Agenda item


The Community Meeting to receive an update on Local Policing issues.


Police Constable 2016 Martin Peberdy from the Keyham Lane Local Policing Unit gave the meeting an update on policing issues in the Humberstone and Hamilton Ward.


Anti-Social Behaviour


There had been a problem with anti-social behaviour on Sandhill Avenue, particularly near to the shops and on New Romney Crescent. High visibility patrols had taken place in those areas.  Anti-social behaviour on Sandhill Avenue had improved, but there was still a problem on New Romney Crescent with stone throwing and petty vandalism.  The Police were working with the Leicester Anti-Social Behaviour Unit (LASBU) and had spoken to youths and their parents. Shift patterns had been altered to address the issue.




There had been 10 burglaries in the 3 month period, compared to 26 during the previous 3 months, however the festival season was approaching. Members of the community were urged to use time switches, lock windows and to keep valuables out of sight.


A member of the community asked for clarity regarding the situation relatingto  road tax for off road vehicles. Pc Peberdy responded that vehicles used on the road needed to have current road tax, but if they were kept off road, the owner need to complete a Statutory Off Road Notice (SORN) so that the DVLA were aware that the vehicle was kept off the road and therefore road tax was not needed.


There then followed a discussion about facilities for young people:


·         Pc Peberdy had referred to anti-social behaviour from youths in the area, but there was nothing for them to do. What had happened with the Zodiac Gym?


Councillor Potter responded that the lack of youth activities was a problem, but more facilities had been implemented, which included the park at Netherhall and lighting on the ball court at the neighbourhood centre. There had been a health and safety issue at the Zodiac Gym because of the difficulty in finding appropriate instructors.


Hiten commented that there were after school play sessions and youth sessions at the Arnold Centre. The Chair also informed the meeting that Gateway College ran numerous activities in the evening.


·         People in Hamilton were not informed about events that were being held at Gateway College.


The Chair suggested that as Councillor Potter was on the College’s governing body, she could request that the College try to publicise information on activities for members of the public that were being held at Gateway.


Mehboob Bachoo, Sports Regeneration Officer, Sports Services informed that meeting that there would be a new programme of activities from October 2011.


Councillors suggested that an item on youth facilities should be added to the agenda at the next Humberstone and Hamilton Community Meeting.


·         At the previous Humberstone and Hamilton Community Meeting, Keith Vaz M.P. stated that there would be a Councillor dedicated to the Hamilton area.


The Chair explained that the different Ward Councillors had taken on specific issues within the Ward, and as an example, she had been working on issues relating to Columbine Road.  She added that Councillors understood the issues facing Hamilton, however, the Council needed to make large spending cuts. The Chair commented that in some areas, communities had worked together to apply for lottery funding in order to bring new facilities to their area.


Councillor Potter informed the meeting that funding had been received from the Nirvana Association and four outdoor football pitches would be opening in Hamilton early in October. The meeting also heard that the Hamilton Library was an excellent facility and Councillors asked members of the public to let them know if they had any suggestions for the use of existing facilities for community use during the evenings.



Action to be taken

Officer responsible


For an item on youth services in the Humberstone and Hamilton Ward to be added to the agenda for the next Community Meeting

Mike Keen, Democratic Support Officer and Anita Patel, Member Support Officer

Before the next Community Meeting.