Agenda item


Councillors are reminded that they will need to declare any interest they may have in budget applications, and/or indicate that Section 106 of the Local Government Finance Act 1992 applies to them.


The following budget applications will be considered:-


Application 1


Applicant:      Mr David Kayemba


Amount:         £360


Proposal:       Leicester Zim Warriors FC


Summary:     Leicester Zim Warriors FC is a current football team that plays at Victoria Park. It comprises of 48 members who come from mixed cultural backgrounds. The group consists of mainly unemployed young men using sport as a diversionary activity, breaking down community safety issues, minimising anti-social behaviour alongside building self-esteem and confidence in those who participate.


The group is under threat of closure if they are not able to find the needed funds. The league in which the group participate commenced on the 28th August and the funding is needed to allow the club to participate. The group supports vulnerable young people who are making the transition from their home cultures to living in the UK.


The overall cost being applied for is £1,800 with this being divided being the wards from which the young people come from (Beaumont Leys, Braunstone Park and Rowley Fields, Castle, Spinney Hills and Westcotes).


Application 2


Applicant:      Beaumont Leys LPU


Amount:         £500


Proposal:       Community Speedwatch


Summary:     The proposal is for Beaumont Leys Police Station to purchase a hand held speed camera device, to be utilised on an ongoing basis to deal with and respond to issues around speeding throughout Abbey, Beaumont Leys and New Parks.


The device costs £2,100 and the bid applied for is £1,500 with this being divided being three wards at £500 each (Abbey, Beaumont Leys and New Parks).

Application 3


Applicant:      Ur Choice Young Peoples Project


Amount:         £100


Proposal:       To host an end of year get-together and awards ceremony for the Beaumont Lodge community and volunteers.


Summary:     The funding would enable the hosting of an event to publicly acknowledge, reward and encourage continued community involvement of young people and adults who participate in the development of the centre and other community activities. The event will help to build community spirit, camaraderie and strengthen existing friendships.



Application 4


Applicant:      Soft Touch Arts


Amount:         £564


Proposal:       Comedy Short Film Making Project


Summary:     Soft Touch have been undertaking film making projects with young people for 25 years.  It has applied to First Light (a national young film makers’ fund) for £10,024 to work with three groups of young people to each make a short comedy film, (90 seconds maximum).  First Light requires match funding in cash of 10% of the project cost and 10% in-kind funding.  The in-kind funding has already been secured.


The three groups to be worked with are:-

The Contact Project meeting at Christ the King Church in Beaumont Leys

The Contact Project meeting at St Matthews

An independent group of young people from Beaumont Leys / New Parks


The latter two groups both worked with Soft Touch in the summer on a one day Olympic film making project commissioned by First Light and the group individuals are keen to build on the knowledge and experience gained from this short taster. A further exhibition opportunity is to get the films screened on the big city centre screen in Leicester through the BBC.


In addition to this request, applications have been made to New Parks Ward (£118) and Spinney Hills Ward (£376).






Application 5


Applicant:      Beaumont Lodge Neighbourhood Association


Amount:         £550


Proposal:       To host an end of year get-together and awards ceremony for the Beaumont Lodge community and volunteers.


Summary:     The funding would enable the hosting of an event to publicly acknowledge, reward and encourage continued community involvement of young people and adults who participate in the development of the centre and other community activities. The event will help to build community spirit, camaraderie and strengthen existing friendships.


Application 6


Applicant:      Beaumont Lodge Neighbourhood Association


Amount:         £280


Proposal:       To host an end of year disco for children and young people.


Summary:     The funding would enable the hosting of a disco for at least 50 children and young people on Friday 9th December 2011. This event is aimed at giving children and young people the opportunity to have fun in a safe, healthy and happy environment.


Beaumont Lodge has raised £130 through its own fundraising effots and would appreciate the Ward Committee making up the shortfall of £150.



Approved under the fast-track process:


1.    Ur Choice Young Peoples Project


Amount:         £100


Proposal:       Funding towards a youth Halloween party on 31st October 2011, including a ghost walk around Home Farm and a disco, aimed at ages 13 to 19 years.


2.    Extended Services - Barleycroft School Christmas Festival


Amount:         £400


Proposal:       Funding towards a school festival on Tuesday 6th December, including a carol sing-along, parent/pupil workshops and specialist provider.


Jerry Connolly, Member Support Officer introduced the budget requests which had been submitted to the Committee.


Application 1 – Leicester Zim Warriors Football Club


The application was for £360 to allow the football club to participate in the league which commenced on 28th August 2011.


There were some comments from Councillors during deliberation of this item.


-       The application was for a City Centre programme

-       There was no significant benefit to Beaumont Leys residents.



that the application be refused.


Application 2 – Community Speedwatch


Sergeant Richard Jackson introduced an application for £500 towards to cost of a Community speed gun, to address problems of speeding drivers. Community members would be trained to use the speed gun, and to take down the registration numbers if people were concerned with speeding motorists.


There were some comments from residents during discussion on this item.


-       Residents were more concerned over drivers using mobile phones whilst driving.

-       They were concerned that residents would become vigilantes in the community.


There were some comments from Councillors during discussion on this item.


-       Councillors were mindful of the recommendations from schools.

-       The two adjoining wards were in support of the application.

-       There were some concerns over future running costs.



that the application be supported and £500 be allocated.


Application 3 – Soft Touch Arts – comedy short film making project


The application was for £564 towards the project.


There were some comments from Councillors during discussion on this item.


-       That a caveat be included that Soft Touch had contact with Leicester City Council Youth Service, Ur Choice Project, and Beaumont Lodge Youth Group.



that the application be supported and £564 be allocated.


Application 4 – Beaumont Lodge Neighbourhood Association – end of year get together and awards ceremony


The application was for £550 and stated the funding would enable the hosting of an event to publicly acknowledge, reward and encourage continued community involvement of young people and adults who participate in the development of the centre and other community activities. The event will help to build community spirit, camaraderie and strengthen existing friendships.


There were some comments from Councillors during discussion on this item.


-       Councillors were happy to support the application on the basis that £200 be allocated to the event, as there was still some way to go to the end of the financial year and they wished to have some funding for the next community meeting.



that the application be supported and £200 be allocated.


Application 5 – Beaumont Lodge Neighbourhood Association – end of year disco for children and young people


The application was for £150 funding to enable the hosting of a disco for at least 50 children and young people on Friday 9th December 2011.


Beaumont Lodge had raised £130 through its own fundraising efforts.



that the application be supported and £150 be allocated.


Matters Approved Under the Fast Track Procedure


The following budget requests were included on the agenda for formally noting as it had been agreed by Councillors in-between meetings to enable the project to take place.


1.    Ur Choice Young Peoples Project - £100



that the previously agreed funding be noted.


2.    Extended Services - Barleycroft School Christmas Festival - £500



that the previously agreed funding be noted.