Agenda item


To receive an update on Local Policing issues in the Stoneygate Ward.


The update to include responses to the following issues: -


·         Anti-Social Behaviour – Kingston Road/Devana Road

·         Take-Aways on Evington Road


P.C. Dave Barber attended the meeting and gave an update on local policing in the area.


Target hardening packs were currently available from Spinney Hills Police Station, containing window locks and timer switches, and these were intended for recent victims of crime or for properties deemed to be potential targets for crime. The Police would be visiting properties targeted as within potential crime hotspots.


Dave made reference to the on-going problems in Upper Tichborne Street and the fact that Police patrols had been increased since late 2011. Funding had been obtained to provide and locate a CCTV camera at the junction of Hamilton Street/Upper Tichborne Street.


It was reported that the previous week a Week of Action had taken place with 18 police officers patrolling the area in pairs. It had been hoped to engage with local residents during the week but due to the cold weather at the time this had not proved possible.


A ‘crack’ house had recently been closed on Abingdon Road and this was still being watched by the Police.


Jon Ashworth M.P. had recently participated in a ‘patch walk’ that covered Evington Road and the side streets leading off it, the Police had also participated. It was stated that the Police crime figures did not match up with the issues quoted on the ‘patch walk’, in particular regarding a request for a CCTV on the junction of Devana Road/Lyme Road as Sgt. Graham did not feel that the level of crime justified a camera at this location.


The Community Meeting requested that feedback be given at the next meeting on the level of incidents/Police time required to justify the installation of a CCTV camera. It was further requested that information on the prioritisation of 999 calls received by the Police would also be useful.


A member of the public stated that there had been occasions when the Police had not responded when called. Dave stated that the response time was dependant on the priority allocated to the incident at the time it was reported. The Police aimed to respond to incidents as soon as possible.


Dave was questioned whether the cuts in funding imposed by the Government would have an adverse effect on Police response times in Leicester. Dave stated that Leicestershire Constabulary had not recruited for 2 years and that as officers had retired they had not been replaced so that it was really a case of who was available at the time of a 999 call. However, recruiting had recently re-started and Luke, the current Stoneygate City Warden, had been successful in being taken on, with a start in April 2012.


Regarding car parking outside Medway and Mayflower schools these areas had been blitzed recently over a week, with cars being ticketed, repeat visits would be made.


It was stated that the Olympics in London would affect local policing due to a number of officers being drafted from Leicestershire.


A speeding operation had recently been carried out on Kingsway Road/Highway Road and 10 motorists had received warnings for traveling too fast.


Police officers would be liaising more closely with the 3 Hostels in the area to keep a watch on drink and drugs problems.


A further issue arising from the recent ‘patch walk’ was that of the number of takeaways on Evington Road and their hours of opening. One of the takeaways ‘Oodles’ had recently applied for an extension to remain open until 4.00am.


Councillor Desai disclosed a personal and prejudicial interest regarding this application as a member of both the Licensing Sub-Committee and the Planning Committee, left the meeting and took no further part in the discussion.


The Chair stated that she had lodged an objection to the application for additional hours and stated that she had also received a petition objecting to the additional hours. Members of the public present were asked to forward objections to either Councillor Chaplin or Councillor Kamal on the extension to the hours of opening, although the proposal to utilise the door onto Kingston Road could not be challenged as a licensing issue. A member of the public stated that whilst the door leading out onto Kingston Road might not be a planning issue iy would be a licensing issue and that a condition could be imposed requiring that the door in question be not used while the premises were open. Councillors and the Police had powers to call in particular licences if there was a suspicion that conditions were not being met.


A member of the public stated that a lot of cars already parked on pavements in the vicinity of this takeaway as well as parking on double yellow lines on Evington Road, with buses sometimes unable to pass parked vehicles. A further issue was that of access to Emergency Service vehicle.


Several members of the public living in the vicinity of ‘Oodles’ had not been notified of the application for an extension of hours and the Chair agreed to check this out.


Members of the public questioned the sheer number of takeaway premises on Evington Road and sought clarification as to what national guidelines were. The Chair agreed to raise this matter with relevant officers.


A member of the public suggested that it would be possible to provide some lay-bys along Evington Road, where existing pavements were quite wide, and make additional car parking available. The Chair stated that she would raise this with the Deputy City Mayor.


                        that the information be noted.


Councillor Desai returned to the meeting.