Agenda item


The Community Meeting to receive an update on local policing.


Sgt. Danny Graham attended the meeting and gave a brief presentation on local policing issues.


Crime figures for the period June – September 2011 were reported, compared to the corresponding period in 2010, as follows: -


                                                        2011                                                  2010

Burglary                                             21                                                        29

Burglary – other                               12                                                        10

Assault/Harassment                                    95                                                        106

Street Robberies                              14                                                        8

Theft of Cycles                                 8                                                          13

Theft of Motor Vehicles                   8                                                          13

Theft from Motor Vehicles              15                                                        36

Drugs Offences                                12                                                        12

Thefts from Stores                           32                                                        12


It was stated that there had been an increase in Robberies, compared to 2010 and the Constabulary had identified this increase, on the east side of the City, and an operation would be planned. Areas of crime around motor vehicles had already been carried out.


Items of Note

Sgt. Graham reported that Operation Horizon had dealt with the disorder that had taken place across the country in early August, with small pockets of disturbance locally. Locally the effects were that officers were drafted to the areas of the City where the disturbances were taking place. A specific incident had taken place at this time at a local restaurant, but this had proved to be an isolated incident and not connected.


An assault had taken place on an Eastern European female and whilst it had been established that the incident was not a ‘hate’ crime the victim would not give a statement. Police however were able to prove who the offender was and gave them a verbal warning.


A burglary had taken place at a local off-licence. Soon after an officer on patrol saw an individual known to the police with blood on his face, the officer was suspicious and apprehended the person and referred the person to CID.


A particular public house on London Road was the subject of increasing incidences of violence and ASB behaviour. The police would be speaking with the landlord.


Sgt. Graham stated that two local policing Priority Problem Solving Plans (PPSP) were currently in place, expected to run between three and six months, one of which covered the ASB/Drugs issues in Upper Tichborne Street.


A multi-agency Patch Walk was held on 1st September, covering the Upper Tichborne Street area and where a number of issues had been identified. The police were in the process of preparing a report for Ward Councillors on options to alleviate some of the issues identified.


Police were currently working in liaison with the ASB Team and the City Council regarding certain problem families in the area, with a view to getting the families evicted.


It was reported that on the previous Sunday two officers patrolling the Upper Tichborne Street area received intelligence from a member of the public regarding a drug dealer. The dealer was apprehended and subsequently arrested for dealing in Class A drugs.


Following a review of local policing teams the local team woyld soon comprise 5 PC’s and 3 PCSO’s, up from 3 PC’s and 2 PCSO’s.


Future Plans

Sgt. Graham stated that a speeding operation was being planned for the City ring road area.


Three PPSP’s were in the process of being implemented.


ASB issues to be addressed.


Looking to increase police visibility in the area over the next few months.


2012 would be a challenging year with the events and activities connected with the Olympic Games putting pressure on local policing teams. Members of the public were urged to feedback their demands for local policing to remain as at present.


Sgt. Graham reported that there had been significant reductions to the police budget. Neighbourhood policing had not yet been affected but this could change as further inevitable cuts were made.


A member of the public stated that there was high anxiety in the South Highfields area around drugs issues. Residents wanted a visible police presence but it was appreciated that this would cause the runners and scouts to disperse. Sgt. Graham stated that the police were well aware of the problems identified and that this represented a significant problem that required immediate, medium and long term planning to address. The police were initially looking to hit the main offenders hard, although such an operation could not be sustained in the medium or longer term. Progress would be reported back to the Community Meeting.


A member of the public stated that some of the problems were likely to be caused by the inability of police to access certain streets quickly, particularly around the Upper Tichborne Street area. Sgt. Graham stated that this was a problem but had been looked at during the previously referred to Patch Walk. It was to be recommended to the City Council that certain streets be opened up again, aiding quick access. It was further stated that the Assistant City Mayor, responsible for local services, had also received a number of requests to cut back street trees in locations where CCTV camera views were restricted, this was also identified as an issue in Upper Tichborne Street. Such works would be prioritised and would be subject to funding availability.