Agenda item


To discuss a request for fencing at Rally Park



Councillor Waddington referred to a statement prepared by Ade Edge, Play & Youth Development Officer, Parks & Green Spaces in respect of the above.

It was noted that further to recent enquiries about the absence of a dog-proof fence around the new play area at Rally Park a review of the issue had been undertaken by parks Services and the following information was submitted:


Historically dog-proof fencing had been provided around all of the equipped play areas within Parks & Green Spaces, however this approach had been recently reviewed in the light of advice from leading health & safety professionals and as a reflection of changing practice within the play industry.


Advice had also been taken by the Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents (RoSPA) and Play England and the latest view was that play areas should be fenced where there was an identifiable risk to the safety of the children using the play area, for example where there was a busy road or watercourse immediately adjacent to the play space.  It was reported that fencing off a play area could lead to an increase in associated risks. The self-closing gates required to ensure that the play area was kept dog-free could themselves pose a risk to small children and by fencing off a play area children could be at a greater risk of being bullied or intimidated by older children and have less potential escape routes from the play area when this occurred. In addition experience had shown that parents are more likely to play with and supervise their children whilst they play in an unfenced play space than in one that is fully enclosed.


Unfortunately experience had also shown that many dog owners also see these areas as an opportunity to let their dogs off the lead without the fear of them running off and as such they could become unofficial dog-exercise areas.


The Dog Exclusion Orders were currently being reviewed to update the schedule of sites covered and the Rally Park play area would be included within that review. Once this review had been completed the City Wardens would have greater powers to deal with the problems with dogs that were currently being experienced at the site.


In conclusion of the statement the cost of providing a dog-proof fence and gates around the play area were described together with the Section 106 contributions available for the enhancement of Rally Park.


The meeting discussed the statement and referred to the overwhelming desire of residents to have the play area fenced.  In this respect the petition containing over 200 signatures of local residents was highlighted and it was not considered appropriate to apply the policy as described above to the Rally Park play area, given that the fencing had been expressly requested by the residents themselves.  It was further discussed that the policy which covered the situation of play areas overall should not be applied with a blanket approach, and that each paly area should be evaluated separately, as each play area had individual and different circumstances.  In this respect it was considered by the meeting that the Rally park area was unique in its characteristics and should be assessed on its individual suitability and merits.


In respect of the issues concerning the funding it was noted that significant Section 106 monies remained in outstanding balances and that any shortfall could be made-up using the Ward Community Budget if necessary.  It was considered by the meeting that the scheme was not cost-prohibitive and that finance issues should not be used to preclude the suitability of the proposal.


The meeting noted the position and it was agreed to purse the fencing of the play area and submit an update to a future meeting.