Agenda item


Aiyub Zamakda, Team Manager, Highfields Multi Access Centre, will be in attendance to give a presentation on the work of the Multi-Access Centre.


Aiyub Zamakda circulated information concerning the work of the Highfields Multi Access centre.


It was noted that the service provided a range of services which contributed to the national agenda to reduce worklessness, improve skills and increase local enterprise.


The H-MAC team provided individual assessment and support to clients in order to address particular needs and barriers.  The appointment of a Personal Adviser offered structured information, advice and guidance sessions so that clients were better equipped to make informed decisions about training guidance and employment opportunities.


The Highfields MAC contributed to the Multi Agency Agreement through increased employment opportunities for local people which developed higher skills levels and promoted business growth.


The work of the MAC in relation to the National Indicators was also described, which involved a reduction in working age people who were out of work and receiving benefits, and an increase in qualifications gained by the population of Highfields.


In respect of the types of services provided, Aiyub described the key process of engagement with local people, so that they could access services.  Promotional events were held which publicised activities and strengthened links with community groups.  As an example of this, it was reported that the H-MAC services had been promoted through the jobs fair during the Highfields Festival.  H-MAC also helped to promote services at the Educational and Training Fair organised by the Adult Skills and Learning Service.


The range of advice and support skills for skills development, enterprise and work were listed, which included individual employment support with the dedicated adviser through to help with compiling CVs.


Aiyub reported that the service was in much demand in the locality and commented on the large caseload numbers which were being delivered.  The range of advice services included welfare benefit, housing, immigration, nationality, debt, education and other general advice.  Over 1600 clients had been dealt with and most queries had concerned welfare benefits, immigration or tax benefits.


Links with other initiatives were important and Aiyub referred to the Future Jobs Fund initiative in this respect, which was aimed primarily at unemployed people aged 18-24 years.  The coordination of the local Highfields Adult Learning and Business development services (HALABS) was also referred to where a directory of services had been produced.


In conclusion Aiyub commented on the targets of the H-MAC and advised the meeting of the agreed future service developments.


Aiyub was thanked for his presentation.


Bina Patel was invited to address the meeting in respect of the work of the St Matthews Multi Access Centre.


She reported that the MAC was based in the heart of the St Matthews estate at Malabar Road, providing pre-employability information, advice guidance and support for unemployed people.  Since September 2010 the centre had engaged with over 2000 people and supported over 700 clients.


With a recent relocation the promotion of the MAC had proven that a need for the services existed, however staff numbers and hours had been cut.  Bina reported on the continuing challenges faced by the service and confirmed that despite the challenges the service was growing.


As part of the Adult Skills and Learning Service, Bina referred to the courses which were offered and to the growing uptake of places on those courses.


One of the key parts of the service was the Work Club.  As one of the first MACs to offer such a club it had been quickly recognised that this was a popular and effective way for clients to access services.  The Club was able to continue through increased funding and was now a successful part of the MAC service in St Matthews and had become a concept which had been rolled out to other MACs across the city.


The growing relationships with partner organisations were referred to and local community projects had been undertaken where client experiences and general feedback had been positive, leading to many clients returning to the MAC for additional support as they felt necessary.


Bina was thanked for her presentation.


The Chair thanked Bina and Aiyub for their presentations and congratulated them on their work.  He made particular reference to the growth of the MACs services, having regard to the challenges encountered.


In reply to questions, it was noted that the proposed changes to the benefits system had led to an increase in clients who had expressed concern at the likely implications to them.  The increase in NEETS (people Not in Education Employment or Training) was also referred to and concern was expressed in this regard, it being noted that the increase had also led to a greater number of people seeking the services of the MACs.


The Chair closed the item with a request that an update on the work of the MACs be provided at a future Ward Community Meeting.