Councillors are reminded that they will need to declare any interest they may have in budget applications, and/or indicate that Section 106 of the Local Government Finance Act 1992 applies to them.
The following budget applications have been fast tracked and approved for payment:
Application: The Church of our Lady, Children’s Christmas Party – 16 December 2012
Submitted by: Maureen Jones on behalf of the Parish of Our Lady of Good Counsel, 15 Peebles Way, Rushey Mead.
Amount requested: £300
Details of the application:
The party will be held at the Parish Hall, Church of Our Lady and approximately 30 children under the age of 15 will attend. The children will be from a variety of backgrounds i.e. Indian, English, African-Caribbean, Irish, Nigerian and Polish. Many of the children come from low income backgrounds and for some children this might be the only organised Christmas party that they will get an opportunity to attend. Santa Claus will attend and distribute a gift to each child.
Funding is requested for the following:
Christmas decorations for the hall £20
Paper table clothes, plastic plates, cups, cutlery, £15
Crackers etc
30 Cadbury selection boxes £2 each £60
prizes -10 x £2 each £20
Disco and DJ £20
30 McDonald’s Happy Meals and cartons of orange £150
Juice - £5 per child
Christmas cake, jelly and ice cream £15
Total requested: £300
Application: Toddler Time at Rushey Mead Library
Submitted by: Rushey Mead Library (Mary Pringle, Senior Community Librarian)
Amount requested: £400
Details of the application as submitted by the applicant:
Rushey Mead Library runs a Toddler Time session each Friday morning for under 5s and their parents and carers. With a Toddler Time worker leading, these lively sessions have run for a number of years and are always well attended and are valued by parents as both an educational and social activity. The average attendance at each session is 26 parents and toddlers.
Children play with toys and puppets, enjoy story time and craft activities, and both parents and children make new friends. Most importantly the children learn that the library is a fun place to visit and reading and library membership become an important part of their lives from an early age.
Part of each session involves the children having the chance to play with stimulating toys, puppets and games. Unfortunately over the years many of the original toys have become old and worn out and many have had to be discarded. We are therefore asking the ward to fund a stock of new toys for these sessions. This would allow the library to restock with suitable new toys for our youngest visitors to enjoy.
£400 requested for toys for under 5’s.
Application: Window Shock Alarms for the Community.
Submitted by: Shobana Patel, Community Safety Team
Amount requested: £250
Details of the application:
The proposal is to purchase 100 stick on window alarms at cost price and distribute them to vulnerable sections of the ward, in consultation with Councillors, community safety and the police.
The window shock alarm protects windows from any attack and can act as a deterrent to offenders. The alarm senses any shock or vibrations, activating an alarm. The alarms are simple to use, simply stick the alarm on the window, turn it on and you have a fully protected window. No screws or wiring. The alarm has a special double sided sticky pad.
Funding is requested for 100 window stick on alarms at a cost of £250.
The following applications will be considered at the meeting.
Application: Archer Close Grass Verge Protection
Submitted by: Mike Pears, Team Leader Highway Asset Management, Leicester City Council
Amount requested: £2000
Details of application: Outside 9 & 11 Archer Close is a fairly deep rut at the edge of the grass verge caused by the parking of vehicles from neighbouring properties, including a van, half on the verge. (See photos attached).
We do not repair grass verges as they will just quickly become damaged again unless physical measures are put in to protect the verge, such as bollards or railings. We don't have the funds to do that as we are concentrating on trying to keep the footways and carriageways in a safe condition as possible. This decision was taken several years ago as verge rutting was felt to be low risk to pedestrians when compared with dangerous highway defects.
We are applying to the Ward Community Meeting for the cost of repairing the verge and installing physical measures to stop subsequent damage. It will cost approximately £1000 to repair the verge outside 9 & 11and install two bollards to stop vehicles parking on the repaired area in the future.
If we repair and protect this section of grass with bollards it will probably push the problem onto the adjacent grass areas outside 5 & 7 and 13. It would be more worthwhile, for the longer term, putting knee rails around the three grass verges to protect them.
A couple of years ago the ward community meeting paid to have a metal knee rail put around the grass area outside 15 to 39 to stop cars parking on it and being driven over it. We are applying to the Ward Community Meeting for £3000.00 to cover part of the cost of repairing the grass verge and installing knee rails, matching the existing, around the three grass verges. Total cost of the work is £4000.00 and £1000.00 will be found from highway maintenance budgets. |
Repair of grass verge outside 9 Archer Close and installation of knee rails around grass verges outside 5 & 7, 9 & 11 and 13.
£4000.00 |
Actual |
£2000.00 |
Total requested: |
£2000.00 |
Application: Saturday Morning Dance Workout for Ladies
Submitted by: Lucy Bailey
Amount requested: £1000
Details of the application:
The proposal is for a one hour dance class at Rushey Mead Recreation Centre, to take place on Saturday morning, free to all women of all ages and abilities. This would take place 3 Saturdays per month. Lucy also teaches on a Tuesday / Thursday evening and will promote the Saturday morning class to all ladies attending the centre on the weekday and to women around Leicester. Lucy has other dance classes at the Peepul Centre and Frog Island. She has received a lot of good positive feedback.
Funding is requested for:
Publicity: £50
Refreshments: £50
Wage per hour
25 x 3 = 75
75 x 12 £900
Total requested: £1000
a) Grants Previously Approved for Payment
The Chair advised that the following grants had already been approved for payment under the Council’s fast track procedure:-
i) The Parish of our Lady of Good Counsel – £300 for a children’s Christmas party;
ii) Rushey Mead Library – £400 for new toys for Toddler Time sessions at the library; and
iii) Shobna Patel, Community Safety Team – £250 for 100 stick-on window shock alarms that would be distributed to vulnerable sections of the Ward.
The Chair advised that some window shock alarms were available at the meeting and others would be distributed in liaison with the Ward Councillors and City Wardens. Further alarms could be bought at Rushey Mead Library.
b) Applications Submitted for Approval
i) Archer Close Grass Verge Protection
Submitted by: Mike Pears, Team Leader Highway Asset Management, Leicester City Council
Amount requested: £2,000
The Chair invited residents to let Ward Councillors know of any other areas that could benefit from similar protection.
That a grant of £2,000 to Mike Pears (Team Leader – Highway Asset Management, Leicester City Council) for verge protection in Archer Close be supported.
ii) Saturday Morning Dance Workout for Ladies
Submitted by: Lucy Bailey
Amount requested: £1,000
It was noted that the proposed classes would be provided free of charge.
That a grant of £1,000 to Lucy Bailey for Saturday morning dance workout sessions for ladies be supported.
iii) Leicester Young Readers Programme at Rushey Mead Library
Submitted by: Rushey Mead Library
Amount requested: £480
That a grant of £480 to Rushey Mead Library for books for the Leicester Young Readers Programme at Rushey Mead Library be supported.
iv) Soul to Soul Meditation
Submitted by: Sushila Parmar & Jagruti Chauhan
Amount requested: £1,210
1) That a grant of £605 be approved to Sushila Parmar and Jagruti Chauhan for meditation workshops be supported and that the Members Services Officer ask the City Council to waive the other half of the facilities hire charge; and
2) That the applicants be invited to discuss with the Ward Councillors the possibility of using Ward surgery facilities for these workshops.
v) Football and Fitness Education for Girls
Submitted by: don’t just kick it
Amount requested: £1,080
On behalf of the applicant, Mr Johnson explained that girls often were shy of attending fitness sessions, as they were primarily groups for boys. This scheme therefore would create a weekly development centre for girls that specialised in fitness and football.
That a grant of £1,080 to “don’t just kick it” for football and fitness education for girls be supported.
c) Friends of Watermead
On behalf of the Friends of Watermead, Catherine Tregaskes thanked the Community Meeting for the grant that had been given by the Meeting towards the Watermead Family Discovery Day. This funding had been used towards things such as providing first aid cover, hiring portable toilets and having crafts people at the event.