Agenda item


Councillors are reminded that they will need to declare any interest they may have in budget applications, and/or indicate that Section 106 of the Local Government Finance Act 1992 applies to them.


There will be an update on the Community Meeting budget. The following funding application was approved under the fast track system:


Application to ensure the continuation andmaintenance of improvements to Aylestone Village: Aylestone Local Action Group (1353).


Amount requested: £498 (already paid)


For the purchase of robust step ladders, display boards, stationary, photographic printing costs, card etc. Also funding for plants for Winter baskets and troughs.





Estimate or actual cost?

Heavy duty  step ladders



Stationary, postage, photographic, and printing costs



Selection of plants for 20 winter baskets, compost, feed and liners for baskets.



Promotional display boards











The following applications have also been received:


Gilmorton Gazette: Gilmorton Development Group (1340)


Amount requested £486


To create a pilot magazine by and for the Gilmorton estate. To be produced by local residents in partnership with Citizens Eye and Leicester Libraries.





Estimate / Actual


Cost to Ward Meeting £

Printing of newsletters



Hire of room



Travel expenses



Graphic Design








Slab Path to disabled ramp. Slab area around toilet and disabled ramp: Eyres Monsell Allotment and Garden Society.


Amount requested: £370.58 (1348)


The proposal is to provide a path from the road to the disabled ramp to the rear of the meeting room to provide a safer access to the ramp. They would also like to slab the areas around the ramp and around the toilet access ramp to make the general area level and safer.





Estimate / Actual


Cost to Ward Meeting £

2 packs of paving slabs



Washed sand






Delivery cost







Secure Container for storage of society and members’ equipment: Eyres Monsell Allotment and Garden Society (1349)


Amount requested: £1900


The proposal is for the purchase of a secure steel container for storage of the members’ rotavators and the society’s own equipment.


Costs: steel storage container 20 x 8 ft - £1900 (estimate)



Road Safety Measure: Montrose School (1350)


Amount requested: £2500


The proposal is to address a serious problem of dangerous parking close to Montrose School. Following discussions with the local police and the council’s highways officers a proposal to extend the road markings on the approach to the zebra crossing and the removal some of the parking provision has been recommended as an appropriate solution to the problem.


Costs: £2500


Notice Board: Gilmorton Development Group (1351)


Amount requested: £496


To purchase and have fitted an external notice board to inform all 500 residents of activities taking place in the Gilmorton Rooms and on the estate plus any additional activities in the Ward and surround area.





Estimate / Actual


Cost to Ward Meeting £

External notice board



Fitting  (Council)



VAT 20% to reclaim













Aylestone 2012 – Olympic Themed Fun Day: Spirit of Aylestone Community Group (1352)


Amount requested: £1990


The proposal is for a fun day to be held on Sunday 1 July from 11.00am to 3.00pm. The event will be based in Aylestone Hall Gardens, though some events such as a Fun Run and Tug of War will be held on Aylestone Meadows. The day has been picked to coincide with the Olympic Torch Relay which passes through Leicester on the following day. There will be a variety of events including a variety of different sporting activities, bouncy castle, face painting, a community barbeque and picnic and a mass participation zumba event. It is hoped to hold an open air service in Aylestone Hall Gardens before the event starts.


Costs of £1900 include publicity, hire of a P.A. system, first aid, electricity, fun run costs, prizes and live music.


Fruits of Nature Fun Day: Aylestone Meadows Appreciation Society (1354)


Amount requested: £250

The event is planned for 16 September, 1.30pm  to 4.30pm on the Open Minded Play space on Aylestone Meadows to showcase the wild fruits that are grow on the Meadows and also to help people learn about the UK heritage of native variety of apples and pears. The event will be supported by the Riverside Rangers’ Team. Planned activities include  a range of wild produce, stalls selling jams and preserves, recipes, games and storytelling. There will also be a fruit expert who will bring a range of English fruit and hold an apple identification surgery.







Estimate or actual cost?

Mr Cain  - Fruit Expert (based in Doncaster)



Miscellaneous – including publicity costs, plastic drink cups, samples recipes etc. Any unspent money to be returned to the Ward Meeting budget.








Aylestone Meadows Appreciation Society Publicity Leaflet: Aylestone Meadows Appreciation Society (1355)


Amount requested: £100


Aylestone Meadows Appreciation Society is an active group of people who interested in protecting, preserving and promoting Aylestone Meadows. AMAS is keen to expand its membership further to reach a wider group of people.  They wish to produce a publicity leaflet with an application form, a photocopied newsletter and posters to publicise their events.





Estimate or actual cost?


A5 leaflets x 500




Posters / photocopying












Gilmorton Messy Church: Spirit of Aylestone Group (1356)


Amount requested: £539


The proposal is in response to a request to the churches in Aylestone from the Aylestone Ward Councillors to provide activities for the families on the Gilmorton estate. Messy Church is a national initiative to engage people with matters of faith and to engage community in a fresh way. Each session would last approximately 90 minutes and would include elements of welcome, creativity, celebration and food. They aim to hold Messy Church in the Gilmorton Community Rooms every last Sunday on the month from 4.30 – 6.00pm.







Estimate or actual cost?

Publicity and printing



Room hire £3 per hr x 3 hrs per session for 6 months



Card and activity set up costs -  glue, scissors etc



Craft and activity sessions costs. £20 per session



Finger food for £30 at £35 per session








The Chair presented the Community Meeting budget and explained that a number of new funding applications had been received since the previous meeting, which if supported would exceed the balance remaining in the budget by approximately £1800.  It had previously been agreed to ring-fence £3000 of the budget for Greener Transport Initiatives, because any unspent community meeting monies would not be carried forward to the new financial year. The Chair suggested that funding to meet the new bids could be taken from the £3000 that had been previously set aside.  Members of the public indicated that they supported this suggestion.


Application for stationery/insurance and plant baskets: Aylestone Local Action Group


Amount requested: £500


Councillor Clarke explained that funding bids for £500 or less could be fast tracked for payment by the Ward Councillors, and did not need to be brought to Ward Meetings. This application had been approved under the fast track system.


Application to ensure the continuation andmaintenance of improvements to Aylestone Village: Aylestone Local Action Group (1353).


Amount requested: £498


The proposal was for the purchase of robust step ladders, display boards, stationary, photographic printing costs, card etc. Also funding for plants for winter baskets and troughs.



that the application from Aylestone Local Action Group for the continuation and maintenance of improvements to Aylestone Village be supported in full.


Mr Alan Potter, local resident from the Gilmorton Development Group gave a brief outline of the following two funding applications.


Gilmorton Gazette: Gilmorton Development Group (1340)


Amount requested £486


Funding was requested to create a pilot magazine by and for the Gilmorton estate. To be produced by local residents in partnership with Citizens Eye and Leicester Libraries.


Notice Board: Gilmorton Development Group (1351)


Amount requested: £502


The proposal was to purchase and have fitted an external notice board to inform all 500 residents of activities taking place in the Gilmorton Rooms and on the estate plus any additional activities in the Ward and surround area.



that it be agreed that the funding applications for the Gilmorton Gazette and the Notice Board be supported in full.


Slab Path to disabled ramp. Slab area around toilet and disabled ramp: Eyres Monsell Allotment and Garden Society.


Amount requested: £370.58 (1348)


The proposal was to provide a path from the road to the disabled ramp to the rear of the meeting room to provide a safer access to the ramp. In addition to slab the areas around the ramp and around the toilet access ramp to make the general area level and safer.



that it be agreed that the funding application from the Eyres Monsell Allotment and Garden Society for the improvements to the pathway and area around the ramp and toilet access to ramp be supported in full.



Ms Anne Hayto from the Aylestone Meadows Appreciation Society gave a brief outline of the following two funding applications:


Fruits of Nature Fun Day: Aylestone Meadows Appreciation Society (1354)


Amount requested: £250


Funding was requested for a Fun Day to take place on 16 September on the Open Minded Play space on Aylestone Meadows to showcase the wild fruits that are grow on the Meadows and also to help people learn about the UK heritage of native variety of apples and pears.


Aylestone Meadows Appreciation Society Publicity Leaflet: Aylestone Meadows Appreciation Society (1355)


Amount requested: £100


The proposal was for the production of publicity leaflets, a newsletter and posters, in which to publicise the the Aylestone Meadows Appreciation Society and its events.



that it be agreed that the funding applications  from the Aylestone Meadows Appreciation Society for the Fruits of Nature Fun Day and Publicity be supported in full.



Secure Container for storage of society and members’ equipment: Eyres Monsell Allotment and Garden Society (1349)


Amount requested: £1900


Funding was requested for the purchase of a secure steel container for storage of the members’ rotavators and the society’s own equipment.



that the funding application from the Eyres Monsell Allotment and Garden Society for a secure steel container be supported in full.



Road Safety Measure: Montrose School (1350)


Amount requested: £2500


Funding was requested to address a serious problem of dangerous parking close to Montrose School. Following discussions with the local police and the council’s highways officers a proposal to extend the road markings on the approach to the zebra crossing and the removal some of the parking provision had been recommended as an appropriate solution to the problem.


Members of the community, although sympathetic to the need for the work to be carried out,  questioned why the community meeting budget should finance this work rather than the Highways Department. Councillors explained that the approval of the funding bid would enable the work to be carried out quicker as a child had been hurt in an accident and prompt action was needed. However it was intended to approach the Deputy City Mayor to ask for Highways to meet some of the costs. David Poxon, Team Leader explained that the work would cost considerably more than the £2500 as a Traffic Regulation Order would be required and there were associated legal costs with that.



that it be agreed that the funding application from Montrose School for road safety measures be supported in full and that Councillor Clarke submit a request to the Deputy City Mayor that the Aylestone Community Meeting budget be refunded with some of the costs of the work.



Rev Tim Ferguson was present at the meeting and gave an outline of the following bid:


Aylestone 2012 – Olympic Themed Fun Day: Spirit of Aylestone Community Group (1352)


Amount requested: £1990


The proposal was for a fun day to be held on Sunday 1 July to be based in Aylestone Hall Gardens. There would be a variety of events including different sporting activities, a bouncy castle, face painting, a mini Olympic torch run and hopefully a community barbeque. There would also be a mass participation zumba event. It was hoped to hold an open air service in Aylestone Hall Gardens before the event started.



that it be agreed that the funding application from the Spirit of Aylestone for an Olympic Fun Day be supported in full.


Gilmorton Messy Church: Spirit of Aylestone Group (1356)


Amount requested: £539


The proposal was to hold Messy Church in the Gilmorton Community Rooms every last Sunday of the month. This was in response to a request to the churches in Aylestone from the Aylestone Ward Councillors to provide activities for the families on the Gilmorton estate.



that the funding application from the Spirit of Aylestone for Messy Church be supported in full.