The Action Log from the meeting held on 17 June 2014 is attached for information and discussion
The Action Log of the meeting held on 17 June was confirmed as a correct record.
Matters Arising:
a) Castle Classic and Sky Ride Cycling Events
Castle Classic:
The event was held on Sunday 17 August 2014 and had been well attended with positive feedback having been received.
The event had been held on Sunday 24 August and had been very successful with a significant number of participants, estimated at 14,000 people of all ages and abilities.
It was noted that that the success of SkyRide relied on continuing improved organisation from the experiences of each event year on year. In this respect, it was confirmed that for next year’s event, consideration would be given to revisions to the route where some motorists had been unwilling to cooperate with the organisers and had been reluctant to move vehicles, including vehicles on the route that had been parked overnight.
The meeting noted the improved arrangements for this year’s event with a greater number of cyclists taking part and using Bede Park as a congregation point. It was considered that the initiative to make water available to participants at the park had been well received.
In respect of accessibility the meeting welcomed the report that the availability of ‘adaptabikes’ had meant that the SkyRide event had been enjoyed by an increased number of less abled participants.
b) Leicester Centre for Integrated Living (LCIL)
It was reported that LCIL were continuing to work effectively in managing the West End Neighbourhood Centre. The suggestion made at the previous meeting for the Centre to work with representatives of ‘Upstairs at the Western’ had been taken up and positive feedback had been received.
c) Bede Park
Councillor Russell referred to the recent installation of the CCTV system in Bede Park, which was now fully operational. The meeting welcomed the announcement and improved security and security to park users.
Extension of the Park:
It was reported that since the Council had acquired the land neighbouring the Tesco store adjacent to the park, work would be commencing shortly to tidy, level and seed the area concerned.
Development Plan:
It was reported that plans for the long-term development of the park were being developed in consultation with residents and the university. It was noted that the Landscape Development Officer would be attending the next meeting to discuss the draft layout of the park.
It was requested that the availability of S.106 planning contributions associated with the development of the park be clarified in time for the next meeting.
d) Planning and Development Control
It was reported that the objections to the application at Freeman’s Meadow had been submitted and that the application had been refused outline consent.
An amendment to the application at the former railway building on Upperton Road had been approved allowing for a minor reconfiguration of the building and for leisure and recreational use. The use would be in operation for the benefit of students who were resident in other neighbouring developments. The need to bring the building back into use had been the principal consideration in approving the change to the previously approved scheme.
Suggestions were requested for the use of S.106 contributions for improvements in the Ward. Councillors stated that they could be contacted directly with any suggestions for improvements to the green space in the Ward. The areas of land adjacent to Upperton Road and the Great Central Way were suggested and the land ownership of these areas would be investigated.
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