Agenda item


Councillors are reminded that they will need to declare any interest they may have in budget applications, and/or indicate that Section 106 of the Local Government Finance Act 1992 applies to them.


Anita Patel, Members Support Officer, will provide an overview of the current position of the Spinney Hills Ward budget.  The following applications will be considered:


Application 1


Applicant:      Leicester United Sports and Culture


Amount:         £500


Proposal:       Workshops for young people.



We have chosen a vague section in the work that needs to be done to enhance the young people’s mind in our community. However our proposal is to bring nothing but positivity to their minds. This will then reflect on the community and make it a better place to live in.


This is to take away and remove the idea that the young people need to be in a gang to be socially secure in their neighbourhoods. This has been the case for over my time in St Matthews and this is the problem everywhere. Which is why unemployment is on the increase and have resulted in things such as the riots and other gang related activities


How we are going to tackle this?

What we are going to do is to hold various workshops, sporting activities for the young people in all different types of areas but our main focus point for now is St Matthews. So when we get them together is to get them talking and get them doing what they do in their own time, but this time together with opposing people. Our idea is to bring other people from various other backgrounds and ethnic backgrounds.


Our proposal will be successful because it integrates all the young people together and they’ll do what is beneficial for


Application 2


Applicant:      Shubaan Youth Group


Amount:         £1,000


Proposal:       Hire Charges for Highfields Centre



We are a youth group form Spinney Hill that has been operating since 2003, working with young people of ages 10 – 18. Through education, sport, life skills, charity and interfaith work we have empowered our young people and helped them in there development to be better citizens of this country.


We operate on a weekly basis at Highfields Centre where through the medium of sport we attract our young people. This then enables our volunteers to carry out substantial youth work for the betterment of our users. Through, support a rapport is cultivated which enables us to work on issues like extremism, drugs and substance misuse and educational underachievement. Moreover, we also look at ways of celebrating achievements made by young people.


Therefore, we would like to apply for funding that will enable us to pay for hire charges at Highfields Centre. As well as providing sporting activities we envisage to hold a seminar on the recent riots and get the thoughts of young people of Spinney Hill. Moreover, we will be inviting in successful local people to discuss there achievements in our monthly role model event.


Application 3


Applicant:      St Matthew’s Tenants Association


Amount:         £500


Proposal:       Residents Gardening Scheme


Summary:     The bid is for a small amount of money to set up a small tool bank of equipment so that residents can use them to maintain their gardens or use some of the space that has been specifically cleared to grow food.  This will include items such as spades, forks, rakes and a battery powered lawn mower.


                        Also included is money for a similar scheme which has been successful in London.  This is to use the 1 ton builders’ bags which cost £6 each which are used filled with compost and used to grow food.  The group plans to buy five of these and fill them with compost which costs £40 a ton.  These will be put in a courtyard and the results monitored.  If successful the scheme will be extended.


Application 4


Applicant:      Azad House Residents


Amount:         £200


Proposal:       Multi-Faith Cohesion Funding



                        The proposal is to hold cohesion and harmony based events that will be proactive in bringing together the diverse faiths, beliefs, creeds and ethnicity within the schemes and their localities.  This will allow a celebration of events that include Diwali, Eid and Christmas and allow the community to understand and appreciate the diverse cultural nature of One Leicester.  The vents are to be held in the first week of December 2011.  It is envisaged that the money will be match-funded by the organisation. 


Anita Patel, Member Support Officer gave an update on the Community Meeting Budget and reported that the Budget for the year had been £15,000, and to date £7,313 had been spent, leaving a remaining balance of £7,687.


Anita explained that four funding applications had been received and were included on the agenda. Councillors had considered the applications in detail prior to the meeting.


1)    Leicester United Sports and Culture                            £500

Removing ‘Gang Mind’ of the Young

Generation within our Community



that the funding application be supported to the value of £370.


2)    Shubaan                                                                               £1,000

Seeking funding to pay hire charges at Highfields Centre to enable sporting activities to be held as well as a seminar on the recent riots and get the thoughts of young people of Spinney Hills.



that the funding application be supported to the value of £1,000.


3)    St. Matthews Tenants Association                                £500

Seeking funding to establish a small tool bank of equipment including spades, forks, rakes and a battery lawn mower for residents to maintain their gardens or cultivate the areas of land allocated to grow vegetables.



That the funding application be supported to the value of £500.


4)    Resident representative from                                         £200

Mahatma Gandhi House, Sabarmati House

and Azad House

Seeking funding to hold a multi-faith cohesion function.



that the funding application be supported to the value of £1,000.


Anita reported that a late application had been received as summarised below:


5)    Spinney Hills Police/Community Safety                      £1,200

Seeking funding for a Burglary hardening Scheme in the area, involving the purchase and delivery to recent and potential victims of burglary of window locks and timer switches. The funding would enable some 120 properties to be covered.



that the funding application be supported to the value of £500 at this meeting, the balance to be considered at the next meeting.