There will be an update on community policing and Inspector McBryde-Wilding will also provide an update on the possible closure of the Melton Road Police Station. This was discussed at the previous Rushey Mead Community Meeting on 11 October 2012.
PC Rob Pountney of Leicestershire Police advised the meeting that his role had changed, so he was now a Beacon Officer. Other officers had been moved round and/or had their shift pattern changed, so that more people would be available when needed.
PC Pountney then reported as follows:-
· Overall, reported crime had reduced over the last 3 months, compared to the same time last year:-
o Burglaries from dwellings had reduced from 38 to 28;
o Theft from unattended motor vehicles had reduced from 26 to 13;
o Burglaries at premises other than dwellings were up to 13 from 11;
o Robberies had reduced from 7 to 6;
o Cycle thefts had reduced from 5 to 3;
o The theft of motor vehicles had increased from zero to 3
Rushey Mead therefore had one of the lowest crime rates in the city;
· The Police did a lot of work with secondary schools. For example:-
o Participation in citizenship lessons;
o Towards the end of the summer term, a week would be spent targeting anti-social behaviour; and
o Maintaining an office at Soar Valley College;
· A Neighbourhood Watch area had been set up in Lockerbie Avenue. All areas were encouraged to do this, as a way for people to help protect their own neighbourhood; and
· The Police relied on information being provided on activities in people’s areas. All residents therefore were encouraged to contact the Police with concerns and/or information.
In response to comments from a resident, PC Pountney undertook to visit the area at the back of the Lockerbie Road shops in which young people were congregating.
Inspector Ed McBryde-Wilding of Leicestershire Police reminded the meeting that rumours of the possible closure of Melton Road police Station previously had been discussed, (minute 55, “Police and Community Safety Update”, 11 October 2012 referred). Nothing definite had been decided about this, but a footfall analysis showed that only one or two people a day were using that station. The team policing the Rushey Mead ward was based at Keyham Lane police station, so if Melton Road police station did close it would have little impact on policing in the ward.
Concerns were raised that there could be an increase in Asian homes being targeted for burglaries since banks stopped providing safety deposit boxes. Sergeant McBryde-Wilding advised that this was a national issue, as the availability of safety deposit boxes had reduced due to insurance problems arising when it had not been possible to verify the contents of some boxes.
However, the National Bank of India was considering increasing the number of safety deposit boxes it had available. There also was a private company in Birmingham that provided safety deposit boxes and the Police were working with them to see if a facility could be provided in Leicester. In the meantime, residents were reminded that a personal safe in a house should not be stored in an obvious place and should not be bolted to the floor.
A resident reported that groups of young people gathered outside the bank on the corner by the roundabout on Humberstone Lane. Sergeant McBryde-Wilding advised that he was not aware of any reports of anti-social behaviour at this location. PC Pountney reported that young people also gathered in the park in the Christopher Drive area, but that part of Humberstone Lane was very quiet, so did not always get visited much by Police patrols.
The meeting was advised that, if the Police had not had any problems reported, they were unlikely to stop groups of young people, but if there were known problems resources could be targeted to them. It was stressed that reporting problems did not criminalise young people, as the Police could explore resources and/or services that could be put in to an area.
A resident reminded the meeting that Section 106 funding was available that needed to be spent on provision for young people. One suggestion was that a kick-wall could be provided for use when playing football. The Police suggested that they could liaise with the agencies concerned to consider what the best use of the money would be.
1) That the Police visit the area at the back of the Lockerbie Road shops in which young people are congregating;
2) That consideration be given by the Ward Councillors to how they can support the work being done to increase the number of safety deposit boxes available for personal use; and
3) That the Police work with the agencies concerned to consider what the best use would be for the Section 106 funding available for provision for young people in the Ward.