Agenda item


Councillors are reminded that they will need to declare any interest they may have in budget applications, and/or indicate that Section 106 of the Local Government Finance Act 1992 applies to them.


Anita Patel, Members Support Officer, will provide an overview of the current position of the Spinney Hills Ward budget.  Anita will give detail of expenditure in relation to money committed as part of the 2011/12 ward budget.


The following applications will be considered at the meeting


Application 1 (deferred at March meeting)


Applicant:      Sikh Community Centre


Amount:         £3,000


Proposal:       Gymnasium equipment and new musical instruments


Summary:     We would like to submit an application for two things that would be beneficial to the users of our organisation.  We have a gymnasium in our centre and recently there has been lots of demand for new equipment to be brought in.  Due to our financial circumstances we are not in a position to provide this.


We would like to purchase a vibrating plate which would encourage users to exercise as its easy to use and not as strenuous as other gym equipment.  We know that this will increase our membership base as many people have enquired about this purchase. 


We would also like to purchase new musical instruments.  We currently have three classes running at our centre for children and adult music lessons.  As the number of users is growing, we are running out of instruments for them to use.  The instruments we do have are no longer in good condition and are in need of replacement.



Application 2 (deferred at March meeting)


Applicant:      Highfields Library


Amount:         £765


Proposal:       Health Matters in Highfields - Family intervention project


Summary:     Highfields Library in partnership with the Leicester Partnership Trust Community Health Development Coordinator will be running a general one day Family Health Matters event in Highfields, which will promote overall health and well-being for the community of Spinney Hills.


The event will consist of 9 table top stalls offering health practitioners information and advice, which will be aimed at promoting positive health, reducing isolation, encouraging positive mental health and making positive lifestyle changes.


Activities planned on the day for children include, colouring, face painting, Mehdi, balloon art and a variety of outdoor activities. 


Application 3 (deferred at March meeting)


Applicant:      Highfields Community Association


Amount:         £2,000 (from each of Spinney Hills, Castle and Stoneygate Ward)


Proposal:       Highfields Festival Event on 30 June 2012 at Highfields Centre and Uplands Junior School


Summary:     Highfields festival 2012


Date: June 30th  2012


VenuesHighfields Centre sports hall/main hall/forecourt car park and Uplands School grounds




Key issues/aspects:


·         Format of event - outdoor/indoor activities/stalls/music/poetry/film taster workshops & a Job /Training Fair with HMAC in the main hall on the Saturday. These activities to be during the day and these will be free. We are looking to have a small/medium size stage outside as a focal point.

·         Event will incorporate the annual Celebration of Diversity & Unity in the Community (CDUC) young people’s event on Saturday evening

·         Catering – will be provided by H-Café at the Centre and by local companies providing specialist foods

·         Other partners so far signed up are Leicester Print shop,

Highfields, Mayfield and St Saviours Children’s Centres, Active Youth, Highfields Library, Ansaar, Reminiss youth group and Uplands School

·         We will build in forward planning where we are hoping that the festival will continue to grow for 2013.



      Target Audience:


      Will be local communities in the Highfields area, young and old

      and newly arrived communities as well as those who are

      unemployed or looking for training. There is an event for young

      people and a cross generational event and a range of artists

      from diverse backgrounds will be performing.




       We will be filming & photographing event and doing interviews

       with people on the day. Also there will flipcharts/pen and sticky

       notes available to capture participants feelings and responses.

       Ultimately we will know we are successful by the numbers of

       people who attend the different aspects of the festival such as

       the :


·         Job/Training Fair

·         Taster arts & sports sessions

·         Youth CDUC event


         We would also take into account:


·         Number of stall holders

·         Partner agencies involved


       Additionally we will be asking people to sign up to be involved

       in next year’s event to encourage local ownership &

       involvement. The number of people who do this will also be an

       indicator of our success.


Application 4


Applicant:      AK Fitness


Amount:         £500


Proposal:       Street Party for Queens Jubilee for the Community




Application 5


Applicant:      Somali Advice and Information Services


Amount:         £913


Proposal:       To hold workshops 16-18th June at St Matthews Centre to empower young Somalis by providing help and advice.


                        A SUM OF £463 HAS ALREADY BEEN AGREED AS A FAST TRACK.


Application 6


Applicant:      Netherhall School


Amount:         £1,000


Proposal:       Netherhall Special School lunchtime Club – Cycling Club and                    Play Equipment for Students


Summary:     To provide much needed play equipment for young people with profound and/or multiple learning difficulties or severe learning difficulties.


The equipment is expensive to buy and we have very little playground equipment for our students.  We thoroughly enjoy using the few bikes and scooters which we have, which promote independence, physical activity and most of all fun.  These items are specially made and adopted to suit our needs.


Application 7


Applicant:      Champion Boxing Club


Amount:         £1,060


Proposal:       Boxing Club Equipment


Summary:     People between the ages of 7 and 30 use the boxing club on an on-going basis.  Benefits to the users are healthy living, tackling obesity, fitness and engagement in sporting activity.  It also helps to promote community cohesion amongst young people.


The equipment is required to provide a safe sporting environment and to improve the facilities at the club.  It is also hoped to attract more users to the club.


Application 8


Applicant:      Live Sport


Amount:         £620


Proposal:       Summer Sports Activity Sessions for Young People


Summary:     To organise sports activity sessions to take place during the summer 2012 at St Matthews Neighbourhood Centre.


Sessions will encourage young people to participate in sports activity as a group and will allow them to keep healthy and fit.  Session will provide multi-sports and other activities e.g badminton, football etc…


Sports in the community is a good way to keep young people occupied during school holidays.



Application 9


Applicant:      Redeemed Christian Church of God, City of Favour


Amount:         £800


Proposal:       Diamond Jubilee Street Party Event 4th June 2012




Application 10


Applicant:      Gandal Media


Amount:         £965


Proposal:       ‘Youngsters and Media’ – project to organise advice workshops                   for Somali youngsters


Summary:     Somali youngsters in Leicester tend to have few ideas or little knowledge through media and it is vital to help provide them with ideas in relation to the media.  We would like to organiser a two day workshop to allow youngsters to learn about the media.  There will be a highly qualified media presenter who will give them a broad knowledge in that field.  We will use local venues and expect to attract 75 young people from Leicester.


                        Gandal organisation is committed to train the youngsters and always promotes awareness to the topics related to Media.  At the end of the project there will be assessment forms which we will distribute to the youngsters and other attendees and we will ask them to feedback.


Application 11


Applicant:      St Matthews’ Childrens Action Group


Amount:         £425


Proposal:       National Play Day Event organised for 1 August 2012


Summary:     No summary provided.



Anita Patel, the Member Support Officer to the Spinney Hill Community Meeting presented the Community Meeting budget and explained that this was the first meeting of the new financial year.


Anita explained that the Ward Councillors had made decisions on the following funding applications:


Application 1:Sikh Community Centre– Gymnasium Equipment and new musical instruments. 


Amount Requested: £3,000



that the funding application be not supported. 


Application 2: Highfields Library – Health Matters in Highfields


Amount Requested: £765


It was noted that this application had been fast-tracked prior to the meeting.



that the funding application be partially supported to the value of £400.


Application 3:  Highfields Community Association – Highfields Festival Event


Amount Requested: £2,000



that the funding application from the Police and City Council Community Safety be supported in full to the value of    £750


Application 4: AK Fitness – Street Party for Queen’s Jubilee


It was noted that this application had been fast-tracked prior to the meeting.


Amount Requested: £500



that the funding application be supported to the value of £500.


Application 5: Somali Advice and Services – workshops to empower young people


Amount Requested: £913



that the funding application be supported to the value of £463


Application 6: Netherhall School – Cycling Club and Play Equipment for students


Amount Requested: £1,000



that the funding application be partially supported to the value of £400.


Application 7: Champion Boxing Club – Boxing Club Equipment


Amount Requested: £1,060



that it be agreed that the funding application be partially supported to the value of £1000.


Application 8 – Live Sport – Summer sports activities sessions for young people.


Amount Requested: £620



that it be agreed that the funding application be partially supported to the value of £500.


Application 9 –Redeemed Christian Church of God–Diamond Jubilee Street party Event


Amount Requested: £800


It was noted that this application had been fast-tracked prior to the meeting.




that it be agreed that the funding application be partially supported to the value of £500


Application 10 –Gandal Media–‘Youngsters and Media’


Amount Requested: £965



that the application be deferred, and that further information be obtained prior to reaching a decision. 


Application 11: St Matthews Children’s Action Group – National Play Day Event



Amount Requested: £425



that the funding application be supported to the value of £425.



The Chair stated that in future, all successful applicants will be asked to report back to the Community Meeting to provide an overview of the project/event which was supported.  It was also agreed that copies of publicity in relation to events supported by the community meeting be sent to the Ward Councillor.  Furthermore, the Councillors requested that all such publicity would need to state on it that support from the Ward Community budget had been obtained.

Supporting documents: