Agenda item


To receive a presentation on the regeneration work being undertaken in the Woodgate area of the Ward.


David Beale, Development Planner, Planning Transportation and Economic Development, presented an update concerning development in the Fosse ward. 


David displayed a plan of the development area and indicated sites which had been brought forward for development.  He commented on some high profile sites and development areas and explained the planning history to those sites and areas.  He asked the meeting to note that in many cases planning approval had been granted for sites but that the schemes remained unimplemented.  This was due to a large extent to the current recession and the resultant financial situation of developers and land owners.


In respect of the buildings and site at Friars Mill, David explained that the site had been purchased by the Council as an investment to allow that part of the city approach to be improved.  It was considered that the site would be attractive to developers and the marketing of the site would be aimed at encouraging a high standard of development.  The meeting welcomed the initiative to purchase the site.  Owners of other derelict and unused buildings in the ward had been approached with a view to them being reused, particularly those buildings along the riverside frontage where it was felt that high quality conversions to offices could be achieved.


The idea of implementing ‘greening projects’ was explained, whereby sites could be cleared where they had lay redundant for a significant period of time.  The importance to undertake this work and to maintain the redundant areas was highlighted and appreciated by the meeting.


In reply to a question David described the consultation process held with developers and potential developers concerning the height and scale and design of permissible developments.  The meeting discussed the importance of good design, particularly along the riverside and canal areas. The possibility of enhancing and improving the network of bridges was also discussed.  Comments were also raised concerning the need for adequate traffic infrastructure to serve developments.  It was noted in some areas that the existing streets would require greater access arrangements than was currently available.


At this point, David referred to item 8 of the Agenda ‘Derelict Buildings Update’ and advised of the current situation concerning the following sites and areas of concern:


·         Gaps in the cycleway between Rally Park/Waterside and Abbey Park

·         Poor highways signage at riverside entrance at Rally Park

·         Unsightly scaffolding surrounds vulnerable at risk heritage building (Fiveways House - Vernon Street)

·         Derelict Church adjacent to Empire pub

·         Empire pub boarded up and unsightly

·         Factories, Repton St/ Rugby St.

·         Potential beneficial use of blue cladding building on Balfour Street, adjacent to Fosse primary school

·         Planters by former  Premier Screw (A50) Woodgate, Premier Screw

·         Fire damaged factory, Frog Island (North Bridge Works)


In discussing the above sites it was considered that future major/high impact developments such as the Empire Pub and Premier Screw sites would require and deserve a high level of consultation concerning future use and design.  The suggestion that developers should consult with residents was raised and David explained that this could be requested.  It was noted that the thoughts of the meeting would be taken on board by Officers when considering future proposals and applications.


The update was noted and David was thanked for his comprehensive report.