Agenda item





Louise Seymour and Rosie Dymond (Development Team) reported on the consultation exercise being undertaken in respect of the proposed improvements to St George’s Churchyard.


It was reported that the consultation would conclude on 3 August 2016. 


An exhibition at LCB Depot included details of proposed options for the area, and information panels from the exhibition were displayed for information.


The consultation involved a questionnaire exercise, which could be completed online as part of the Council’s consultation hub webpage, and manually by completing forms available at the exhibition.


Councillors referred to the removal of tress as part of the proposals for each option and commented on the recent Centenary Walk works at Victoria Park where many objections to the removal of mature trees had been expressed.  Councillors commented that the consultation and planning processes for the works had been properly undertaken, although at a significantly earlier period.  It was considered that the total visual effect of the works had not been explicitly explained at that time and that this had led to the regrettable situation given the sudden impact of the works.


In this respect it was considered that a similar impact of works should be avoided at St George’s Churchyard, it being noted that one option proposed the removal of 26 trees.  A second option involved the removal of 9 of the trees. 


Officers gave details of each of the options and confirmed that the removal of lime trees had been proposed to provide greater light and improved accessibility and connectivity through the churchyard.  It was indicated that some of the trees were over-mature and that thinning out would not provide the long term improvements sought.


It was also reported that improved architectural feature lighting was proposed together with the relocation of the Mermaid artwork ‘arches’ from West Bridge.  In this respect the original siting of the artwork as part of the former Wholesale Market was explained.


In concluding the presentation, it was confirmed that following the conclusion and results of the current consultation process any scheme would then require a planning application and through this process there would be a further opportunity for consultation and representations to be made.


In discussing the options it was considered by Councillors that there was likely to be an opposition to the removal of trees, following the reaction to the works at Victoria Park.  It was noted that the Church supported the removal of trees to assist their site maintenance, due to the reduced problems of leaf litter affecting drainage and to increase security with an improved and more accessible and open churchyard.


The Police also commented that they would fully support the removal of trees as the area suffered from significant anti-social behaviour problems.  The Police considered that the improved accessibility and pathway alignment would help to solve these problems.  It was considered that the area would be used more frequently should it be made lighter and more accessible and that it was important for people to feel safe when walking through the churchyard.


The appropriateness of the outdoor gym proposal was questioned by some residents.


In response to questions the process concerning trees protected by Tree Preservation Orders (TPOs) was clarified. It was reported that the majority of the trees in the churchyard were protected due to the Conservation Area status and therefore works or removal would require consent, which would be covered by any future planning application.  It was confirmed that tree works were regularly undertaken to trees that were in Conservation Areas and that had TPOs.


In discussing the publicity of the consultation, it was suggested that this be enhanced as the works to the churchyard affected the whole city.  In view of this, Councillors expressed a wish for the exhibition to be continued and that it be advertised citywide.


In conclusion, the public were asked to complete the questionnaire exercise, either online or by completing forms which were available at the meeting. The results of the consultation and details of a selected scheme would be reported to a future meeting.


b) 20 MPH Zones


In response to a question it was suggested that an update on 20 Mph zones be submitted to the next meeting.


c) To let/For Sale Boards


In response to a question it was suggested that an update on the policy concerning To-Let and For Sale signs be submitted to the next meeting.