Agenda item


An update will be given on recent Police developments and successes. There will also be an update on the Joint Action Group.


Sergeant Dave Thompson introduced himself and informed the meeting he had taken over from Sergeant Rich Jackson, and informed residents that if they had any issues, then he could be contacted directly. Sergeant Thompson then gave an update on Policing issues and answered questions from residents, highlighting the following points:-


-       Crime statistics in the ward for the 12 month period from April 2011 to April 2012 were down by 11%.

-       There were 29.6% fewer burglaries.

-       Theft of motor vehicles was down by 14.6%.

-       Theft from motor vehicles was down by 3.7%.

Sergeant Thompson the reduction in crime was a testimony to the work of the team, and he encouraged people to report suspicious activity during the summer months, during which crime prevention would be highlighted amongst residents. During July in 2011 there had been a small spike of burglaries in dwelling houses due to people leaving open windows and doors due to the warm weather, and that he was raising awareness of the issue for the forthcoming summer period. He asked that residents remember to lock doors and windows, and ensure that valuables were locked away, especially on the ground floors of homes, and that valuables in cars were kept out of sight, and any indications of the use of a sat nav.


Sergeant Thompson also informed residents that concerns had been raised regarding speeding in the ward. The Police had acquired a speed gun which had been deployed in certain areas following one serious accident and one slight injury in the area. Councillor Westley stated that the Ward Community Fund had contributed to the purchase of the speed gun. Sergeant Thompson agreed to a request to bring a report on how the speed gun was working and crime statistics to the next meeting on 5th September 2012.


With regards to drugs misuse, Sergeant Thompson reported that a large number of warrants had been issued in the ward, and he asked that residents report any suspicious activity to the Police.


A point was raised in which it was reported that large numbers of young people were having their mobile phones taken from them, and that it appeared to be a growing trend. Sergeant Thompson encouraged young people to report the incidents.


It was stated by some residents at the meeting that the Gipsy and Traveller site at Greengate Lane had horses near to the roadside and young children driving vehicles, and that the issues had been reported to the Police. The residents were informed that the Ward Councillors had been to look at the site, and that the Police attached to the Multi Agency Traveller Unit would deal with the reported issues. Inspector Morris present at the meeting, informed residents that he would go through the incidents reported to ensure they were followed up.


Ward Councillors acknowledged the Police update and were pleased that figures for reported crime had gone down. The Police were thanked for all of their hard work.



Officer Identified


That a report be brought to the next meeting on the speed gun activity and crime statistics

Sergeant Thompson, Leicestershire Constabulary

5th September 2012