Agenda item


Rob Hincks, Senior Officer, Development Team, will be in attendance to give a presentation on the development of Rally Park.


Rob Hincks, Senior Officer, Development Team was at the meeting and gave a presentation on the development of Rally Park. A copy of this presentation is attached at the back of the minutes.


Councillors congratulated Rob and the team for the improvements that had been made to the park. The meeting heard that Rally Park was considerably improved and more people were using the facility. Members of the community also expressed their thanks and appreciation for the work that had been carried out. The following comments were made:


·         The park is much improved, though the railway needed clearing. There was originally going to be a train in the park but that never materialised.  I am now able to access the park using my mobility scooter, which I was not able to do before the development.


·         Would it be possible to have the children’s play area fenced in as this would keep the dogs out.


Councillor Waddington responded that she had spoken to local people in the park and the general consensus had been that they felt that a fence around the play area was important to improve the vitality of the park. There were numerous dogs there which resulted in dog mess and in addition they were frightening to the children.  Councillor Waddington explained that it was not the Council’s general policy to fence off play areas, but she felt that there was a safety issue at Rally Park because of the number of dogs. The meeting heard that the fencing could cost approximately £10,000.


Councillor Waddington also suggested that adult gym equipment at the park would be a welcome addition; there was adult gym equipment at Evington Park which was very well used.


Rob responded that adult gym equipment had been considered along with the cycle track and children’s play equipment but there had only been sufficient funding for two of the three items, and a decision had been made to install the cycle track and the play equipment. However he thought that there might be some S106 money remaining and it might be possible to put that money towards either a fence or the gym equipment.  Rob confirmed that the fencing was contrary to Council policy but he felt that if it could be demonstrated, perhaps with a petition, that the community really did want a fence there, this might work in their favour.


·         The children would like an area to play football or basketball. If money becomes available, I think that should be more of a priority than adult gym equipment.


Rob responded that this was subject to funding but was something that could be considered in the future.


The Chair concluded the discussion and stated that it was clear from a recent community fun day that Rally Park was now very popular; that the fence was something that members of the community wanted and also that the adult gym equipment would be an asset.  He suggested that it would be helpful for an officer from Parks and Green Spaces to be invited to the next meeting so that this could be considered further.


Action to be taken

Officer identified


For an officer from Parks and Green Spaces to be invited to the next meeting

Surinder Singh, Member Support Officer

In time for the next meeting


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