Agenda item


An officer has been invited to attend the meeting to give an update on Youth Services in the area.


David Thrussell, Head of Youth Offending Service and Gerry Burke, Area Youth Work Manager attended the meeting to provide an update on youth services in the area and an overview of teenagers out of school.


It was reported that Youth Services across the country were suffering as a direct result of funding cuts. I Leicester it had been recognised that investment in Youth Services was important and funding had been retained.


In Leicester 14 Centres, including the Armadale Centre were operated with a range of activities and the budget available enabled both City Council and a range of partner body activities to be offered.


It was stated that the City recognised the need to engage young people at an early stage, an example being the Youth Council Elections that were to take place shortly. Leicester had a good record of involving young people in the democratic process.


Local Provision

Gerry stated that on a local level a range of activities were offered at the Armadale Centre with weekly youth work sessions offered as well as healthy eating sessions, a new computer suite and a re-furbished gym. It was envisaged that young people could be trained and reduce the levels of ASB around the estate. The detached youth team was currently concentrating on ASB issues in other areas of the City.


A member of the public questioned what activities were available in Hamilton. Gerry stated that this was an area that the Council were looking at  and were looking to potential working with Hope Hamilton School to help tackle the ASB issues in Hamilton.


David stated that there were a number of ‘fixed’ Centres across the City  offering youth activities, some of these were well used, others not. The Council were currently looking at a more flexible approach to the extent that a ‘Local Offer’ was being rolled out that would in effect be a flexible approach to providing young people’s programmes. The full detail of the ‘Local Offer’ would be known in 6-8 weeks and details would be publishe on the City Council website.


A member of the public questioned what provision was planned for Humberstone, as at present there was nothing for young people. Gerry stated that this was an area that was being looked at to assess what provision had existed previously. The Chair stated that Humberstone had excellent schools in place and it was possible that some youth provision could be provided at those locations. Whatever was put in place would be advertised across the area.


A member of the public sought further information on the role of Detached Youth Workers. Gerry responded by stating he managed seven separate Wards and that he needed to react to issues in specific areas. At present there was one full-time Worker managing three Detached Workers in the seven Wards. The Workers were currently working within St.Matthews, Highfields and Evington Wards as these were areas that the public had identified as requiring attention.


David informed the meeting that the City Council invested heavily in Youth Services and Youth Offending Services, with the Probation Service in place to work with Adult offenders. The City was currently fifth in the country in reducing levels of youth re-offending and this was as a result of the work put in place.


Councillor Patel stated that people in this area constantly felt that they were being forgotten and that there was a seeming lack of investment in Youth Services. The department should proactively inform local organisations of what was being done as this could then form part of the solution. Officers were urged to engage with local groups and organisations.


David stated that he would bring an update back to the Community Meeting in six months.



                        that the information be noted.