Agenda item


Members will provide an update on patch-walks in the Beaumont Leys.


Councillor Westley reported that litter problems and parking problems had been observed on Bishopdale Road and an Action Plan had been drawn up.


A resident highlighted the car parking problems on Heathley Park Drive and also the issues around youths damaging cars and of the seeming lack of police presence. PC Woolman stated that the Government cuts had seriously reduced the numbers of police across the County and further cuts were planned.


Members of the public were reminded that the City Council collected, free of charge, up to 5 items of bulky waste per household. It was suggested that maybe a notice could be displayed outside the communal bin areas highlighting the phone numbers of the City Council Bulky Waste Collection Service.


Due to incidences of fly-tipping at Castle Hill Park some £20k had to be spent on clearing out ditches. There was a need to highlight that littering such facilities could lead to large amounts of expenditure to clear up.


It was reported that work was underway to integrate the current Parking Enforcement Officers into the City Warden Service. As a direct result it was also planned that City Wardens would then be undertaking enforcement of vehicle parking on double yellow lines across the City.


The Chair reported that a new Pet Shop was due to open in The Centre very soon.


The Council was looking to alleviate car parking problems in the vicinity of local businesses such as the Hospital, Sunlight Bakery and Samworth Bros.


Travellers were also a problem in the area, relating to unauthorised encampments and officers were working to address the problems. The City Mayor was putting forward planning applications for 2 travellers sites (Redhill and Beaumont Leys), the local community and Ward Councillors were strongly opposing these applications. It was stated that Ward Councillors could facilitate discussions around objecting to the planning applications and represent local residents at the Planning and Development Control Committee but would not be able to offer legal advice. The aim was to be able to achieve the maximum impact and to maximise the effect when the objections were submitted to the City Council.


Councillor Dempster reported that the Community Meeting had recently granted funding to the Heathley Park Residents Group to stage a Bank Holiday event. The event had taken place and had been well attended.


Councillor Dempster stated that there were problems of street drinkers that tended to gather around the Barleycroft Centre and were putting off several groups that wanted to use the Centre, to the extent that these groups had opted to go elsewhere. It was stated that the area referred to was not the subject of a ‘no drinking zone’ like the City Centre. It was generally agreed that the local shops selling alcohol should be taking a more responsible attitude. Councillor Westley stated that he would be taking this issue up with Licensing Officers with a request that they look more closely at the Barleycroft shops and street drinking in that area.Councillor Dempster suggested that a meeting be arranged between Ward Councillors, the Police and Licensing Officers, this was agreed.



                        that the information be noted.