Agenda item


Councillors are reminded that they will need to declare any interest they may have in budget applications, and/or indicate that Section 106 of the Local Government Finance Act 1992 applies to them.


The Member Support Officer will present the latest position with regard to the Ward Community Budget.


The following applications have been received:



Application   1          (3010)


Applicant       MBCOL


Amount          £ 500


Proposal        IT Equipment Support


Summary      Replacement computer for designing and producing educational                publications and day to day office use



Application   2          (3012)


Applicant       Highfields Community Association


Amount          £ 2000 (£ 6000 between 3 Wards)


Proposal        Highfields Festival 2013


Summary      Highfields Festival and activities for the community to be held on                29 June 2013



Application   3          (3014)


Applicant       iReach


Amount          £ 420


Proposal        iReach Charity Fete


Summary      An event to raise money for the Ethar Relief charity who deliver                   aid to East Sudan



Application   4          (3015)


Applicant       Champion Boxing Club


Amount          £ 500


Proposal        Boxing Award Booklets


Summary      Booklets containing information covering healthy living, exercise,               drug and alcohol awareness and boxing learning programmes



Application   5          (3016)


Applicant       Matwad Volleyball Club


Amount          £ 500


Proposal        Club equipment and tournament


Summary      New club kits and sundry equipment and the organisation                            of a tournament for clubs from across the midlands.



Application   6          (3017)


Applicant       Somali Advice and Information Services (SOMINFOS)


Amount          £ 948.66 (£ 2846 between 3 wards)


Proposal        Monday Advice Sessions


Summary      Weekly sessions over 26 weeks to advise the Somali community                on issues such as housing, education, training and employment



Application   7          (3018)


Applicant       St Peters and Stoughton Street Tenants and Residents Assn.


Amount          £ 1000


Proposal        Photocopier


Summary      Photocopier required by the Tenants and Residents Assn. to                        enable work to be carried within the premises



Application   8          (3019)


Applicant       Somali Community Parents Assn. (SOCOPA)


Amount          £ 1980


Proposal        Space 4 Youth


Summary      Sporting events, leisure activities and study support events for                     young people aged 7-16 years



Application   9          (3020)


Applicant       The Spark, Arts for Children


Amount          £ 150 (£ 900 between 6 wards)


Proposal        ‘Shiny’ Performance Event


Summary      An interactive performance event for early years children (6                          months – 4 years) and their families



Application   10        (3021)


Applicant       Residents of Hart Road, Vulcan Road and Keythorpe Street


Amount          £ 795


Proposal        Alley Gates Project


Summary      New gates to secure alleyways to prevent crime and anti-social                    behaviour and repairs to existing gates in Keythorpe Street



Application   11        (3022)


Applicant       Khidmah Organisation


Amount          £ 2500


Proposal        Khidmah Sports and Comm-Unity Event


Summary      Community based leisure, sports and social activity including                      community information stalls to build partnerships



Application   12        (3023)


Applicant       Community Football Academy


Amount          £ 450


Proposal        CFA Open Day and Presentation


Summary      Open evening and awards ceremony for children aged 5 – 13                      and their families to promote the Academy.



Application   13        (3024)


Applicant       Sahara Centre


Amount          £ 307.50 (£ 1730 between 5 wards)


Proposal        Health awareness day


Summary      Health awareness day celebrating International Women’s Day                     to be held in March at AK Fitness women’s only gym



Applicant      14        (3025)


Applicant       SAMATUS International Development Organisation


Amount          £ 1577 (£ 3154 between 2 wards)


Proposal        Saturday Youth Event


Summary      Week-end events for young people to prevent crime and anti-                      social behaviour



Application   15        (3026)


Applicant       Global Hands Leicester City Council


Amount          £ 700 (£ 2100)


Proposal        Global Hands CommUNITY Day


Summary      Community day organised by a multi faith youth group to enable                people from different cultures to discover their commonalities



Application   16        (3027)


Applicant       Residents of Sabarmati and Azad House


Amount          £ 500


Proposal        Coach Trip


Summary      Coach trip (coach hire and refreshment costs) to encourage                                     interaction and discussions around different beliefs and cultures



Application   17        (3028)


Applicant       HASDO – Horn of Africa Services and Development Org.


Amount          £ 294.82 (£1179.30 between 4 wards)


Proposal        Educational Awareness Evening for the Somali Community


Summary      A seminar to promote educational awareness in the community                  to allow youngsters to realise the choices available to them



Application   18        (3029)


Applicant       St Matthews Tenants Assn.


Amount          £ 500


Proposal        Fruit Trees for Front Gardens and Public Places


Summary      Planting of around 100 fruit trees to enhance the appearance of                  the estate


The Member Support Officer provided an update on the latest position with regard to the Ward Community Budget.


The following applications for Ward Community Grant funding had been received:


Application   1          (3010)


Applicant       MBCOL


Amount          £ 500


Proposal        IT Equipment Support


Summary      Replacement computer for designing and producing educational                publications and day to day office use



                        that the application be supported in the sum of £ 500



Application   2          (3012)


Applicant       Highfields Community Association


Amount          £ 2000 (£ 6000 between 3 Wards)


Proposal        Highfields Festival 2013


Summary      Highfields Festival and activities for the community to be held on                29 June 2013



                        that the application be supported in the sum of £ 1000



Application   3          (3014)


Applicant       iReach


Amount          £ 420


Proposal        iReach Charity Fete


Summary      An event to raise money for the Ethar Relief charity who deliver                   aid to East Sudan



                        that the application be supported in the sum of £ 420


Application   4          (3015)


Applicant       Champion Boxing Club


Amount          £ 500


Proposal        Boxing Award Booklets


Summary      Booklets containing information covering healthy living, exercise,               drug and alcohol awareness and boxing learning programmes



                        that the application be supported in the sum of £ 500



Application   5          (3016)


Applicant       Matwad Volleyball Club


Amount          £ 500


Proposal        Club equipment and tournament


Summary      New club kits and sundry equipment and the organisation                            of a tournament for clubs from across the midlands.



                        that the application be supported in the sum of £ 500



Application   6          (3017)


Applicant       Somali Advice and Information Services (SOMINFOS)


Amount          £ 948.66 (£ 2846 between 3 wards)


Proposal        Monday Advice Sessions


Summary      Weekly sessions over 26 weeks to advise the Somali community                on issues such as housing, education, training and employment



                        that the application be supported in the sum of £ 500



Application   7          (3018)


Applicant       St Peters and Stoughton Street Tenants and Residents Assn.


Amount          £ 1000


Proposal        Photocopier


Summary      Photocopier required by the Tenants and Residents Assn. to                        enable work to be carried within the premises



                        that the application be supported in the sum of £ 1000



Application   8          (3019)


Applicant       Somali Community Parents Assn. (SOCOPA)


Amount          £ 1980


Proposal        Space 4 Youth


Summary      Sporting events, leisure activities and study support events for                     young people aged 7-16 years



                        that the application be supported in the sum of £ 750



Application   9          (3020)


Applicant       The Spark, Arts for Children


Amount          £ 150 (£ 900 between 6 wards)


Proposal        ‘Shiny’ Performance Event


Summary      An interactive performance event for early years children (6                          months – 4 years) and their families



                        that the application be supported in the sum of £ 150



Application   10        (3021)


Applicant       Residents of Hart Road, Vulcan Road and Keythorpe Street


Amount          £ 795


Proposal        Alley Gates Project


Summary      New gates to secure alleyways to prevent crime and anti-social                    behaviour and repairs to existing gates in Keythorpe Street



                        that the application be supported in the sum of £ 795



Application   11        (3022)


Applicant       Khidmah Organisation


Amount          £ 2500


Proposal        Khidmah Sports and Comm-Unity Event


Summary      Community based leisure, sports and social activity including                      community information stalls to build partnerships



                        that the application be supported in the sum of £ 1000



Application   12        (3023)


Applicant       Community Football Academy


Amount          £ 450


Proposal        CFA Open Day and Presentation


Summary      Open evening and awards ceremony for children aged 5 – 13                      and their families to promote the Academy.



                        that the application be supported in the sum of £ 225



Application   13        (3024)


Applicant       Sahara Centre


Amount          £ 307.50 (£ 1730 between 5 wards)


Proposal        Health awareness day


Summary      Health awareness day celebrating International Women’s Day                     to be held in March at AK Fitness women’s only gym



                        that the application be supported in the sum of £ 307.50



Applicant      14        (3025)


Applicant       SAMATUS International Development Organisation


Amount          £ 1577 (£ 3154 between 2 wards)


Proposal        Saturday Youth Event


Summary      Week-end events for young people to prevent crime and anti-                      social behaviour




                        that the application be deferred pending further consultation with                the Council’s Youth Services and the Community Safety Team.



Application   15        (3026)


Applicant       Global Hands Leicester City Council


Amount          £ 700 (£ 2100)


Proposal        Global Hands CommUNITY Day


Summary      Community day organised by a multi faith youth group to enable                people from different cultures to discover their commonalities



                        that the application be supported in the sum of £ 500



Application   16        (3027)


Applicant       Residents of Sabarmati and Azad House


Amount          £ 500


Proposal        Coach Trip


Summary      Coach trip (coach hire and refreshment costs) to encourage                                     interaction and discussions around different beliefs and cultures



                        that in view of the date of the proposed event the application be                   approved in principle with a view to it being fast-tracked in the                    ensuing 2013/14 financial year



Application   17        (3028)


Applicant       HASDO – Horn of Africa Services and Development Org.


Amount          £ 294.82 (£1179.30 between 4 wards)


Proposal        Educational Awareness Evening for the Somali Community


Summary      A seminar to promote educational awareness in the community                  to allow youngsters to realise the choices available to them



                        that the application be deferred pending further consultation with                the Council’s Education Department



Application   18        (3029)


Applicant       St Matthews Tenants Assn.


Amount          £ 500


Proposal        Fruit Trees for Front Gardens and Public Places


Summary      Planting of around 100 fruit trees to enhance the appearance of                  the estate



                        that the application be supported in the sum of £ 500



Application   19        (3030)


Applicant       Mehmaan Lunch Club


Amount          £ 1500


Proposal        Lunch Club


Summary      Setting up of a weekly lunch club for elderly residents of the                                     community to be held at the Memon Centre



                        that the application be supported in the sum of £ 1000



Application   20        (3031)


Applicant       Gandal Media


Amount          £ 1380


Proposal        Drug and Alcohol Awareness


Summary      Three one-day awareness sessions for Somali families to                             prevent problems caused by drug and alcohol misuse



                        that the application be deferred.



Application   21        (3032)


Applicant       Community Safety Team


Amount          £ 2000


Proposal        Highfields Late Lounge


Summary      The late lounge is a targeted youth engagement project that                                     provides activities for young people at risk of engaging in ASB.



                        that the application be deferred.



Application   23        (3034)


Applicant       She-Phe-Lah Pringle-Bridges


Amount          £ 500


Proposal        Leicester’s Got Raw Talent


Summary      An event which aims to give young people a chance to perform                   and show their talents on stage.



                        that the application be deferred.