The City Warden will provide an update on environmental and enforcement activities in the North Evington Ward and give feedback on the Patch Walk.
Jethro Swift, City Warden for North Evington gave an update on environmental issues in the ward and feedback from the patch walk.
Several issues identified at the patch walk had been passed to the relevant department and were now complete.
Ongoing issues included:
· Private land to the rear of 92-104 Forest Road – a notice was served on the land, meeting held with residents and contact made with the land owner. Jethro was informed that works to clear the site would commence the 1st week of October. A further letter would be sent from City Warden to the land owner informing them of the consequences if the land was not cleared.
· Residents made requests for new alley-gates on Halstead Street & Baggrave Street due to fly tipping and ASB in the alleyways. City Wardens were looking into the Baggrave Street gate request. A new gate was approved for Halstead Street and due to be fitted in October 2015, however a resident had contested the proposed gate therefore the planned installation had to be cancelled. This case would now be referred to the legal department and all residents would be informed on the progress.
· Issues of litter and rubbish in the Willowbrook storm drain – a request for the entrance to be cleared was sent to the Highways Maintenance department, the City Wardens were awaiting a response.
· Fly tipping on Humberstone Road and Mornington Street – The private land belonged to company ‘JCDecaux’ and was their responsibility to maintain. The company had now cleared the rubbish and enquiries were made by the Cleansing Local Area Manager for North Evington to work with JCDecaux to set up regular cleaning schedules.
· Nisa Groceries shop located at 131 Bridge Road - Goods such as; metal cages, plastic trays, wooden crates, their commercial bins and more were encroaching on the public highway of Bridge Road/ Green Lane Road which was not permitted. The City Warden had spoken to the shop owner regarding the issues; however no major improvements were made. Jethro was currently in the process of drafting a letter listing the offences which were being committed and the results if the breach continued.
· Fly tipping was a general issue across the ward and city wide. The City Warden had been door knocking and speaking to residents in the local area. Information, education or warning letters regarding the matter had also been sent to several residents. Jethro was currently putting in place a project with other City Wardens to educate residents on pigeon feeding.
Comments made by Members:
· Councillor Osman requested the City Warden to look into providing language translations for the service.
· In regards to Highways matters, Councillor Osman requested the Community Engagement Officer to invite Martin Fletcher from the Highways Team to the next meeting to give an update on traffic and parking issues on Green Lane Road.
· It was noted that the Ward Councillors had been working with the City Mayor regarding ‘one way systems’ in the ward. Plans were being looked into.