Agenda item


The Director, Culture and Neighbourhood Services submits a report which outlines the results of the consultation on the Libraries Printed Music and Drama Services and which identifies the next steps.  The commission is asked to note the results of the consultation and also note and comment on the proposed next steps.



The Chair stated that he had decided to bring this item of business forward on the agenda due to the attendance of interested members of the public.  He added that he had agreed that Cheryl Bennett from ‘Making Music’ could briefly address the commission on behalf of the interested parties.


Councillor Russell, The Assistant City Mayor for Neighbourhood Services,  presented the report and explained that the council were facing extremely difficult financial times and it was necessary to look at ways of continuing the service whilst at the same time minimising the financial impact.


There had been a very good response to the consultation exercise and as a result of the consultation a number of different options had been suggested, along with differing suggestions as to how much should be charged for subscriptions. There would now be a further period of engagement where the council would talk to organisations such as Making Music and also other local authorities. A further report would be brought back to the commission before a final decision was taken.


A comment was raised that at £23,000 the cost of the service was relatively small when compared to the total budget. Assistant City Mayor Russell responded that the amount might seem modest, but it was the equivalent of a member of staff in a library and people wanted libraries to remain open longer. Other savings were also being sought in all the different areas within her portfolio. The meeting also heard that only 25% of the users of the service were by city groups and there was a need to look at what tax payers’ money was being used for in the city.  Assistant City Mayor Russell added that further reductions in the budget were expected and there was a need to find a sustainable solution to safeguard the music and drama library service.


In response to a question regarding service users, Assistant City Mayor Russell explained that 75% of the users were from the county and further afield. The meeting heard that Leicestershire County Council did not make a contribution to the service and the Assistant City Mayor Russell was asked to write to the country council to request a contribution towards the service.


The Chair invited Cheryl Bennett from ‘Making Music’ to address the meeting. Ms Bennett reported that many people would be affected by a reduction in service funding and she asked the council to work with Making Music in developing the next proposal as they had good examples as to how other authorities had responded to this challenge.


Assistant City Mayor Russell confirmed that she would be happy to work with Making Music and also in response to a request from a Member, agreed to circulate a postcode analysis of service users to all members of the commission.



1)      that the commission note the report;


2)      that a letter from the Assistant City Mayor for Neighbourhood Services be sent to Leicestershire County Council to request a contribution towards the Printed Music and Drama Service,


3)    that the City Council work with ‘Making Music’ in developing their next proposal;


4)    that a postcode analysis of service users be circulated to all members of the commission; and


5)      following the further consultation phase, an updated report to be brought back to the commission prior to a decision being made by the Executive.

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