Agenda item


Councillors are reminded that they will need to declare any interest they may have in budget applications, and/or indicate that Section 106 of the Local Government Finance Act 1992 applies to them.


The Community Meeting to note that the current Community Meeting Budget Balance is £16,780.


The following applications have been received since the last meeting and are to be considered by the Community Meeting.


i)          Christmas Meal                                                                               £830

An application received from the Twilight Senior Citizen Group to joint fund, with Coleman Ward, a Christmas Meal for senior citizens on 21st December 2013.


ii)         Refurbishment of Kitchen                                                           £2,000

An application received on behalf of Humberstone Royal British Legion to part fund the refurbishment of the kitchen at the premises of the Humberstone Royal British Legion.


iii)        Humberstone Park Bonfire and Fireworks                             £3,000

Application received on behalf of the Humberstone Village Community Forum to part fund the staging of a Fireworks Display and Bonfire on Humberstone Park. Similar applications have also been submitted to Charnwood, Coleman and Evington Community Meetings.


iv)        Improving Futures in the Community                                       £500

Application received on behalf of The Emerald Centre to fund a course entitled “Computer Skills for the Terrified” for the benefit of 40 persons who will have attended sessions aimed at improving the lives of vulnerable people, particularly the elderly and unemployed, who have become isolated and who have difficulty accessing services. A similar application has also been sent to Charnwood Community Meeting.


An update was given on the community meeting budget. The following funding applications were considered and it was explained that as Councillor Patel was unable to be present, she would be informed of the views taken at the meeting and her opinion also sought.


Christmas Meal: £830


An application was received from the Twilight Citizen Group to joint fund with the Coleman Ward, a Christmas meal for senior citizens, at the Highfield’s Rangers, Gleneagles Avenue.


The application was not supported, as a Christmas meal would be held at the Armadale Centre and local senior citizens had indicated that they did not wish to travel to another ward.



that the application from the Twilight Citizen Group be un-supported.


Refurbishment of Kitchen: £2000


An application was received from the Humberstone Royal British Legion for kitchen refurbishment. The Chair explained that the maximum that would be supported from the Humberstone and Hamilton Ward would be £1000; amounts in excess of this were only approved in exceptional circumstances. A representative from the British Legion indicated that they would be able to proceed with the refurbishment even if the ward could only part fund the project.



                        that the application be supported to the value of £1,000


Humberstone Park Bonfire and Fireworks: £3000


The Chair explained that the Humberstone Park Bonfire and Firework’s event would not now take place, because the necessary funding would not be forthcoming from all of the surrounding identified wards. Instead, the £3000 that had been set aside for the event, would be transferred to the £7382 that had already been committed for the work to the Gypsy Lane pedestrian crossing project. A request was also made for the City Mayor to match fund the amount already committed by the Humberstone and Hamilton Ward for the pedestrian crossing.



1)    that the Humberstone Park Bonfire and Firework event be unsupported as the necessary funding would not be forthcoming from all the identified wards;

2)    that £3000 be added to the funding already committed towards the Gypsy Lane pedestrian crossing project.

3)    that the City Mayor be asked to match fund the amount already committed by the Humberstone and Hamilton Community Meeting for the Gipsy Lane pedestrian crossing.


Improving Futures in the Community.: £500


An application was received on behalf of the Emerald Centre to fund a course entitled “Computer Skills for the Terrified”. It was agreed that although £500 had been requested, the Ward Community Meeting would support to the bid to £1000, because the cost of providing I.T. was expensive and the project benefitted many users from Humberstone and Hamilton.



                        that the funding application be supported to the value of £1000.



The Dream Academy of Dancing: 20 Years Anniversary Fun Day: £500


A funding application had been received for a fun day to be held at Jimmy’s Rugby Club, Leicester on 28 June 2014. The Dream Academy were a local dancing school and the majority of the children that attended came from the Hamilton, Netherhall and Thurnby Lodge areas. It was agreed to support the funding application to the value of £500.



that the funding application be supported in full to the value of £500.



Security Gates for the Garages in St Mary’s Court, Humberstone, Leicester: £500


A representative for the St Mary’s Court Residents presented the funding application and it was explained that the proposal had been suggested by the Community Safety Development Officer, Shobhana Patel, as a measure to prevent anti-social behaviour. It was agreed to support the funding application to the value of £500.



that the funding application be supported in full to the value of £500.


Avago Group, Visit to a Craft Centre and Lunch: £200


A funding application had been received from the Avago Group to visit the Breedon Priory Craft Centre, to introduce new arts and craft skills, materials and equipment. Funding was also requested for transport and lunch. The group met at the Netherhall Neighbourhood Centre. It was agreed to support the funding application to the value of £200,



that the funding application be supported in full  to the value of £200.


Winter Wonderland: £500


A funding application had been received from the Netherhall Neighbourhood Centre to provide a ‘Winter Wonderland’ event. It was anticipated that this would be held at the centre, during the second week of December and would be aimed at children, young people and adults.  It was agreed to support the funding application to the value of £500.



that the funding application be supported in full to the value of £500.



Senior Citizens’ Residential: £568


A funding application had been received from the Twilight Hour Group to take members on a residential trip to a coastal area in February 2014. It was agreed to support the funding application in full to the value of £568.



                        that the funding application be supported to the value of £568.


Action to be taken

Officer identified


For the funding applications as discussed at the meeting to be forwarded to Councillor Rita Patel for ratification and then submitted to the Assistant City Mayor for Community Involvement for final approval.

Anita Patel, Member Support Officer

As soon as possible