Agenda item


Councillors are reminded that they will need to declare any interest they may have in budget applications, and/or indicate that Section 106 of the Local Government Finance Act 1992 applies to them.


The Member Support Officer will present the latest position with regard to the Ward Community Budget.


The following applications have been received for consideration:



Application 1


Applicant       Sharda Parmar – Co-ordinator, Maya Well-Being Project


Amount          £2,340


Proposal        Maya Well-Being Project


Summary      The project is based at the Aapka Centre on Pool Road and                          aims to improve and sustain the health and well-being of elderly                      women and men through managed exercise routines.



Application 2


Applicant       Steven Ashley – Secretary, Leicester Play Fair


Amount          £1,150 (of £5,750 applied for from five wards)


Proposal        Lame Duck Summer PGL Activity Camp


Summary      A summer camp for around fifty children aged 10-12 years.  The                 children are from LSOA areas within the city who would be                                  unlikely to afford the opportunity on their own.




a)         Previously Approved Grants


The meeting noted that the following grants had been approved under the Council’s fast-track procedure:-


·           £400 for two grit bins (applicant: Leicester City Council)

One bin would be placed at the Bonchurch Street entrance to Rally Park and one would be placed at the Tudor Road entrance to the Park.


·           £475 for equipment for the Empire Indoor Bowls Club (applicant: Empire Indoor Bowls Club)

The meeting noted that the request for funding for refreshments had not been approved.


b)        Maya Well-Being Project


Sharda Parmar, the applicant, explained that the Project had been running for over 8 years.  It focussed on improving the health and wellbeing of Black and Minority Ethnic elderly women and men.  There currently were approximately 27 members.



That a grant of £2,340 to Sharda Parmar for the Maya Well-Being Project be supported.


c)         Lame Duck Summer PGL Activity Camp



That a grant of £1,150 to Steven Ashley, Secretary of Leicester Play Fair, towards a Lame Duck Summer PGL Activity Camp be supported.


d)        Educational / Cultural Visit to London


A representative of the 13th Leicester Girls Brigade addressed the meeting.  She advised that the group was attended by up to 40 girls aged between 4 and 18 from different ethnic and social backgrounds.  As many had limited opportunities, it was proposed to make an educational and cultural visit to London.  Grant assistance had been requested in order that none of the girls would be excluded.



1)    That a grant of £500 to the 13th Leicester Girls Brigade towards the cost of an educational / cultural visit to London be supported; and


2)    That the 13th Leicester Girls Brigade be asked to give a report on the trip referred to under 1) above to the next Fosse Community Meeting.


e)         Woodgate Adventure Playgrounds “Art-Attack”



That a grant of £500 to Maxine Hay, Senior Worker at Woodgate Adventure Playground, towards Woodgate Adventure Playgrounds “Art-Attack” be supported.


f)          Purchase of Sewing Machines


David Hollis, operations Manager for the Square Mile Project, addressed the meeting.  He explained that Threadworks was run by two residents.  The group had 10 sewing machines, which could be used free of charge and other skills also were developed, such as knitting and crochet. 


The group was very popular and ways were being sought to get more people involved.  It therefore was hoped that larger costs could be met now, to enable the group to be sustainable over a long period of time.


In reply to a question, David Hollis confirmed that adequate storage for the sewing machines to be bought with the grant requested was available.



That a grant of £695 to David Hollis, Operations Manager of the Square Mile Project, for the purchase of five sewing machines for use by the Threadworks group be supported.


g)        Balance of Ward Community Budget



1)    That 10% of the 2012/13 Ward Community Budget be carried forward to the 2013/14 financial year;


2)    That the development a community leaflet for all Fosse ward residents be supported, funding for this to come from the money allocated under resolution 1) above; and


3)    That any money remaining in the Fosse Ward Community Budget at the end of the financial year be used as a contribution to the cost of providing fencing around the playground area in Rally Park.