Agenda item


An update will be given on recent Police developments and successes.


Sergeant Dave Thompson, Leicestershire Constabulary, introduced himself and provided the meeting with an update on the latest crime statistics for Beaumont Leys Ward.


He reported that a month-long campaign had been held which included 350 bus panels advertising crime prevention tips, with particular focus on burglaries, which tended to increase around the Christmas period.


Advice on the following was included:


·         Do not leave presents on view from a window.

·         Dispose of packaging carefully.

·         Lock doors, garages, sheds and put keys away.

·         Put timers on lights.

·         Report suspicious activity on 999.

·         The police provided ultraviolet pens to postcode items.

·         Residents should check the ID of callers, and should not let them in if they are not expected.

·         Park cars in well-lit areas of car parks.

·         When out and about, keep safe money, keys and phone.

·         Don't drink and drive. Use taxis, order soft drinks or have a nominated driver when out for the evening.

·         Beware when online shopping.  Use a secure payment site.


Sgt. Thompson then provided crime statistics for the Beaumont Leys Ward for the 90 days period up to the date of the meeting.


Burglary dwelling - 11

Burglary other than dwelling (i.e. sheds/garages/businesses) - 8

Theft of a motor vehicle - 11


Sgt. Thompson said the police had a target of 10% crime reduction in the area but still had work to do, and the advice given was to try and prevent people from becoming victims. He added there were no other drastic figures to report but during December the prevention of burglaries would be a priority.


Nick Langton said he had reported bikes on the park in the summer, and one of the culprits had been caught. He thanked the police for their work. Sgt. Thompson said the number of bikes on the park always peaked during the summer period and that work was on-going.


A resident asked who would be at fault, if a person was cycling with no lights and was knocked over. Sgt. Thompson responded that each incident would be investigated.  He added that the police would stop and advise anyone cycling without lights. A resident said the Government should make it compulsory for cyclists to have lights.


Sgt. Thompson informed the meeting the police had a safety shop in Fletcher Mall at Beaumont Leys Shopping Centre which was run by volunteers and Community Support Officers, which offered crime prevention advice and safety items. Jerry Connolly added some of the safety items on offer were free if residents could show they lived in the Beaumont Leys or Abbey Wards.


Terry McGreal, LE4 Action Group, informed the meeting that a long-standing complaint had been dealt with by the police which he thanked them for.


Councillor Dempster reported that the Police & Crime Commissioner (P&CC) had now been voted in, and that a panel, with representatives from the city and county, had been selected to hold the P&CC to account. She added that 3-4 meetings would be held each year and Councillor Westley was a member on the panel. She said the P&CC would be invited to a future Community Meeting in 2013.