Agenda item


The Community Meeting to receive an update on Local Policing issues in the area.


Sgt. Danny Graham attended the meeting and reported the following crime statistics for the Stoneygate area, comparing figures for the periods 1st September to 1st December in 2010 and 2011: -


                                                                    2011                             2010

Total Crimes                                             245                                271


Assaults                                                         64                                68

Burglaries – Houses                                   22                                25

Criminal Damage                                        24                                29

Robberies                                                      14                                6

Theft of motor Vehicles                              7                                  11

Theft from Motor Vehicles                          26                                27

Anti Social Behaviour                                 14                                27

Vulnerable Persons Report                       35                                13


It was stated that several years ago Vulnerable Persons reports had not been recorded but now they were. The cases could involve elderly persons feeling isolated and reporting youths carrying out ASB, but when investigated the persons making the report could sometimes become a report to Social Services. Some investigations under this category could also lead to quite major investigations e.g. where some older people were being ‘fleeced’ by relatives.


Sgt. Graham stated that there had been an increase in House Break-Ins and Robberies and these had resulted in intelligence visits by officers to high risk and medium risk offenders, on the basis that it sent out the message that the Police were aware of what the offenders were doing and that a watch was being kept on them. Additionally a temporary increased police presence in the area had been established with firearms officers, motorway officers, dog handlers and plain clothes officers to act as a deterrent for offenders. The police and Community Safety Team were investing in target hardening in the area with window locks and timers (for lights) being purchased for distribution to high priority domestic properties, an application for funding will be considered later in the meeting.


Several drugs operations had recently been undertaken in the area with varying degrees of success with several persons arrested, together with some drug growing equipment.


Sgt. Graham reported that, over the past several months, the local policing team had been supporting the local youth club managed by HART. The police had been successful in obtaining some funding to enable some of the young people rock climbing in the New Year.


Work was underway to tackle a couple of problem families living on Myrtle Road, ultimately a positive outcome was expected.


Sgt. Graham outlined the future plans for the local policing unit. Between 13th and 17th December 2011 increased evening patrols had been arranged, together with ‘Look and Execute’ search warrants. The police were looking to find those individuals that had not kept Court appointments. On Friday 8th December local police officers were to help staff and pupils at Medway Community Primary School to demolish an old brick wall at the school.


The Problem Solving Plan (PSP) in place at Upper Tichborne Street was still working well, with Drug dealing having been reduced drastically. In Dirvana Road there were on-going youth related issues that required attention and it was planned to introduce a PSP here as well.


The issue of speeding traffic along Evington Lane was raised. Sgt Graham stated that he was planning a ‘speeding operation’ utilising cameras on Evington Lane and stated that he was looking to undertake this operation on Friday(pm) and Saturday(am) and would be training officers prior it starting. Lessons learned from this operation would be assessed and a report made to the City Council on assistance that had been identified.


The Community Meeting were informed that from the City Council’s perspective very few of the accidents recorded on Evington Lane were attributable to speeding, although the position regarding the majority of the accidents recorded on Ethel Road were attributable to speeding.


It was stated that every school day parents were parking on the ‘zig zag’ markings outside Evington Valley School and that nothing seemed to be done to prevent this. Sgt. Graham stated that the police were able to move these cars on, although Vinci Parking dealt with parking on double yellow lines, however the police would target this area with available resources, although there was a need to work with the school.


Sgt. Graham was thanked for his report.



                        that the information be noted.