to a high number of offences being committed, or good reporting and/or recording of the incidents; and


·           34 vulnerable people had been recorded by the Police in the last 90 days as needing extra care and support.


PC Birch encouraged anyone who was a victim of domestic violence, or knew someone who was, to contact the Police.  Officers from Kirton Lodge hostel endorsed this and explained that the hostel also could provide support and help, including directing people to other agencies. 


The Chair advised that the City Council had set up a working party, chaired by Councillor Meghani, to look in to domestic violence.  An update on this work could be made at the next meeting.


The following points were made in discussion:-


·           A member of the community congratulated the police on the response that had been made to problems experienced with children playing ball games in the street;


·           Barbara Whitcombe, City Wardens Team Manager, advised that people found releasing Chinese lanterns were fined, as the lanterns came down as litter.  The meeting was concerned that, as long as Chinese lanterns were stocked by shops, they would be bought and used.  The Chair therefore suggested that the Ward Members should write to stores expressing the meeting’s concerns;


·           Cannabis was being used regularly on the top deck of a bus service operated by First.  The Police under took to investigate this; and


·           Problems were being encountered in Beaumont Leys Lane with cars for sale and lorries parking on the grass verges.  Barbara Whitcombe advised that the City Wardens had powers to deal with this.  Some prosecutions already had been undertaken, as it was an offence to sell vehicles on the highway and damage to the grass was classed as criminal damage.



Officer Identified


An update to be given to the Community Meeting on the work of the City Council’s working party on domestic violence

Councillor Meghani

Next meeting

Ward Members to write to the local Tesco store, Tesco head office and other local shops stocking Chinese lanterns, asking that they stop stocking these lanterns.  This letter to be copied to Liz Kendall, the local Member of Parliament

Ward Members

Next meeting