Agenda item


The City Warden for the Fosse ward will be present to provide an update on environmental issues in the area.


Jethro Swift, City Warden for the Fosse Ward, was in attendance to update the meeting on environmental and street scene enforcement issues.


Before commencing his report, a question was raised from concerned residents who were being charged for the removal of rubbish from land at the rear of their property.  They informed the meeting that rubbish had been taken away by the Council but they felt it unfair to divide the cost and charge individual households which were affected.  It was the residents’ opinion that the Council should be more aware of the source of the fly-tipped rubbish and should not charge residents, particularly where it was obvious to them that residents had not been the responsible party.


Jethro was asked to clarify the position.  He referred to the considerable work undertaken in removing rubbish from private land, commonly from the rear of premises and households.  He advised the meeting that the responsibility for removing rubbish from private land lay with residents/owners.  The Council would only become involved where the rubbish was considered to be causing a hazard and the cost of removal would then be passed on to residents/owners.


In respect of the particular case raised by residents, Jethro confirmed that the rubbish had been removed under this policy, whereby the rubbish was causing a hazardous situation and therefore steps were taken to have it removed.  The policy of sharing the cost between residents affected and subsequent billing was explained.


The meeting accepted the Council’s position in respect of the policy.  It was noted that in most cases this was the fairest way of dealing with the issue.  It was however not felt appropriate to charge elderly and/or infirm residents where it was clear they had not caused the fly-tip and could not reasonably be expected to clear the rubbish.


The Chair and Councillor Cassidy offered to meet with the residents concerned as Ward Members with a view to proposing a solution, in liaison with the City Warden.  The meeting agreed to this as an appropriate way forward.


The residents were thanked for raising the issue and Jethro was thanked for his informative response concerning the implementation of the Council’s policy.


Chris Nutting (Cleansing Services) provided an explanation of the policies which were implemented to deal with fly-tips on the highway and reported on the work undertaken alongside the City Warden Service.  He referred to several initiatives where lockable gates had been erected at the rear entrances to private properties to prevent fly-tipping and reminded the meeting that rubbish deposited on private land was dealt with by Environmental Health.


In discussing fly-tipping generally, other problem sites within the ward were discussed. It was considered that the trend seemed to suggest repeat behaviour by perpetrators and Jethro was encouraged to increase surveillance of these areas.


Jethro was invited to provide his regular update on environmental issues.


He reported on the ‘Bins on Streets’ initiative where a successful operation had been undertaken in four streets within the ward.  Although prevention had been the principle aim of the operation, several Fixed Penalty Notices had been issued following Final Warning Notices.  It was reported that revised legislation meant that all pre-pared Notices, advisory stickers and other pre-printed information was now out of date.  Revised supplies were being ordered although a delay in the service would be experienced during the replacement period.  The meeting noted the position.


In reply to a question concerning dog fouling, Jethro confirmed that the offence had to be witnessed in order for a Fixed Penalty Notice to be issued.  In respect of problems of dog waste at the Rally Park play area it was suggested that fencing around the play area would solve the problem.  In response it was reported that play areas were often not fenced-off as some dog owners would use the space irresponsibly to unleash and exercise their dogs in the fenced area.


In conclusion Jethro referred to the consultative meetings concerning Tudor Gardens and thanked all those involved.  As a result of the meetings anti-social behaviour problems had been greatly reduced.


Jethro was thanked for his report and update.