An update will be given on recent Police developments and successes.
PC Ryan Mahoney gave an update on Policing issues and answered questions from residents, highlighting the following points:-
- A beat surgery was held on a Wednesday once a month at Walnut Street.
- Monthly duties would be advertised in the Tenants and Residents Association when open.
- Following discussions heard at the meeting, PC Mahoney stated there would be a community consultation to which a couple of questions would be added regarding Universities and Students issues in the area.
- Crime statistics in the ward for the period July to September 2012 had fallen in comparison with the same period in 2011, but robberies had increased. In the City Centre there had been eight robberies reported over two days recently. Plan clothed Police Officers had witnessed robberies occurring in front of them.
- A lot of proactive work was taking place in the Ward regarding street drinkers, beggars and anti-social behaviour.
- There had been a slight increase in criminal damage in the area, namely tagging and arson. The Police were looking at the ‘SO12’ tag in particular which had pooped up in the City Centre and Clarendon Park, and asked residents to email photos of the tag to the Police and the location.
- With regards to anti-social behaviour, PC Mahoney stated that incidents were not caused by students alone, but by some residents also. The Police were working with Midland Heart Housing Association to issue acceptable behaviour contracts to residents, and asked that members of the public inform the Police of any issues with residents.
- Residents near to and around Grasmere Street were being consulted upon as to whether they wanted alleyway gates fitted for added security, though it would not be compulsory for residents to have them installed.
A resident asked what were the emergency services views on Mill Lane being closed? PC Mahoney responded that queuing had increased in the surrounding areas due to increased traffic, and the queue for the Leicester Royal Infirmary Car Park had also increased. He also mentioned that the emergency services had the code for the bollards at the end of the roads, which had previously been an issue.
A resident asked if the decrease in crime figures for 2012 was due to an increase in figures in 2011 due to the disorders that had taken place in the City. PC Mahoney responded that he did not think the crime figures had increased in 2011. He added that crime was defined according to National Recording Standards, and that crime mapping statistics for the city were good.
Chino Cabon from The Race Equality Centre Leicester & Leicestershire asked how low-level hate crime could be reported in the area. PC Mahoney reported that there was one reporting centre at the Tenants and Residents Association, and a beat office at the Leicester Royal Infirmary near to Accident and Emergency entrance, or crime could be reported on (0116) 2222222.
Councillor Senior reported that information would be brought to the next meeting in respect of specific hate crime reporting centres, and how people could report incidents.
The Chair thanked PC Mahoney for his update.