Agenda item


The Select Committee is asked to consider a draft scoping document for a scrutiny review, and to refer this to the relevant Scrutiny Commission.   


Chris Minter, will be in attendance to provide a verbal briefing on the current position of the ESOL service in Leicester.


Councillor Waddington, Chair of the Economic Development, Culture and Tourism Scrutiny Commission, explained that government funding for courses in English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) was changing, so that they would only be free for people in receipt of job seekers’ allowance.  This meant that approximately 3,000 people would no longer qualify for free access to these courses.  Changes to the scoping document to account for this therefore had been suggested.


Councillor Waddington advised the Committee that it was hoped that the proposed review of ESOL courses could be completed before the start of the Autumn term, in September 2011. 


It was recognised that the people who would no longer be eligible for free courses were not spread evenly across the City, but tended to be concentrated in certain areas.  In addition, general literacy levels in some parts of the City already were low, so the changes to government funding also could affect some of these people.  However, it was very important for people to be able to learn English to enable them to fully participate in daily life in the City.  It therefore was suggested that the review could continue in the Autumn term, to assess who the funding changes had affected and how. 


Councillor Cassidy, Assistant City Mayor with responsibility for Economic Development, Culture and Tourism, welcomed the review and explained that work already was underway with local colleges and other providers, to try to reduce the impact of the changes to funding.  Details of the key actions being taken were tabled and are attached at the end of these minutes for information.


From these actions, it was noted that:-


·           All ESOL courses planned for September would continue, but uptake would be monitored;


·           No feedback had been received about the possibility of introducing a student loan / credit system to help more learners find ways of funding ESOL courses.  Members suggested that this should be added to the scope of the review, as there was concern that not having such a facility could penalise those who could not afford to access ESOL courses.  Consideration also needed to be given to where the funding for such a scheme would come from;


·           A learning partnership that covered informal adult learning would be established.  It was suggested that it would be beneficial to consider this as part of the review, so it should be added to the scoping document. 


The proposed wider scope of the review was welcomed, as this would enable evidence to be taken from a range of stakeholders and a full examination to be made of the financial impact of the funding changes.  However, although this was an emergency situation, sustainable arrangements needed to be made for the future.


The collaborative working with local colleges and other providers also was welcomed, as all providers had limited resources with which to operate ESOL courses.  This collaboration also could help achieve the most efficient use of these resources, (for example, by ensuring that the best use of premises was made).


The Head of Adult Skills and Learning Services advised that some funding had been identified for ESOL courses from other budgets.  The Committee welcomed this, but expressed concern that other Council service users could be affected by a reduction in those budgets.  It therefore was suggested that the amounts, the budgets affected, and the impact on users of Council services funded from these other budgets should be examined during the Scrutiny Commission’s review.



1)     that suggested amendments to the scoping document for a review of the provision of courses for English for Speakers of Other Languages set out above be incorporated in to the scoping document;


2)     that the following changes also be made to the scoping document for a review of the provision of courses for English for Speakers of Other Language:-


Section Number


Suggested Amendment


Title of Proposed Scrutiny Review

Amend the title to “English for speakers of other languages(ESOL) provision in Leicester and the impact upon adult learning opportunities in Leicester as a result of Government funding changes”



Add the following:-

“In addition, these national funding changes are likely to impact on other adult learning opportunities and an analysis of the impact is required.”


Purpose and Objectives of Review

Add to Access to ESOL programme “and other learning programmes”



Add “and other learning programmes” to the end of the first point

Change the second point to “Shall propose options for continued future ESOL and other adult learning provision within the City”

Change the third point to “To produce an interim and final report”


Methodology / Approach

Add the following:-

“Take evidence from relevant stakeholders”


Time Management

Add the following after the existing paragraph:-

“However a follow up analysis of the impact of the changes that take place in September will be undertaken in the autumn of 2011”

7. – 10.

No changes


3)     that, once amended, the scoping document for the review of the provision of courses for English for Speakers of Other Languages be referred to the Economic Development, Culture and Tourism Scrutiny Commission for review;


4)     that a report on the review agreed at 3) above be made to this Committee at its meeting on 1 September 2011; and


5)     that a further review of the provision of courses for English for Speakers of Other Languages be carried out in Autumn 2011, to see who the funding changes have affected and how they have affected them, and to assess the sustainability of any new working arrangements identified.

Supporting documents: