Agenda item


Your Ward Councillors will report on things they have been involved in within the ward and there will be an opportunity to ask questions.


Councillor Cleaver reported the following:


·                The Sheltered Housing Charter, detailing standards which private landlords were required to adhere to, was to be adopted shortly.

·                The success of the recent Goldhills event was welcomed and thanks were extended to the organisers.

·                The Forum for Older People was reviewing its Charter and its structure to improve the Council’s engagement with older people in the city.

·                The Rupert House Friendship Group had held a successful Jubilee Event.

·                The area of redundant land at Featherstone Drive, which was formerly an allotment, was being considered for garden use.  A proposal to plant an orchard and the installation of raised planted beds had been put forward.

·                It was reported that despite significant publicity a large number of places on various Adult Learning courses were not being taken up.  Details of the types of courses available and enrolment details were made available.

·                Memory Clinics were to be held at the Community Centre which would give advice and support to people suffering with dementia.  Residents were encouraged to attend the clinics to learn about the problems of dementia and the support available to sufferers and carers.

·                The Catch 22 police initiative was continuing to reduce anti-social behaviour and in liaison with Voluntary Action Leicester funds had been received to continue this important community work, particularly to reduce drug misuse and increase engagement with young people.


Councillor Palmer reported the following:


·                The Annual Horticultural and Craft Show had been successful and the organisers were congratulated, particularly as the event had continued to improve year on year.

·                The Management Group concerned with the Linwood/Aylestone Football Club site had asked for representation and Councillor Palmer had been pleased to accept.

·                The Saffron Acres Open Day had been a good event, and the publicity concerning the ‘Blaby’ tomato variety had been of great interest.

·                The recent Advice Fair had been a success with a number of service providers attending, giving information and details of their services.  Further similar events would be organised.

·                Welcome news had been received concerning an Eyres Monsell School which had received an improved Ofsted report and grading, bringing it out of the special measures category.

·                Consultation on the A426 Bus Corridor Project had commenced and it was hoped that improved junction arrangements would reduce congestion and improve air quality.  Residents were encouraged to become involved in the consultation process.

·                The recent flooding of the new play area had caused frustration to parents and the matter was being investigated with a view to remedial works being undertaken to improve drainage.

·                The annual Register of Electors canvass was ongoing and residents were urged to ensure that they had registered their right to vote.

·                Changes to the Council Tax Benefit arrangements were causing considerable concern to Councillors.  It was noted that various groups would no longer receive benefit, or receive reduced benefits, under the Government’s proposals.  Consultation was ongoing to ensure the best protection for those affected.

·                The campaign against the planned closure of the Children’s Heart Unit at Glenfied Hospital continued, and had recently included a protest at the House of Commons.

·                The celebrations for the London 2012 Olympic Games and the Torch Relay through the city were highlighted and the legacy of the event on the city was welcomed.


The Police, the City Warden and community representatives were invited to give a report on their activities.


Leicestershire Police


Ps Andy Partridge reported on the reduction in reports of anti-social behaviour, particularly around the area of The Exchange.  He noted that the increase in provision of youth activities had led to the reduction in incidents.


It was reported that a former resident of the Ward, Paul McGovern, was working as a Prison Officer in the Greater Manchester area and undertook community based crime prevention work as part of his duties, including work within schools.  It was reported that PO McGovern had recently made contact with the Police in the Eyres Monsell area and had offered to undertake crime prevention work within the ward on a voluntary basis, possibly involving Eyres Monsell Primary School.  The meeting supported and welcomed this initiative.


In reply to questions and comments continuing problems of quad bikes and mini motorbikes were reported.  It was confirmed that the Police had powers of seizure if riders of the vehicles could be identified.  The importance of reporting incidents was reiterated.


City Warden


Scott Clarke reported on his recent environmental activities.  Problems persisted with cars for sale being advertised on the highway.  In respect of local businesses causing litter adjacent to premises, Scott reported on Section 93 powers, whereby the Council could enforce the cleaning of an area, if it could be proven that the owners of premises were acting irresponsibly in respect of their waste management. 


Scott also confirmed that a ‘messy garden’ initiative allowed gardens to be cleared of rubbish, furniture, appliances and other items, and the residents charged for the clear up.  This would only be implemented in circumstances where the residents acted irresponsibly and ignored earlier contact asking them to clear gardens.


Community Association


Wayne Natzel, Chair of the Community Association, reported on the Community Association’s partnership with the City Council and advised of the type of events which were held at the Community centre, these included lunch clubs and a breakfast bar meeting but he considered that more could activities could be arranged.  He advised that lottery funding was being sought which would allow for events and activities to be properly financed and he referred to the stage area and to the sound and lighting available which were available for larger events.


Wayne requested that any suggestions for future community events be forwarded to him for consideration by the Community Association.


In conclusion Wayne commented on the work undertaken to improve the communal garden areas and the meeting agreed that this had been an excellent community payback scheme.  Photos of the improvements would be included in a future edition of the Monsell Mail.


The Chair asked for comments arising from the above community reports.


In respect of anti-social behaviour issues the meeting discussed the need for youth provision.  It was reported that problems increased when the Magpie Youth Centre was closed and that The Exchange often then attracted young people who would have attended the Youth Centre.  It was also noted that the Magpie’s opening hours were being reduced.  It was suggested that provision of a ‘teen-shelter’ could reduce problems.  The need to engage with the younger people to find their opinions on suitable provision prior to making provision was highlighted.


The police answered questions concerning enforcement and made comment on the difficulties experienced with the area above the co-operative shop.  The access needed for residents of the flats did not allow the police to close off any areas and this allowed for young people to misuse the area.  The situation was being monitored but as fewer flats were occupied the problem was continuing.


In discussing the A426 Bus Corridor Project it was agreed that details of the proposed scheme should be made widely available.  It was noted that consultation events were due to be held.  The principle area of concern was the Aylestone Road/Lutterworth Road/Middleton Street/Wigston Lane junction however no significant improvements seemed to be proposed as part of the project.


The area of around The Exchange had been sold to a new developer who had shown increased interest in improving the area.  In reply to a question the process involving enforcement was explained, however it was felt that the new developer had begun to deal with the formal processes before work on the site could commence.  The meeting welcomed the encouraging update.


In conclusion, a member of the public raised concern at the lack of provision of play equipment for younger children.  It was noted that play equipment was often made unsafe by larger children and subsequently removed, but was not replaced, which led to a lack of provision for children of ‘toddler’ age.  It was confirmed that a programme for replacements would be in place but that equipment was often not installed straight away.