Agenda item


There will be an update with regard to the latest proposals for Fosse Library.


Councillor Russell attended the meeting and gave a brief presentation on the City Council General Fund Budget 2011/12 that covered the following areas: -


·         What are we now facing

·         The Approach

·         Expenditure Projections

·         Budget Summary

·         Budget – Savings

·         Where do the Savings Fall

·         Key Proposals

·         Resource Forecasts

·         Taxation

·         Libraries

·         Self Service Model


Detailed discussion took place around the future of the library service, centred on the 3 libraries (Aylestone, St. Matthews and Fosse) that had been identified as requiring attention. The actions proposed at these venues centred on reducing book stocks and reduction in staff and, in the case of St. Matthews and Aylestone a move to share other premises. Part of the proposals also include a move to a self-service operation at these 3 locations, although it was intended to retain computer availability for public use. It was stated that the reason the 3 locations referred to had been identified was because the cost per visitor to each of these libraries was far in excess of other libraries across the city.


Fosse Library

A member of the public stated that she had fought long and hard for Fosse Library and was a regular user. It was stated that there now seemed to be more services for younger people being provided across the city and services for older people, such as the libraries were being reduced. In the case of Fosse Library, due to its location off the main road, not many people knew it existed but the hours of opening could be extended. Newfoundpool across the other side of Fosse Road had very few facilities in comparison.


Officers stated that regarding the opening hours of Fosse library, it was intended to open the library whenever the Centre was open to provide access to books and computers. The technology for the self-service facility was based on that in supermarkets. The Library Service wanted to work with other organisations to encourage local interest groups to meet in library premises. A core group of staff would remain based in Fosse Centre to cover most areas of work, including the library. Trained library staff would visit periodically to deal with library specific issues. Several options remained available at Fosse Centre.


The Chair referred to a letter received from a local resident who made reference to the proposed cut to the minibus service that operated to bring the elderly to libraries to select books. The resident urged that the service be not cut as it provided a valuable lifeline to a number of elderly people and enabled them to meet other people.


It was stated that cuts in funding were inevitable but that a number of options were still being considered, in the case of the mini bus service a ‘befriending service’ operated in Braunstone whereby people were able to be taken out to where they wanted to go in the locality, this scheme could potentially be rolled out to other areas of the City.


As a suggestion it was stated that maybe a way forward would be to get more people to use Fosse Library over the coming weeks and months and encourage more community use. However it was stated that savings would have to be taken forward to Council to balance the books, although final decisions on where the savings were to be made had yet to be finalised.


Councillor Russell stated that she would be happy to work with Ward Councillors to identify where savings could be made and also to look at options put forward.


Further discussion took place around the location of Fosse Library and of the possible need to publicise its location in the local community. It was felt that by making changes identified would, in effect, be taking a facility out of the local community, but rather the space in the current library could be better utilised for community activities.


In summing up local residents were urged to contact Councillors Waddington and Cassidy with questions and comments regarding Fosse Library and should a further public meeting be required around the Fosse Library proposals then this could be arranged. It was stressed that there were no plans to actually shut Fosse library, but rather to run the service differently to meet budget restrictions.