Agenda item


Councillors are reminded that they will need to declare any interest they may have in budget applications, and/or indicate that Section 106 of the Local Government Finance Act 1992 applies to them.


The following budget applications will be considered:-


Application 1


Applicant:      Beaumont Town FC


Amount:         £1,500


Proposal:       Midlands Rainbows Tournament


Summary:     The remaining balance of £1,500 as the organisation could not secure additional funding from other organisations.



Application 2


Applicant:      Healthy Living Centre


Amount:         £500.00

(Abbey have agreed £500)


Proposal:       Food parcel scheme


Summary:     To replenish the food parcel supplies as demand has increased.



Application 3


Applicant:      Stocking Farm Pre-School


Amount:         £500.00

(Abbey have agreed £500)


Proposal:       Community / Playgroup Gardens


Summary:     To utilise a piece of waste land and turn it into a play area for pre-school children and a sensory / quiet area for the whole community.



Application 4


Applicant:      Leicester City Ladies FC


Amount:         £1,750.00


Proposal:       Girls (and boys) Football in the Community


Summary:     To organise a tournament at the end of the season to promote the club and attract more kids into football.



Application 5


Applicant:      Groundwork Leicester and Leicestershire


Amount:         £762.82


Proposal:       Castle Hill Country Park Leicestershire Heritage Apple Orchard Project


Summary:     To create a community orchard of local heritage importance, and to train people to be able to plant and grant the orchard.



Application 6


Applicant:      Paul Southwood


Amount:         £200.00


Proposal:       Noticeboard


Summary:     For use by Leicester City Council and Leicestershire Constabulary.



Application 7


Applicant:      NDI IGBO Leicestershire (Nigerian Community Association)


Amount:         £225.00


Proposal:       Christmas Gala Night / Get together


Summary:     The Gala Night will be held on December 15 2012 at the Afro Caribbean Centre, for social interaction between members of the Nigerian, Black and Ethnic Minority communities.


A budget information sheet is attached to the agenda for information.




Jerry Connolly, Member Support Officer, introduced the budget requests that had been submitted. It was reported that there was £10,296 remaining in the budget, and bids had been submitted to the value of £13,232. There was then a short recess whilst the Ward Councillors reached their decision on each application.


Application 1 – Beaumont Town FC - Midlands Rainbows Tournament


The application was for £1,500, which was the remaining balance of a funding application, as the organisation could not secure additional funding from other organisations.


The applicant stated he had passed 3,000 leaflets around schools regarding the tournament, but had been unable to find additional funding by the summer.



that the application be supported and £1,000 be allocated.


Application 2 – Healthy Living Centre – Food Parcel Scheme


The application was for £500.00 (match funding with Abbey Ward who had agreed £500), to replenish the food parcel supplies as demand had increased.


Councillor Westley stated the organisation had to ensure the scheme was benefiting the residents in the Abbey and Beaumont Leys Wards.



that the application be supported and £250 be allocated.


Application 3 – Stocking Farm Pre-School – Community / Playgroup Gardens


The application was for £500.00 (joint bid with Abbey Ward who had agreed £500), to utilise a piece of waste land and turn it into a play area for pre-school children and a sensory / quiet area for the whole community.


Members requested further information on the project.



that the application be supported in principle, but the organisation be contacted for further information.


Application 4 – Leicester City Ladies FC – Girls (and boys) Football in the Community


The application was for £1,750.00 (joint bid with Abbey Ward also asked for £1,750), to organise a tournament at the end of the season to promote the club and attract more children into football.


It was reported that 10 children from Beaumont Leys were in the Football Club. The Club also wanted to eventually own their own piece of land.



that the application be supported and £1,200 be allocated.


Application 5 – Groundwork Leicester and Leicestershire – Castle Hill Country Park Leicestershire Heritage Apple Orchard Project


The application was for £762.82 (approximately 50% of the total project cost), to create a community orchard of local heritage importance, and to train people to be able to plant and grant the orchard.



that the application be supported and £350 be allocated.


Application 6 – Paul Southwood – Noticeboard


The application was for £200.00 (50%), for a noticeboard for use by Leicester City Council and Leicestershire Constabulary. £200 had previously been contributed by Leicestershire Constabulary towards to cost of the noticeboard.



that the application be supported in full and £200 be allocated.


Application 7 – NDI IGBO Leicestershire (Nigerian Community Association) – Christmas Gala Night / Get together


The application was for £225.00 for a Gala Night to be held on December 15 2012 at the Afro Caribbean Centre, for social interaction between members of the Nigerian, Black and Ethnic Minority communities.



that the application be supported in full and £250 be allocated.


Application 8 – Ur Choice Young People’s Project – Youth Shop


The application was for £5,950 to support the set-up of the shop from January to June 2013.



that the application be supported in full and £5,950 be allocated.


Application 9 – Nick Langton, Chairman Beaumont Town Football Club – Help to get Shelby and Jon Jacob Mewis to the Special Olympics


The application was for £600 to assist the children in raising funds to enable them to take part in the Special Olympics in Bath 2013.



that the application be supported in full and £600 be allocated.


Applications Deferred


(i)            Mr Ajmal Butt and Mr Shaun Tate – Unity Boxing / Maintain ABA Status / Replacement Equipment


Applications Withdrawn


(i)            Barley Croft Primary School – Barley Croft Christmas Fayre

Supporting documents: