Agenda item


Councillors are reminded that they will need to declare any interest they may have in budget applications, and/or indicate that Section 106 of the Local Government Finance Act 1992 applies to them.


Anita Patel will give an update on the latest position with the Community Meeting budget.  A copy of the Spinney Hills Ward Meeting Budget is attached for information.


The following applications for grants are submitted for consideration.


Application 1


Applicant:      Mr Andrew Roberts – Sequence Carnival Troop


Amount:         £2,000


Proposal:       Caribbean Carnival 2011


Summary:     The carnival is celebrated annually to coincide with the Emancipation of Slavery, and is a celebration of freedom for all ages, gender, religions and race groups.  The Troop bring different communities together to build positive relationships.  The Carnival usually attracts 60,000 spectators and businesses.


                        This year we are looking to raise the performance, costumes and participation.


                        Sequence Carnival Troop has been running for five years now and in that time we have attended 35 carnivals across the country. 


                        The application is for materials for making costumes.


Application 2          


Applicant:      Highfields Community Association


Amount:         £6,000


Proposal:       Caribbean Carnival 2011



Summary:  please see overleaf.

Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: 19FA0A0E

Application 3


Applicant:      The Stoneham Project


Amount:         £539


Proposal:       Life Skills Training


Summary:     The project targets homeless people who primarily but not exclusively live at Swithland House, Lincoln Street.  The central idea is to 7 clients who wish to take part.  The training will offer a wide range of life skills to help them access further training, work and a move to their own accommodation.  All aspects of the course would be accredited. 



Application 4


Applicant:      Build Community Development


Amount:         £500 (from each of Coleman, Spinney Hills and Stoneygate wards)


Proposal:       Play-scheme in the Park


Summary:     The event will be held in Spinney Hill Park on 27th July 11am till 3pm.


                        The aims of the event are;


a)            To engage with young people from the wider area


b)           Develop togetherness and a sense of belonging through activities that challenge young people physically, socially and emotionally.


c)            To promote integration and celebrate diversity within the wider community.


d)           To improve overall health and mental wellbeing by promoting physical activity within BME communities.


e)           To promote the local park, its facilities and activities to the wider community.


f)             To encourage activities that promotes cohesion between networks of people and their families.


g)           To develop local partnership working to identify and address issues affecting local communities.



h)           To promote physical activity and improve overall health and wellbeing of the communities of Leicester.




The aim of Build is to engage with and influence positive behavioural changes amongst young people within the wider areas. The young people we are targeting do not engage with mainstream services, this event will encourage inter active participation through fun & challenging activities. This event gives us the opportunity to engage with those young people in an informal and comfortable setting as well as developing a rapport.  The activities are chosen to involve young people in educational and recreational activities that stimulate their mind and body. Also we will be able to showcase to partners and the wider community the work that build delivers.


Build will be able to meet its objectives through fun filled activities as well as promoting the many areas of work we deliver with the community to a larger audience target. We will also promote partnership working and local facilities.


Application 5


Applicant:      Upper Tichbourne Homeless Hostel Residents Group


Amount:         £1,200


Proposal:       Education and Confidence Building


Summary:     The bid is for the residents of the upper Tichbourne Street Hostel to go on an educational trip to the Black Country Museum.  This will be both a learning exercise because people from different ethnic and social backgrounds will learn about how people lived in the 18th century and also a community cohesion event and people will mix and socialise together. 


                        For people who are homeless this will also give them a much needed boost in self-confidence and self-esteem that will also help them to engage with mainstream educational and training services.


                        One of the benefits is that there will be a reduction in people drinking and spending their days in their rooms which often impacted upon their mental health.


                        Additionally, we would like to apply for funding to purchase a pool table for the residents group.  We feel that such recreational activities would lower the impact and stress that the homeless feel when residing in temporary accommodation. 


                        The money sough would pay for entrance fees, transport, lunch and refreshments and a pool table.


Application 6


Applicant:      Champion Boxing Club


Amount:         £1,120 requested from both Evington and Spinney Hills Wards.


Proposal:       Boxing Club Equipment


Summary:     The Boxing club is based in Spinney Hills on Gwendolen Road and has been operating for the last 12 months.


The proposal is to buy necessary equipment such as a boxing ring, awards, medals, certificates and extra boxing gloves.  Young people aged 7 years plus from Spinney Hills and Evington will be targeted to attend. This will help them with their health and fitness, confidence building and discipline. Nutritional advice will also be provided as part of the boxing sessions they attend.


Young people are charged between £2 and £3.50 per session, however this helps pay for rent, insurance and running costs.


Application 7


Applicant:      African Caribbean Centre


Amount:         £1,500


Proposal:       Summer Holiday Scheme


Summary:     The Youth Service in partnership with the ACC is managing a summer activities scheme for 11-16 year olds.  The target group are amongst those described as the hardest to reach in Spinney Hills.  The aim is to provide youths with things to do and places to visit during 1-16 August 2011.  The programmed activities will provide a range of developmental opportunities including visits to other youth groups within the region.


                        The money requested will pay for group development, transport, sports equipment, arts and crafts and awards and certificates.


Application 8


Applicant:      Leicester Zim Warriors Football Club


Amount:         £360 from each of the Beaumont Leys, Braunstone Park of Rowley Fields, Castle, Spinney Hills and Westcotes wards.


Proposal:       Summer Holiday Scheme


Summary:     Amount requested:


The overall amount being applied for is £1,800 with this being divided between the Wards from which the young people come. 


The amount being requested from Spinney Hills therefore is:-





Estimate or Actual cost

(E or A)?

Request to Ward Meeting


Nets, Corner Flags, Kits, Balls and other equipment/costs associated with the running of the club









Leicester Zim Warriors Football Club is a football team that plays at Victoria Park. It comprises of 48 Members who come from mixed cultural backgrounds. The group consists of mainly unemployed young men using sport as a diversionary activity, breaking down community safety issues, minimising anti-social behaviour alongside building self-esteem and confidence in those who participate.


At present, the Club has 8 members in Westcotes Ward, 6 in Braunstone Park and Rowley Fields, 5 in Castle/Highfields, 6 players from Beaumont Leys, 4 from Knighton Fields and 4 from Tudor Road.  The Club also has supporters in Westcotes, as it trains at Bede Park at times.


The group leader has been personally funding the group, but has also been providing information and guidance by assisting with the issues that the young people have had, including employment, domestic issues and health.


The group is under threat of closure if it is not able to find the funds it needs. The league in which the group participates started on 28 August and the funding is needed to allow the club to participate.  It supports vulnerable young people who are making the transition from their home cultures to living in the UK.


The applicant has attempted to get local sponsorship, but due to the economic downturn and reduction in income for local businesses, this has been unsuccessful.


Application 9


Applicant:      African Caribbean Citizens Forum


Amount:         £2,000


Proposal:       African Caribbean Achievers Awards


Summary:     The proposal is to plan and host the 10th African & African Caribbean Achievement Awards Show thatwill atke place on the 26 November 2011.  The African Caribbean Centre hosts the event and will provide the centre and resources as an in-kind contribution.  This year we wish to celebrate the achievements of those aged 16-25, a group who are usually perceived negatively and as under-achieving.  We are seeking a high profile motivational speaker who has already achieved success in their chosen field and is seen as appositive role model in order to raise aspirations.


                        The event will be attended by nominees and their families, and invitations will be extended to representatives from within the local communities, Leicester City Councillors and officers and tickets will be on sale to the wider community.


The money sought will pay for a compere, key note speaker, technicians, performers, publicity, art work and trophies and catering. 


Application 10


Applicant:      Highfield Rangers


Amount:         £1,000


Proposal:       Highfield Rangers Community Family Fun Day



Summary:     Highfield Rangers Community Fun Day was celebrating 25 years of its existence on 29 May 2011. It is designed to promote community cohesion by delivering a series of activities primarily sports and live entertainment  for families and the whole community.

We organised storytelling, drama music and live performances from  a range of local performers and sport events

We provided a platform for developing artists, plus those more established locally and nationally, so that audiences could witness the quality of performances available. Encouraging fledgling performers to recognize that in spite of personal difficulties, they still have something to contribute towards performing arts.

Indeed, there is an abundance of latent, expressive, talent within the community and we encouraged them to present themselves before an appreciative audience.

Some of the benefits and outcomes, in summary are:

·         To broaden the appeal by having other communities represented in the performances on stage

·         Opportunity for new artists to showcase their ability, which otherwise may go unnoticed.

·         Allowing more established performers to pass on skills, techniques and influence to those just starting.

·         Increasied ability of the organizers to put on and co-ordinate an event of significant artistic content.

·         Identify Highfield Rangers as a significant venue for concert type activities.

·         Raising the self worth of all participating.

·         Allow the raising of the profile of all the artists.

·         Creating audience awareness of talent and appreciation of different performance genres.

·         Give focus to the organisation’s inclination to provide support for needy causes

Those attending were expected to reflect the diverse communities of Leicester, including newly arrived communities, which was encouraged through promotional and advertising efforts


As already expressed, young people will provide a significant focus, which will be reflected in some of the activities such as children’s’ entertainers and inflatable’s. This will help to relieve some of the pressures experienced by lone parents and other disadvantaged groups who will be in attendance.


Photographs and a questionnaires would act as support for the event.


The event was put on and due to serious, poor weather, the income anticipated to allow the event to break even, never materialised due to lack of numbers.


We are therefore, requesting support to enable us to pay creditors whose debts remain outstanding.




Anita Patel, Member Support Officer to the Spinney Hills Community Meeting gave an update on the Community Meeting budget.


Anita reported that the budget for the year was £15,000.  To date, a sum of £3,953 had been spent leaving a remaining budget of £11,047.


Anita explained that ten funding applications had been received and had been included on the agenda.  Councillors had considered the applications in detail prior to the meeting.


1)    Caribbean Carnival 2011– Sequence Carnival Troop


Amount requested: £2,000


It was explained that this application had been deferred from the previous meeting. 



that the funding application be rejected.


2)    Highfields Festival Event – Highfields Community Association–


Amount requested: £2,000 from each of Spinney Hills, Castle and Stoneygate Wards




that the application be supported to the value of £1,000.



3)    Life-skills Training – the Stoneham Project


Amount requested: £539




that the funding application be rejected.


4)    Play-scheme in the Park – Build Community Development


Amount requested: £500 from each of Spinney Hills, Coleman and Stoneygate wards.


Anita explained that a new date had been set for the event since the application was submitted.  In light of this, the Councillors had proposed to defer consideration of the application. 



that the funding application be deferred following the re-scheduling of the event.



5)    Education and Confidence Building – Upper Tichbourne Homeless Hostel Residents Group


Amount requested: £1,200



That the funding application be deferred following the re-scheduling of the event and that the application be forwarded to the Stoneygate Ward members for their consideration. 


6)    Boxing Club Equipment – Champion Boxing Club


Amount requested: £1,120 from each of the Spinney Hills and Stoneygate Wards.



that the funding application be supported to the value of £1,000.


7)    Summer Holiday Scheme– African Caribbean Centre


Amount requested: £1,500


            Anita reported that this scheme had already taken place, but that the Councillors had agreed to fast-track a sum of £500.



that the funding application be supported to the value of £500.


8)    Football Club for Victoria Park – Leicester Zim Warriors Football Club


Amount requested: £360 from each of the Spinney Hills, Beaumont Leys, Braunstone Park and Rowley Fields, Castle and Westcotes.


            Anita reported that this scheme had already taken place, but that the Councillors had agreed to fast-track a sum of £360



that the funding application be supported to the value of £360.


9)    African Caribbean Achievers Awards – African Caribbean Citizens Forum



Amount requested: £2,000



that the funding application be supported to the value of £500 on the condition that this be spent on trophies for the event.


10)  Community Family Fun Day – Highfields Rangers Football Club


Amount requested: £1,000


Anita explained that bid was for compensation for an event which was unable to take place.  It was stated that community grants could not be used as recompense and that the club was also based in the Rushey Mead ward.



That the funding application be rejected.


            Following the pledges made by Councillors at the meeting, it was   confirmed that a sum of £7,687 remained in the Spinney Hills Ward       budget.



Action to be taken

Officer identified



That the funding applications that Councillors had supported be submitted to the Cabinet Lead for approval.


Anita Patel, Member Support Officer


As soon as possible.



Supporting documents: