Agenda item


The Community Meeting will consider the following key issues within the St Matthews Area of the Ward:


1.    Highways and Traffic

2.    State of the Roads

3.    Residents Parking Scheme

4.    District Heating


Relevant Council officers and representatives will be in attendance to provide an overview of each of the above, and will then answer questions relating to each issue.


Officers from the City Council attended the meeting in response to a request for feedback on the following topics: -


·         Highways and Traffic

·         State of the Roads

·         Residents Parking Scheme


Residents Parking

It was reported that in response to resident’s concerns No Waiting restrictions had been implemented on four separate roads on St. Matthews, including Manitoba Road and Chester Close. Parking enforcement on these roads were covered by Traffic Enforcement Officers.


Requests had now been received to introduce similar restrictions to Edmonton Road, Malabar Road, Lethbridge Close and Ontario Close.


Officers stated that an experimental residents Parking Scheme was currently operating in part of the South Highfields area and a similar scheme would be considered for St. Matthews as it would not be possible to construct sufficient laybys to make a difference on the estate. At the present time certain residents had asked for a Residents Parking Scheme but the areas where they lived did not link up. The City Council would be prepared to consider introducing a Scheme in an arc across the estate but this would depend on residents. Should the stage be reached whereby a Residents Parking Scheme was drawn up a ballot of residents in the area of the scheme would take place. If, as a result of the ballot, the majority of residents responding opposed the Scheme then it would not be implemented. Should the residents Parking Scheme be supported then it would be possible to tailor it to meet the needs of residents. A fee of £25 would be imposed as an admin fee on all residents. All objections to a proposed Scheme would be reported to Cabinet and then, as soon as they had been successfully addressed, could the signs and necessary lines be provided.


Discussion took place around Residents Parking in general and of the view that the £25 fee should not apply to Blue Badge holders, together with the recipients of disability benefits.


A member of the public questioned how space was allocated for residents/cars. Officers stated that the Council did not allocate space and in areas, such as St. Matthews, where the number of residents vehicles exceeded the number of spaces available, then a Residents Parking Scheme would be unable to address the problems outlined, but only as far as preventing commuter parking. Permits for visitors were available and the other major issue was the effect on local businesses, although the City Council tried to provide laybys in streets not covered by the Residents Parking Scheme.


A member of the public questioned what provision would be made for workers that came to the estate to work. Officers responded by stating that the City Council would only try and prevent commuters and shoppers from parking on the estate, but it would not be possible to restrict motorists with a permit from parking within the Scheme area.

It was further reported that the holder of a permit would not be guaranteed a parking space outside their house, or even within the Scheme area, as this would depend on the number of vehicles with valid permits already within the Scheme area.


A member of the public suggested that areas of gardens and grassed areas, not being used, could be converted into parking areas. Officers stated that they would look at this and stated that in other areas of the City it had been possible to reduce the width of footways to provide parking, although this would probably not be feasible on St. Matthews.


A member of the public stated that he had recently visited a project on the estate and had found his car ticketed. Officers stated that, as in other areas, visitors permits would be made available and parking arrangements for Places of Worship could also be arranged.


A member of the public stated that there were a lot of cul-de-sacs on St. Matthews estate, and questioned whether a Residents Parking Scheme would be implemented on a street by street basis. Officers stated that a recent request to implement Traffic restrictions in one such street had been allowed, although to make a Scheme effective several adjoining streets were preferred.


In concluding it was stated that the issue of Residents Parking had initially been raised at a meeting with the City Mayor. Residents needed to be clear that permits were £25 per vehicle and to hold a permit would not guarantee a parking space, particularly outside their house, or even street. The City Council had not yet decided on Residents Parking for St. Matthews but residents needed to be aware of the issues favouring a scheme, and those issues against a scheme.


State of the Roads

It was reported that planned works in the City had been funded by the City Council and the Depatment for Transport (DfT).


In the past the City Council had allocated Local Environmental Works Fund monies to provide such facilities as laybys or other off-street parking. The funding had been allocated on a priority basis of requests received, and approved by Cabinet each year.


Each year the City Council undertook a survey of the condition of roads across the City and then the worst roads were targeted for repair, with major routes being the priority. Over the past year over 600 requests for service were logged for Spinney Hills Ward, resulting in 392 potholes being filled in.


A member of the public stated that there were a lot of irresponsible drivers coming to the estate and with the number of children on the streets going either to school or Madrassa more traffic calming should be considered and also more pedestrian crossings provided.


A member of the public stated that there was a need to widen Christow Street as the 21/21A bus stop was located here and caused obstruction.


Officers agreed to take details of these issues and report back.


A member of the public stated that there were a couple of mini-roundabouts, one on the junction of Madras/Manitoba Road and one on Montreal Road, that were dangerous and should be removed. Officers agreed to take details and look into the problems reported.



                        that the information be noted.