Agenda item



i)          4th July


Minute 20 – Matters Arising from the Minutes


·         City Mayor’s Delivery Plan – Report to be referred to Overview Select Committee in October 2013 and an update on targets related to this Commission has been added to the Work Programme for the December meeting.


Minute 23 – New Household Waste Recycling Centre


·         An update report to come back to this Scrutiny Commission in January 2014 on the re-use Pilot Scheme (Pass it on Scheme)


Minutes 27 – Work Programme


·         A Site Visit for Members to visit the new Customer Service Centre in Granby Street to be arranged as soon as possible after the facility opens.


ii)         20th August


Minute 34 – Community Services Charging Scheme -

Responses from Officers to the recommendations


Responses from the officers were tabled at the meeting, as set out below: -




1)           Officers consider a re-classification of those groups that currently use community facilities and have expressed concerns at the level of charges they are expected to pay.


Response: Officers are working case by case on each group to verify that the community group is being correctly assigned to the charge scale of the new scheme. Each group that has requested this will be informed of the outcome of the verification process.


2)           Officers consider that where a Community Centre has a ‘lounge type’ or communal area, consideration be given for the group to use the space for free or at a discounted rate to reflect the non-exclusive nature of these areas/ rooms.


Response: Officer have identified the specific areas in the centres that would be designated as “lounge” or drop in areas (areas outlined below for information) together with a criteria for use on a consistent basis.


1.    African Caribbean Centre               Café

2.    Brite                                                    Library and Reception Area

3.    EyresMonsell                                   Lounge

4.    Fosse                                                 Library

5.    Linwood Centre                                Hall

6.    Manor House                                    old lounge

7.    St Matthews                                       Library

8.    Stocking Farm                                  Healthy Living Centre Reception

9.    Thurnby Lodge                                 Community Library

10.Tudor                                                  Area behind reception and adjacent                                                         rooms                                                                              


3)           Officers look to extend the same the transitional arrangements that have been offered to groups at the Rushey Mead Recreation Centre to similar groups across the City, where if the group have historically not been charged for the use of a room, transitional support is extended from 7 months to 2 years.


Response: Officers have applied the 2 year transition payment scheme to those groups who are currently not paying for the room which do not qualify for “lounge” or drop in status. Each group will be informed of the outcome of the change.


4)           Officers look to find ways of reflecting within the fees and charging scheme the voluntary nature of work undertaken by certain groups who do not currently benefit from the discount or payback scheme offered to groups within a partnership agreement.


Response: The new Fees and Charges provides a 65% discount on the standard rate to recognise community group activities are operated on a voluntary basis and their contribution to encourage community involvement.


5)           Officers to formalise ways of signposting community groups to appropriate sources of funding.


Response: An information leaflet has been developed and a poster campaign will be launched by the end of September. Following the Community Services Organisational Review the new role of Community Engagement Officer will provide specific support to groups to make funding applications.


6)                       Community groups who have taken the time to write a written response to the consultation on the proposed Charging Scheme need to be given a formal response to their feedback, and that they are kept informed of the implementation and operation of the new Scheme.


Response: A letter has been devised and will be sent to all groups that have made a submission regarding their fees and charges by 6th September 2013.


7)                       Following the recent problems experienced with the Charging Scheme consultation exercise, databases             containing details of community groups using the centres be updated more regularly, and more consideration is given to the way we engage with these groups             effectively.


Response: Officers are currently developing a database which will capture the accurate information to assist in the use and development of centre programmes; income collection; and knowledge and contact with community groups. This will also provide a monthly report to the Assistant Mayor and Service Director, Culture and Neighbourhoods.


8)        An impact assessment is completed covering the usage of community facilities and also the financial implications for the period immediately following the implementation of the new Charging Scheme. A report back to this Scrutiny Commission to be made in 6 months.


Response: Officers are currently working on this to provide robust information for the Scrutiny Report to be presented in six month time.



                        i)          that the commission would like a more detailed response                                     to recommendation 2, as set out above, at a future                                          meeting as it was noted that this is a key                                                            recommendation and the response is not fully developed                                     yet.


                        ii)         that the information reported be noted and that an update                                    and an impact assessment to come to the commission in                                  6 months time.