Agenda item


Your Ward Councillors will report on things they have been involved in within the ward and there will be an opportunity to ask questions.


Councillor Palmer informed the meeting that new bins purchased from funding last year for dog fouling waste had been installed. The bins were for combined dog waste and litter bins.


Councillor Palmer reported on three positive things that had occurred in the area:


1.    The Olympic torch had visited Eyres Monsell, the only place outside of the city centre. Pictures were taken of the torch and would be published in the Monsell Mail. Councillor Palmer stated that it was part of a major international event and the most symbolic thing that had visited Eyres Monsell, and it should be used as an opportunity to celebrate the Olympics and bring people together.

2.    New play equipment had been installed on Sturdee Road and had been celebrated with an event with playworkers. Councillor Palmer stated that residents should be proud of the role they played in acquiring the equipment.

3.    The Saffron Fete was reported as being a huge success. There was a parade from Goldhill, and the fete was reported as being the best in years, and was a fantastic event for Saffron Estate. Also, there was a summer event on Eyres Monsell estate in June, and it was felt the event had brought the community together.


The meeting was asked to note that other events in the area were listed in the Monsell Mail. Councillors also wished to thank all those who organised the events and helped make them happen.


Councillor Cleaver reported on the Youth Hub village on the park. They provided information on a lot of Leicester City Council Services for young people up to the age of 19. During the event, youngsters took part in rapping, football cage, and a laser quest amongst other things.


Councillor Cleaver also reported on a meeting she had with tenants at Rupert House. It was hoped that friendship groups could be developed between other supported living accommodation in the city. Other events she had attended were coffee mornings, a yoga group and had undertaken committee work for the Council.


Councillor Cleaver reported that she had been talking to residents regarding anti-social behaviour, and had been trying to find ways to make them feel more safe. She suggested a support group be set up, and with the aid of a small amount of Ward Community funding, invite a professional to attend for a cup of team and a chat with the residents. This meeting could also be advertised in the Monsell Mail.


Councillor Cleaver informed the meeting that both herself and Councillor Lynn Moore would be going on a ‘memory’ walk in Abbey Park on 18 September 2011. She stated she tried to go the extra mile for the elderly, people with dementia and short-term memory loss. Councillor Cleaver explained what dementia was and was very supportive of people with dementia. Over the next 30 years there would be many more people who would have it.


Councillors stated that a big thank you needed to go to the Police, Police Constable Special Officers and all of the services in the area, who worked very hard.