Agenda item


Officers will be present to lead discussions on various highways and traffic related matters in the ward.



Jayesh Parmar, Team Leader from Traffic Management and Bona Matturi, Senior Engineer from Transport Strategy were present to provide an overview of highways and traffic issues in the Knighton Ward.


During the discussion, the following points were made:


·         Craighill Road – the Council were looking to install children shaped bollards with the aim that these would be a deterrent to speeding drivers. The cost of supply and installation would be £400/500 per bollard.


·         The junction of Welford Road / Aberdale Road – a scheme to assist right turners was now complete and would be under maintenance for the next 52 weeks.


·         The junction of Welford Road / Chapel Lane: options and proposals were under discussion but presently no funds were available for this project.


·         The junction of London Road / Guildford Road: there were concerns relating to difficulties entering London Road at peak times. Engineers would investigate a number of options and a report back would be brought to the next Knighton Community Meeting.


·         Knighton Church Road / Carisbrooke Road: concerns were raised regarding speeding traffic.


·         Aberdale Road: concerns were raised relating to the surface of the road and parking on pavements.


There was some discussion relating to the Tesco store on Aberdale Road.  Members of the community expressed concern that when Tesco received deliveries, it was very difficult for pedestrians to negotiate the pavements because the delivery lorries partially blocked the pavement.  It was suggested that Tesco should close off the car park to customers when a delivery was due, so the lorry could use the car park and there would be less disruption to local residents. Further suggestions were made that there should be restrictions on the size of the delivery lorry and delivery times. In addition, concerns were raised over youths climbing over the fence in the Tesco grounds in order to gain access into neighbours’ gardens.


Councillors responded that they would arrange a meeting with Tesco and raise these concerns with them.


·         Allandale Road / Francis Street. Jayesh explained that following requests from retailers, the City Mayor had been briefed about the possibility of re-introducing Pay and Display machines and re-organising parking bays. A petition had been received and would be addressed. Jayesh added that a wide variety of possible outcomes were being considered, each with their advantages and disadvantages. A decision on the best way forward would be made shortly.


The meeting was informed that some traders would welcome the introduction of parking meters but some would be opposed. It was also reported that bad parking was a factor in exacerbating the problem around the shops as there could be a considerable amount of wasted space and this problem would be alleviated if there were designated parking bays. It was also stated that parking should be policed to prevent commuters using Allandale Road / Francis Street as a park and ride.  Jayesh explained that parking bays could not be introduced without a Traffic Regulation Order and the Chair added that Chevron parking was not a viable option as it would be too expensive.


Concerns were expressed about irresponsible parking outside Overdale School, and the dangers that this presented to children when trying to cross roads. Councillors explained that provision for parking reasonably close to the school had been arranged, but most parents preferred to park much nearer to the school. They were now looking at the possibility of better signage there. The Police had also paid for children to have yellow fluorescent jackets but the children did not want to wear them. 


A member of the public commented that the school needed to take some responsibility for the problem of dangerous parking and the Chair responded that as a governor at the school, he knew that they did make concerted efforts to resolve the difficulties there.


Councillors reported that unfortunately inconsiderate drivers and dangerous parking outside schools appeared to be a city wide issue and was not just a problem that affected schools in Knighton.