Agenda item


Councillors are reminded that they will need to declare any interest they may have in budget applications, and/or indicate that Section 106 of the Local Government Finance Act 1992 applies to them.


To consider the following applications for grants from the 2013/14 Eyres Monsell Ward Community Budget:-


a)    Goldhill Play – Youth Work sessions - £500

b)    Eyres Monsell (Joint bid with Freemen) – The BIG Lunch - £250 – submitted by Saffron Community Health Alliance in partnership with: Linwood Lunch Club & Linwood Community Association

c)    Parks Services / Goldhill Adventure Playground – Security Bollards, Goldhill Adventure Playground - £690

d)    Andy Perkins – Andy’s Community Kitchen, Feeding the Community - £500

e)    Pink Lizard developing youth and community – Open access young ladies dance and sports sessions - £500

f)     Smart Sports Solutions Limited – Eyres Monsell Summer Scheme 2013 - £1,550

g)    Saffron Neighbourhood Management Board on behalf of the event steering group – Saffron Neighbourhood Christmas Celebration Event - £500

h)   Steve Joseph – Steel Pans Workshops - £500 fast tracked awaiting payment

i)     Eyres Monsell Primary School Parent School Association – Eyres Monsell Primary School Annual School Fete - £2,000


A budget information sheet is attached to the agenda for information.



The Chair explained that the following funding applications had been received and considered by the Ward Councillors.


Proposal: Youth Work Sessions

Submitted by: Dee Dixon, Goldhill Play

Amount requested: £500 (joint bid with Freemen Ward - £1,000 in total)



                        that the funding application be supported in full to the value of £500.


Proposal: The Big Lunch

Submitted by: Saffron Community Health Alliance in partnership with Linwood Lunch Club & Linwood Community Association

Amount requested: £250 (joint bid with Freemen Ward)


Members approved the application but requested information on whether the funding was still required.



                        that the funding application be approved in full pending further information - £250.


Proposal: Goldhill Adventure Playground Security Bollards

Submitted by: Parks Services / Goldhill Adventure Playground

Amount requested: £690


Members deferred the application, and requested further information from Parks Services as to whether the bollards would be effective in improving security.



                        that the funding application be deferred pending further information.


Proposal: Andy’s Community Kitchen – Feeding the Community

Submitted by: Andy Perkins

Amount requested: £500


Members were minded to support the application for the full amount, but requested further information on the status of the organisation and accounts information.



                        that the funding application be approved in full pending further information - £500.





Proposal:      Open access young ladies dance and sports sessions

Submitted by: Pink Lizard – developing youth and community

Amount requested: £500



                        that the funding application be supported in full to the value of £500.


Proposal:      Eyres Monsell Summer Scheme

Submitted by: Smart Sport Solutions Limited

Amount requested: £1,550


Members asked for information on what funding schools received from Government. They were also aware Saffron Young People’s Project had been awarded £300,000 and asked if some of the money was being used at the Academy. Members were minded to fund half of the requested amount in the application pending further information received.



                        that the funding application be supported to the value of £775.


Proposal:      Saffron Neighbourhood Christmas Celebration Event

Submitted by: Saffron Neighbourhood Management Board on behalf of the event steering group

Amount requested: £500



                        that the funding application be supported in full to the value of £500.


Proposal:      Eyres Monsell Primary School Annual School Fete

Submitted by: Eyres Monsell Primary School Parent School Association

Amount requested: £2,000


Members requested that the application be reviewed in 2014/15, and information be passed on to the applicant informing them they should undertake fundraising activities.



                        that the funding application be supported to the value of £1,500.


Proposal:      Christmas Dinner for the Coffee Morning Club

Submitted by: Jean Dutfield, The Coffee Morning

Amount requested: £200



                        that the funding application be supported in full to the value of £200.



Applications Approved under the Fast Track Process


Proposal:      Steel Pans Workshop

Submitted by: Steve Joseph

Amount requested: £595



                        that the funding application be supported to the value of £500.




The meeting heard that after the above applications had been supported, there was a balance of £13,725 in the Eyres Monsell community meeting budget.


Supporting documents: