Agenda item


There will be an update on the latest situation concerning libraries in the area.


Adrian Wills, Head of Libraries, updated the meeting in respect of the situation with Fosse library.


He reported that since recent budgetary decisions, the way that the library would operate would have a dependency on Community Services staff and their deployment.  This had led to a proposal to have one shared reception for the library and to serve the Fosse Centre’s other functions.


Adrian explained that a scheme had been proposed which would create a new entrance to the building through the existing library.  He informed the meeting that the scheme was currently being costed and estimates were being sought from contractors.  Following this process a full feasibility study would be submitted to the City Mayor for determination.  Should finances be made available it was reported that the scheme would be submitted to the Consultation Group and residents of the ward.  This consultative process was considered to be vital given the proposed future joint use of the reception.  If funds for the new scheme were not found then the Consultative Group would be involved in developing an alternative method of operation.


With regard to the opening hours it was noted that library’s hours could be extended to cover most of the hours that the Centre was open, if the joint reception proposal was approved.  This would involve the installation of a self-service machine and the details of the type of machine and its likely usage were explained.  The final hours would also be the subject of debate by the Consultative Group.


Adrian was thanked for his update.


The proposed revised layout of the entrance was welcomed by the meeting.  It was considered that the revised joint access would be more open and user-friendly than the present arrangement.  In reply to a question it was confirmed that disabled access would not be affected.


In respect of the future operation and the issue concerning staffing and opening hours, the use of community volunteers was suggested.  It was also noted that many other specific initiatives would be considered by consultees and principally by the Consultative Group, should the proposal be approved.


The range of current books was discussed and Adrian confirmed that a user survey could be carried out to determine the demand for new books.  He commented that an injection of finance from the book fund could be sought to fund any new books required.


In reply to a question concerning organised transport for disabled users, it was confirmed that these journeys had been cut from the Council’s service.  It had been agreed that the journeys would be continued for one year, but following this extension period they would be withdrawn.  The meeting discussed the alternative arrangements that could be made including use of voluntary agencies, increased use of the ‘Bookbuses’ and the delivery of books to homes.  It was felt that alternative arrangements would need to be negotiated in the near future so that a sudden loss of service would not be realised by users.


In concluding the item concerning the new entrance and shared reception, the Chair welcomed the initiative and described the decision process.  It was noted that the feasibility study and estimate of cost would be determined by the City Mayor in the near future.


Jean Burbridge, Libraries Service, circulated information concerning the ‘Story Lab’ initiative for children.  She also advised on a forthcoming visit to the Wigston Records Office where a tour of exhibits relating to the suffragette movement, titled ‘Votes for Women’, was being organised.  The current work of the crafts group within libraries was also reported on.