Agenda item


Councillors are reminded that they will need to declare any interest they may have in budget applications, and/or indicate that Section 106 of the Local Government Finance Act 1992 applies to them.


There will be an update on the Community Meeting Budget. Please find summaries of applications received for consideration below. Full application

forms can be accessed by contacting Democratic Support on 0116 2298814 or by visiting the Council’s website at


The following budget applications has been received:


Application 1


Applicant: Barbara Whitcombe, City Wardens Manager, Leicester City Council


Amount: £1,500


Proposal: Alley Gate Project




During the bins on street campaign. It came to light that many of the alley gates are not being locked as people no longer have keys or they are permanently locked for the same reason. Therefore residents can not remove the bins and the alley ways are full of rubbish and no longer a deterrent for the burglaries.


Therefore we plan with the help of the handy man service who originally put in all the alley gates to have all the locks replaced with a uniform lock and re issue keys.


There will be three sets of master keys held so any new residents or landlords can contact the council and pay for new keys or more keys if they wish. This will alleviate the problem of householders no longer having keys


The total cost is £2500. The city warden service is also contributing £1000 from the fines paid for the bins on streets to cover half of the costs.



Cost £

Estimate or Actual cost (E or A)

Request to Ward Meeting (£)

Replacement of some damaged gates, replacement of all locks and supplying all householders who have legal access with keys





Application 2


Applicant: Val Kindred (Leicester-shire County Netball)


Amount: £745


Proposal: Back to Netball




Working in partnership with NGB Officer for Netball, Physical Activity Officer for Leicester City Council and the Community Development Worker at Surestart we want to pilot a 10 week course for women (16+) to get back into Netball at a local venue near to them. We want to target mums at the Surestart group and also open these sessions up to the local community to attend.


We are all working to encourage adults in Leicester to lead a more active lifestyle so this project would also link in with Leicester City Council’s 3x30 pledge campaign – a commitment to do three 30 minute workouts per week and be rewarded with incentives such as Pedometer’s, Exercise DVD’s, T-shirts and more. The Back to Netball session can be counted as one of their three 30 minute sessions per week and all participants will be encourage to sign up to this free campaign.


We would like the ward funding to go towards funding a weekly Back to Netball session in Fosse area over a period of 10 weeks. The money will go towards a venue and also a Netball Coach to deliver the sessions, in turn the Children’s Centre will offer free child care during this session to their parents who would like to attend the Back to Netball group but have young children this overcoming the barrier of childcare.


As an introductory offer for the 10 weeks the Back to Netball sessions will be £1 per person, this will go up to £2 if the sessions have been successful during the 10 weeks to enable them to continue. The £1 charge participants contribute during the 10 weeks will go towards funding and sustaining the sessions on a long term bases and it will also contribute to a tournament event we are looking to hold after the 10 weeks course, this tournament will be held at Soar Valley Netball Centre. This 10 week course of Back to Netball is one of three we are looking to fund across the city and at the end of the 10 weeks we plan to bring the three groups together and organise one tournament to celebrate the 10 week course and use the skills they have learnt to play in a few matches.


The funding will also held towards promotional material for the sessions in the Fosse area.


The success of this application can be monitored through the 3x30 pledge campaign as users can be tracked at each completed stage over a 36 week period.




Cost £

Estimate or Actual cost (E or A)

Venue Hire

£36.50 per hour x 10 weeks


Netball Coaches Costs

£20 per hour x 10 weeks


Printing of promotional material



Free child care

In Kind

Design of promotional material

In Kind


Equipment for pilot sessions

In Kind






Application 3


Applicant:Woodgate Adventure Playground


Amount: £856 (£500 already approved through fast track process)


Proposal: Improvements to Outside Lighting




During the winter months the outdoor areas of the adventure playground are dark and unappealing to parents and children. This also presents health and safety problems as it is difficult for staff to monitor who is entering and leaving the site. The poor lighting also restricts outdoor play during the winter months.


We would like to repair the existing lights and add extra lights, to give more light on the playground during the long winter months.


This will enhance the children’s play opportunities during the winter and enable the staff to monitor their play to ensure their safety. The playground is also used by the play rangers on a Wednesday evening after we close, and the extra lighting would also enhance their sessions with the local youth.




Estimate or Actual cost (E or A)

Request to Ward Meeting (£)

Supply and install 4 X 400w halogen floodlights



Repair existing floodlights and make more efficient lighting x 8  lamps







Application 4


Applicant: Fosse Library/Jean Burbridge


Amount: £500


Proposal: Health and Well Being Open Day Event




A healthy living “open day” event at Fosse library and Fosse Neighbourhood Centre on Saturday 8th October 2011, 11 am to 3 pm.


NHS organisations and other health advice providers will be present to offer advice and personal health checks on e.g. body mass index, cholesterol levels, diabetes, stroke awareness, cancer awareness, quit smoking advice. 

There will be taster sessions for a range of activities e.g. armchair aerobics, zumba dance, dancercise, healthy lunch boxes, alternative therapies.


There will be fun activities for children including balloon magic, storytelling and toddler gym. Many other service providers will be invited: Police, Fire Service, First Aid, Leicester College, which will give the Fosse Ward community the opportunity to see what these services provide.


It should be a fantastic, fun event which should have something for everybody.  There will be challenges and competitions with prizes.

We hope to raise awareness of what is available in the local community and offer suggestions on ways to improve health and well-being.





Estimate or Actual cost (E or A)

Request to Ward Meeting (£)

Publicity leaflet distribution








Prizes for competitions(baskets of fruit)




Promotion-vouchers for volunteers









Application 5


Applicant: St Andrew’s Methodist Church Luncheon Club


Amount: £186.08


Proposal: Purchase of Kitchen Equipment etc and Hand Dryers




We received a grant of £700 during 2010/11 and have purchased some of the items listed previously at a cost to date if £305.46 leaving a balance to spend of £394.34.


However our orginisal request was for £886.08 but only £700 was available. We would therefore like to request a further grant of £186.08 (to add to the £394.34) to enable use to purchase the remaining items.





Estimate or Actual cost (E or A)

Request to Ward Meeting (£)

Two hand dryers




Two casserole dishes








Less balance remaining form original £700 grant













Jerry Connolly, Members Support Officer presented the Community Meeting budget.


The following applications were submitted for consideration:


·         Alley Gate Project, Barbara Whitcombe, City Wardens Manager, Leicester City Council - £1,500.


It was explained that the application was to assist the handy man service to have all the alley gate locks replaced in the area with a uniform lock and reissue keys.



that the application be supported and £1,500 be allocated subject to final approval from the relevant Cabinet Lead.


·         Back to Netball, Val Kindred (Leicestershire County Netball) - £745.


It was explained that the application was to pilot a 10 week course for women (16+) to get back into Netball at a local venue near to them.



that the application be supported in principle however more information be sought on how the course would be organised and where would it take place. Also consideration be given to whether there was demand for it. If these factors could be satisfied then the application would be supported.



·         Improvements to Outside Lighting, Woodgate Adventure Playground - £356.


It was explained that the application was to repair the existing lights and add extra lights to give more light on the playground during the long winter months. It was noted that £500 for this had already been approved through the fast track process.



that the application be supported and £356 be allocated subject to final approval from the relevant Cabinet Lead.


·         Purchase of Kitchen Equipment etc and Hand dryers, St Andrew’s Methodist Church Luncheon Club - £187


It was explained that the application was for further purchase of items that were unable to be purchased with the previous grant received during 2010/11. 



that the application be supported and £187 be allocated subject to final approval from the relevant Cabinet Lead.

The following application had been approved by Members as part of the fast track process as the bid was £500 or under.



·         Health and Well Being Open Day Event, Fosse Library/Jean Burbridge - £500.


It was explained that the application was for an health living “open day” event at Fosse library and Fosse Neighbourhood Centre on Saturday 8th October 2011, 11am to 3pm.